1454 items found
A Simply Exquisite Original Bronze Age Short Sword Used From The Trojan Wars To The Greco-Persian Wars Era. The Trojan War Was Waged Against the City of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) After Paris of Troy Took Helen From Her Husband Menelaus, King of Sparta

A Simply Exquisite Original Bronze Age Short Sword Used From The Trojan Wars To The Greco-Persian Wars Era. The Trojan War Was Waged Against the City of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) After Paris of Troy Took Helen From Her Husband Menelaus, King of Sparta

From the late 2nd millennium BC. to early 1st Millenium BC.
A bronze sword with tapering long central ribbed graduating tapering blade, with solid cast hilt 'bulls horn' and domed pommel A sword that could have been traded with the Archean Greeks, the Mycenean Greeks the Trojan peoples and The Hitites.

The trade of Bronze Age weaponry followed trade routes that started in the the Assyrian Empire, East of Babylon, right through to the Mediterranean region, and all of empires and kingdoms in between. Also, all manner of Bronze Age utilitarian wares, personal adornments, and tools came from this famed bronze smithing region and their trading merchants.

In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta. The war is one of the most important events in Greek mythology and has been narrated through many works of Greek literature, most notably Homer's Iliad. The core of the Iliad (Books II – XXIII) describes a period of four days and two nights in the tenth year of the decade-long siege of Troy; the Odyssey describes the journey home of Odysseus, one of the war's heroes. Other parts of the war are described in a cycle of epic poems, which have survived through fragments. Episodes from the war provided material for Greek tragedy and other works of Greek literature, and for Roman poets including Virgil and Ovid.

The ancient Greeks believed that Troy was located near the Dardanelles and that the Trojan War was a historical event of the 13th or 12th century BC, but by the mid-19th century AD, both the war and the city were widely seen as non-historical. In 1868, however, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann met Frank Calvert, who convinced Schliemann that Troy was a real city at what is now Hisarlik in Turkey. On the basis of excavations conducted by Schliemann and others, this claim is now accepted by most scholars.

Whether there is any historical reality behind the Trojan War remains an open question. Many scholars believe that there is a historical core to the tale, though this may simply mean that the Homeric stories are a fusion of various tales of sieges and expeditions by Mycenaean Greeks during the Bronze Age. Those who believe that the stories of the Trojan War are derived from a specific historical conflict usually date it to the 12th or 11th century BC, often preferring the dates given by Eratosthenes, 1194–1184 BC, which roughly correspond to archaeological evidence of a catastrophic burning of Troy VII, and the Late Bronze Age collapse. Legend has it that the war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, gave them a golden apple, sometimes known as the Apple of Discord, marked "for the fairest". Zeus sent the goddesses to Paris of Troy, who judged that Aphrodite, as the "fairest", should receive the apple. In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women and wife of Menelaus of Sparta, fall in love with Paris, who quit Sparta with her and returned to Troy. Menelaus's brother Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, led an expedition of Achaean troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years because of Paris' insult. After the deaths of many heroes, including the Achaeans Achilles and Ajax, and the Trojans Hector and Paris, the city fell to the ruse of the Trojan Horse. The Achaeans slaughtered the Trojans (except for some of the women and children whom they kept or sold as slaves) and desecrated the temples, thus earning the gods' wrath. Few of the Achaeans returned safely to their homes and many founded colonies in distant shores. The Romans later traced their origin to Aeneas, Aphrodite's son and one of the Trojans, who was said to have led the surviving Trojans to modern-day Italy.

57 cm long

A most similar example was in the Axel Guttman collection, a collection that was sold in 2002 by Christies

As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity.  read more

Code: 25684

3650.00 GBP

A Napoleonic Wars Quatre Bras and Waterloo Period, 1796 'Other Ranks' Heavy Cavalry Disc Hilt Sword As Used in The Charges of the Union and Household Brigades at Waterloo, Wellington's Victory Over Napoleon in 1815

A Napoleonic Wars Quatre Bras and Waterloo Period, 1796 'Other Ranks' Heavy Cavalry Disc Hilt Sword As Used in The Charges of the Union and Household Brigades at Waterloo, Wellington's Victory Over Napoleon in 1815

Awaiting its return from three days hand cleaning conservation and hand polishing. Overall before conservation it was in super condition for its use and age, but frightfully dirty. Original black leather grip, typical original unaltered full disc guard with langets intact. Steel disc hilt. The blade is also original hatchet pointed for combat.

A few years ago we were delighted to provide for the Tower of London Royal Armouries Collection an identical, original, 1796 H/C troopers sword to be used in Sean Bean’s {he of Sharpe's Rifles fame etc.} documentary on the effective cutting power of both the versions of the 1796 trooper's swords {heavy and light dragoon} at Waterloo.

This sword used in the Charge of the Union Brigade, such as by the Scots Greys. Also the Household Brigade, the Ist Life Guards the 2nd Life Guards and the Horse Guards
Both the 1st and 2nd Life Guards were part of Lord Somerset's Household Brigade during the Waterloo campaign and took part in the famous charge of the British Heavy Cavalry against Marshal D'Erlon's infantry corps before being subjected to a severe mauling by French lancers and cuirassiers.

A well-known description of the brutal power of the weapon was made by Sgt. Charles Ewart, 2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys) concerning how he captured an Imperial Eagle at Waterloo:

"It was in the charge I took the eagle off the enemy; he and I had a hard contest for it; he made a thrust at my groin I parried it off and cut him down through the head. After this a lancer came at me; I threw the lance off my right side, and cut him through the chin upwards through the teeth. Next, a foot soldier fired at me, then charged me with his bayonet, which I also had the good luck to parry, and I cut him down through the head; thus ended the contest.

Over 10 years ago we were thrilled to acquire a near identical sword, also lacking scabbard, regimentaly marked, used by an NCO of F Troop who rode right alongside Sgt Ewart of the 2nd Dragoon's, 'the Scots Greys' at Waterloo, when he captured the French Standard. That sword we sold to a private museum collection in Canada

A few years after the dawn of the 19th century, came the culminating battle of the long series of hard fought struggles with the once dominant power of France. In common with the rest of the troops, the Scots Grays suffered all the discomforts of mud, rain, soaked clothing and sodden provisions, before the battle of Waterloo. They took up their position on that eventful day behind the left centre of the line, and they were obliged to wait for a long time in chafing inactivity. A multitude of glittering bayonets and streaming colours came sweeping along in cold phalanxes, preceded by clouds of skirmishers. A division of French infantry outstripping their fellows, charged up into the centre of Wellington's position, and forced the summit of the hill upon which was the Duke. The Greys were moved up to support the infantry who were opposing the French advance. Some of the troops composing the attacking force were Napoleon's Foot Guards, great, big, strapping fellows, hardy old campaigners most of them, who had been with their hitherto invincible leader in numberless battles. The troops that prepared to bar the way were also war-scarred veterans who had fought under the Iron Duke in Spain and Portugal, but who were weaker in numbers than the Frenchmen. To the left of the English regiments was a brigade of German cavalry and light horsemen. When the French Guards came up, they charged these, and made frightful havoc of them, men and horses alike. So shaken were the Prussians that they were broken up and forced to retire. The French then turned their attention to the sturdy English regiments who had formed from square into line in order to receive them.

On came the victorious Guards, flushed with the easy triumph of our allies. This was only one of the many critical moments of the day. Uttering fierce cries of " A bas les Anglais!" they swept along. Our brave fellows were not behind hand in their reply, and a fierce bayonet to bayonet, knee to knee struggle commenced. Sheer weight began to tell - the infantry were shaken- the fight broke up into a series of more or less isolated combats. Suddenly the bugles rang out. Orders were shouted. Some semblance of a line was evolved out of the struggling mass. The psychological moment had arrived. The foot soldiers opened ranks, the squadrons passing through the intervals.

Then their turn came. The gallant Uxbridge gave his orders, which were instantaneously given through the throats of the cavalry trumpets - "Tort! Gallop! Charge!"

Down they charged straight at the face of the opposing columns. The foremost ranks of the enemy were absolutely broken up. Away plunged the Greys into the thickest of the fight. Like a huge grey wave topped with crimson and white, the regiment pierced there way through rank after rank of the French. Load above the roar and din of the battle rose the cry "Scotland for ever!" Along they dashed, encountering masses of the enemy that wellnigh overlapped them. The French infantry broke. The firing ceased; and as the smoke slowly curled away on the damp air, the huge white plumes on the towering bearskins were seen like flashes of foam on a troubled sea of struggling, fighting, ensanguined mobs of men. Numberless deeds of daring and valour during that wonderful ride went unnoticed and unrecorded. A man on foot armed with a rifle and bayonet, is generally accounted a match for any cavalry soldier. But at Waterloo when the big heavy men, knee to knee, on the big heavy grey horses, came tearing down upon the French infantry, they carried all before them. Their opponents, stalwart seasoned old soldiers, scattered and were cut down, ridden over, decimated.

During the fight, Sergeant Charles Ewart performed a glorious feat. As the Greys attacked the 45th regiment of French infantry, Ewart singled out the officer who was carrying the Eagle and rode for him. The Frenchman fought hard. He thrust at Ewart's groin; but the Scotsman parried and cut his opponent through the head. Then a French lancer rode up and attacked him by throwing his lance at him. This too, Ewart parried, and then getting furious, he charged the man, and with a strong sweep of his arm and a dexterous turn of the wrist, cut the lancer from his chin upwards right through his teeth. Another Frenchman then came up, this time a foot soldier, and engaged him with his bayonet. But Ewart soon disposed of him by nearly shearing off his head. After this, the gallant fellow went on, Eagle and all, to follow his comrades, but General Ponsonby stopped him.

"You brave fellow!" said the General. "Take that to the rear. You have done enough until you get quit of it." Ewart obeyed orders, but with the greatest reluctance.

Following up their unprecedented success, the Greys went on, charging everything they came across: Lancers, Cuirassiers, Artillery - little they cared -until they actually penetrated to the rear of the French position. Their glorious valour cost them dear, and it was only by hard, desperate fighting that they regained the British lines and resumed their post only just in time to give their mighty support to their gallant comrades of the 92nd Highlanders. This reckless handful - for there were barely 200 of the 92nd left - charged a column of French about 2,000 strong. With the odds of ten to one against them, these brave fellows never hesitated for a moment. They pierced right into the centre of the French, and when the Greys charged up, the Highlanders broke ranks, and clinging to the horsemen's stirrup leathers, went surging into the mass to the wild skirling of the pipes and the yells of "Scotland for ever!" Infantry and cavalry together destroyed or captured nearly every single man of the opposing force.

Small wonder is it that Napoleon, who was greatly impressed by the excellent maneuvering and swordsmanship of the Greys, exclaimed: "Ces terribles chevaux gris! Comme il travaillent!"Unfortunately, during the big charge, the Union Brigade - the Scots Greys, the Royals and the Inniskillings - encouraged and excited by their success which had attended their gallant efforts, followed up their advantage rather too far. They swept across the plain, making light of the ravine that crossed their path, and captured, but failed to bring off, several batteries. But when they had reached the rear of the enemy's position they were naturally much broken and disorganised. The French, smarting under the havoc caused by the serried ranks of the Heavy Dragoons, regained confidence and fell upon the regiments with a large force of Lancers and Cuirassiers. It was a case of fresh troops against spent ones. Yet our men, breathless and panting from their mighty exertions, with their horses covered with mud, fetlock-deep, proved equal to the occasion. They rallied, like the heroes they were, and though sadly cut up, they fought their way through, literally their path back towards their own lines, but not without heavy losses.

The gallant commander of the brigade, Major-General Sir William Ponsonby, was one of those who rode through the victorious charge, but who never returned. His horse was blown, and on the return hopelessly floundered about in the miry depths in a piece of ploughed land. Despite all the efforts of his men, he was set upon and killed by the French Lancers.

When what remained of the regiment came back in two's and three's in scattered groups, the men resumed their former position, exposed to a heavy fire from the French artillery. Great as the British losses had been, those of Napoleon's splendid army were greater, and the French leader sought to force the issue. Well might Wellington sigh for "Night or Blucher"; for in very truth victory was hanging in the balance. Desperate attempts were continually being made by the enemy's infantry as well as by his cavalry to force the stubborn English foot regiments, stretching across the field in isolated squares, to yield their ground. But with bull-dog tenacity they held on with iron grip. The Greys, in common with the Household Cavalry and the other Heavy Dragoons, were condemned to a time of motionless inactivity, until at length the Duke assumed the offensive. The whole army made a simultaneous advance. The Life Guards and the Blues charged, and then the whole line was ordered to move. The Greys, all that was left of them, with men and horses alike refreshed by the enforced bodily rest, joined in the pursuit. For Napoleon's army gave way; his troops were utterly and entirely broken up and pursued with dreadful effect by the English cavalry, were eventually driven from the field, and the glorious field of Waterloo was won!

For their conspicuous gallantry at Waterloo the Greys were allowed to display the Eagle on their guidons, and "Waterloo" on the plume socket of their bearskin caps. Every officer and man who was present at Waterloo received a silver medal, and was entitled to reckon the action as representing two years toward his pension.

Corporal John Dickson's 1796 Heavy Cavalry sword is in the National War Museum and is numbered regimentally the same, Numbered 57 and only six numbers away from the sword we sold to the canadian private museum numbered 51. There were 51 NCO's and other ranks that served in F troop at Waterloo.

This sword has no scabbard, and the steel has overall polished bright traces of salt and pepper surface pitting, excellent original leather grip.  read more

Code: 25687


A Wonderful, Napoleonic Wars Period Museum Piece, A Highest Ranking British Officer's Sword Bespoke Commisioned  For The Highest Ranking Officers of Both The Navy or Army, A 1790's Admiral of the Fleet or Field Marshal's Sword In Fabulous Condition

A Wonderful, Napoleonic Wars Period Museum Piece, A Highest Ranking British Officer's Sword Bespoke Commisioned For The Highest Ranking Officers of Both The Navy or Army, A 1790's Admiral of the Fleet or Field Marshal's Sword In Fabulous Condition

A near identical sword was carried by Admiral of the Fleet Sir Peter Parker (1721 – 21 December 1811), and The Iron Duke, The Duke of Wellington.

Mercurial gilt fluted pattern hilt, with Adam urn pommel and solid silver triple wire binding, oval fluted hilt guard. Triple edged blade, with superb and elaborate engraving and traces of blue and gilt.

The sword used by the most senior of officers of the army and navy of Britain, field marshals and admirals of the fleet, and kings and princes of the royal family, since the 1780's until the 1820's.

Pictures in the gallery of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Peter Parker, and Field Marshal Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany.

This Anglo-Irish soldier, the Duke of Wellington, and statesman fought as Field Marshal of the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars. With the help from Prussian Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, he defeated Napoleon at Waterloo on June 18, 1815 and became a hero in England.

The office of marshal was already well established in England by the 12th century, but the modern military title of field marshal was introduced into the British army in 1736 by King George II, who imported it from Germany. In Britain the rank came to be bestowed only upon a few senior army officers,

From the 1790's to the 1820's here are the Field Marshals of Britain

Henry Seymour Conway (1793)
HRH Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1793)
Sir George Howard (1793)
HRH The Prince Frederick Augustus, 1st Duke of York and Albany (1795)
John Campbell, 5th Duke of Argyll (1796)
Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst of Montreal (1796)
John Griffin Griffin, 4th Baron Howard de Walden (1796)
Studholme Hodgson (1796)
George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend (1796)
Lord Frederick Cavendish (1796)
Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond and Lennox (1796)
HRH The Prince Edward Augustus, 1st Duke of Kent and Strathearn (1805)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Marquis of Wellington (1813)
HRH The Prince Ernest Augustus, 1st Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale (1813)
HRH The Prince Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge (1813)
HRH Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1816)
HRH Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (1816)
Charles Moore, 1st Marquess of Drogheda (1821)

The ranks of Admiral of the Fleet and Admiral of the Red were formally separated from 1805, with an announcement in the London Gazette that "His Majesty has been pleased to order the Rank of Admirals of the Red to be restored" in His Majesty's Navy..." as a separate role. The same Gazette promoted 22 men to that rank. From the nineteenth century onward there were also occasional variations to the previous requirement that only one Admiral of Fleet could serve at one time. In 1821 George IV appointed Sir John Jervis as a second admiral of the fleet, to balance the Duke of Wellington's promotion as a second Field Marshal in the British Army.

Admirals of the Fleet

12 March 1796 The Earl Howe
16 September 1799 Sir Peter Parker, Bt.
24 December 1811 King William IV at that time as The Duke of Clarence and St Andrews
19 July 1821 The Earl of St Vincent

Excellent condition overall , no scabbard.  read more

Code: 24953

2450.00 GBP

A Superb, Original, 1796 Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword, Napoleonic Wars and Waterloo Period, with a Broadsword Blade, Steel Combat Scabbard with Close Combat Blade Impact

A Superb, Original, 1796 Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword, Napoleonic Wars and Waterloo Period, with a Broadsword Blade, Steel Combat Scabbard with Close Combat Blade Impact

1796 regulation dress pattern copper gilt hilt, with boatshell guard, D-shaped knuckle bow, urn-shaped pommel, wire bound grip, double edged broadsword blade contained in its all steel combat scabbard, which bears a single blade cut from another sword see photo 10. Upper suspension ring mount lacking. A very good example of these most desirable and beautiful of Napoleonic wars era swords used by an officer in the British heavy cavalry.

It has the traditional 1796 'boat shaped hilt' in copper gilt, in very good order bearing much of its original mercurial gilding, it has its original wire bound grip, a good broadsword double edged blade, and all steel combat grade scabbard.

Used by a Napoleonic wars period officer of the British heavy cavalry, serving in either the Union Brigade, or the 1st Household Brigade.

The Heavy Cavalry regiments were separated into two brigades at Waterloo. The 1st Brigade, known as the Household Brigade, commanded by Major-General Edward Somerset (Lord Somerset), consisted of guards regiments: the 1st and 2nd Life Guards, the Royal Horse Guards (the Blues), and the 1st 'King's' Dragoon Guards The 2nd Brigade, also known as the Union Brigade, commanded by Major-General Sir William Ponsonby, was so called as it consisted of an English (1st, 'The Royals'), a Scottish (2nd, 'Scots Greys'), and an Irish (6th, 'Inniskilling') regiment of heavy dragoons. More than 20 years of warfare had eroded the numbers of suitable cavalry mounts available on the European continent; this resulted in the British heavy cavalry entering the 1815 campaign with the finest horses of any contemporary cavalry arm. They also received excellent mounted swordsmanship training. The two brigades had a combined field strength of about 2,000 (2,651 official strength), and they charged with the 47-year-old Uxbridge leading them and little reserve Scots Greys Regt. The Scots Greys, as part of the Union Brigade so called as it was made up of a regiment of Heavy Cavalry from each part of Britain were some of the finest heavy Cavalry in Europe and certainly one of the most feared. A quote of Napoleon of the charge at the Battle of Waterloo goes;
"Ces terribles chevaux gris! Comme il travaillent!" (Those terrible grey horses, how they strive!) At approximately 1:30 pm, the second phase of the Battle of Waterloo opened. Napoleon launched D'Erlon's corps against the allied centre left. After being stopped by Picton's Peninsular War veterans, D'Erlon's troops came under attack from the side by the heavy cavalry commanded by Earl of Uxbridge including Major General Sir William Ponsonby's Scots Greys. The shocked ranks of the French columns surrendered in their thousands. During the charge Sergeant Ewart, of the Greys, captured the eagle of the French 45th Ligne. The Greys charged too far and, having spiked some of the French cannon, came under counter-attack from enemy cavalry. Ponsonby, who had chosen to ride one of his less expensive mounts, was ridden down and killed by enemy lancers. The Scots Greys' casualties included: 102 killed; 97 wounded; and the loss of 228 of the 416 horses that started the charge. This engagement also gave the Scots Greys their cap badge, the eagle itself. The eagle is displayed in the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards museum in Edinburgh Castle. The British Heavy Cavalry, during the Peninsular War and at Waterloo it fought with incredible distinction and exemplary bravery, and saw some of the most incredible and courageous combat. Fighting the elite French Curassiers and Carabiniers of Napoleons Imperial Guard was no mean feat, for at the time the French Cavalry was some of the most formidable in the world, and at their very peak. Never again was the French Cavalry to be as respected and feared as it was during the great Napoleonic era. Some of the battles this may also have been used at were; during 1808-14 The Peninsular Campaign, including, Salamanca , Toulouse, Albuera Talavera, Pyrenees then from 1814: La Rothiere, Rosnay, Champaubert, Vauchamps, Athies, La Fere-Champenoise and Paris
1815: and Quatre-Bras. The last photo in the gallery is of Lady Butler's painting, the Charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo. One of the heavy cavalry regiments whose officers would have used in his service this very form of sword.

The swords used by the Union Brigade and Ist household brigade at Waterloo, have examples of their swords in the Royal Collection, The Tower of London Collection, the British Army Museum, and most of the finest British sword collections in the world.

The last photo in the gallery shows a photograph of one section of the collection in the museum of Waterloo, taken in around 1900, showing all the weapons of Waterloo en situ, including all the protagonists {British, French, Prussian and Belgian muskets, swords, pistols, armour uniforms, etc}. The museum was founded and owned by a veteran of the 7th Hussars that fought at Waterloo .
blade length 32 inches  read more

Code: 24189

1975.00 GBP

A Most Rarely Seen Napoleonic Wars Heavy Cavalry Sword. A Fabulous 1808 Napoleonic Wars, Spanish Peninsular Campaign Cavalry Sword

A Most Rarely Seen Napoleonic Wars Heavy Cavalry Sword. A Fabulous 1808 Napoleonic Wars, Spanish Peninsular Campaign Cavalry Sword

From the invasion of Spain by Napoleon's forces, in 1808. The Peninsular War involved over 127 battles and engagements against Napoleon and the armies under his command, and this sword may well have been used in dozens of these ferocious conflicts

A fabulous, original, example of these very scarce Napoleonic, Spanish heavy cavalry rapiers. A rapier based Spanish late 18th century broadsword.
The hilt is in superb order, with excellent wire bound grip and large shaped bowl, as is the very long broadsword blade.
In 1796 (although there is a controversy around the precise date) a new model sword for Spanish cavalry troopers was adopted. This beautiful example, showing very classic lines and a very similar construction to the previous pattern, presents an almost full cup-hilt in a rapier style, curved quillons and knuckle-bow. The blade was very similar to that of 1728 pattern, having these dimensions: length 940 mm, width 35, thickness 6 mm. Alongside the later 1803 pattern change, these swords were predominantly used by cavalry at the Battle of Bailen {and subsequent battles}. It was the crushing defeat of Napoleon's Grande Armee in the Spanish invasion.
The Battle of Bailen
Fought July 19, 1808, between 15,000 Spaniards under Castaflos, and 20,000 French under Dupont. The French were totally defeated with a loss of over 2,000 men, and Dupont surrendered with his whole army. The Battle of Bailen was contested in 1808 between the Spanish Army of Andalusia, led by Generals Francisco Castanos and Theodor von Reding, and the Imperial French Army's II corps d'observation de la Gironde under General Pierre Dupont de l'Etang. The heaviest fighting took place near Bailen (sometimes anglicised Baylen), a village by the Guadalquivir river in the Jaen province of southern Spain.

In June 1808, following the widespread uprisings against the French occupation of Spain, Napoleon organised French units into flying columns to pacify Spain's major centres of resistance. One of these, under General Dupont, was dispatched across the Sierra Morena and south through Andalusia to the port of Cadiz where an French naval squadron lay at the mercy of the Spanish. The Emperor was confident that with 20,000 men, Dupont would crush any opposition encountered on the way. Events proved otherwise, and after storming and plundering Cordoba in July, Dupont retraced his steps to the north of the province to await reinforcements. Meanwhile, General Castanos, commanding the Spanish field army at San Roque, and General von Reding, Governor of Malaga, travelled to Seville to negotiate with the Seville Junta a patriotic assembly committed to resisting the French incursions?and to turn the province's combined forces against the French.

Dupont's failure to leave Andalusia proved disastrous. Between 16 and 19 July, Spanish forces converged on the French positions stretched out along villages on the Guadalquivir and attacked at several points, forcing the confused French defenders to shift their divisions this way and that. With Castanos pinning Dupont downstream at Andujar, Reding successfully forced the river at Mengibar and seized Bailen, interposing himself between the two wings of the French army. Caught between Castanos and Reding, Dupont attempted vainly to break through the Spanish line at Bailen in three bloody and desperate charges, losing more than 2,500 men.

His counterattacks defeated, Dupont called for an armistice and was compelled to sign the Convention of Andujar which stipulated the surrender of almost 18,000 men, making Bailen the worst disaster and capitulation of the Peninsular War, and the first major defeat of Napoleon's Grande Armee. When news of the catastrophe reached the French high command in Madrid, the result was a general retreat to the Ebro, abandoning much of Spain to the insurgents. France's enemies in Spain and throughout Europe cheered at this first check to the hitherto unbeatable Imperial armies tales of Spanish heroism inspired Austria and showed the force of nation-wide resistance to Napoleon, setting in motion the rise of the Fifth Coalition against France.

The Portuguese and Spanish played an important part in the war. Retrained and reorganised by Marshal William Beresford, Portugal’s soldiers fought bravely alongside those of Britain. The stubborn Spanish defence of cities and towns tied down thousands of French troops. Spanish armies, though frequently defeated, kept reappearing, forcing France to send more armies against them.

French troops were also required to garrison hostile territory and wage a bitter war against Spanish and Portuguese insurgents, the ‘guerrillas’. French communications and supply lines were harassed by their raids and ambushes. By 1812, the French had over 350,000 soldiers in Iberia, but 200,000 were protecting lines of supply rather than serving as front-line troops.

All of these factors meant that although on paper the French heavily outnumbered the British armies in Iberia, they were never able to concentrate enough of their troops to win a decisive victory. The continual drain on French resources led Napoleon to call the conflict the ‘Spanish Ulcer’.

Painting in the gallery by Theodore Gericault. Of a wounded cuirassier, said to be a French cuirassier at the Battle of Bailen. We also show a print of the Spanish Heavy Cavalry of the Line Trooper, 1804, holding his identical sword  read more

Code: 22330

1750.00 GBP

A Stunning, Historical, Napoleonic War’s Period, 1796 Pattern Officer's Combat Sword of William A. Cuninghame, of the 95th

A Stunning, Historical, Napoleonic War’s Period, 1796 Pattern Officer's Combat Sword of William A. Cuninghame, of the 95th

It’s rarity value is due to both it’s known specific history to a Napoleonic Wars family member and it’s condition.
With superb provenance, that is very rare to survive. He was the father of Capt William Cuninghame Cuninghame, hero of the 79th Foot in the Crimean War, and brother of Capt. Thomas Cuninghame of the 45th Foot. One of all three original family swords, owned and used in combat by William Cunningham senior, all with their own built in provenance, from the world renown British Army, serving in the 95th, 45th and the 79th Regiments. All three were acquired, then expertly conserved by us.
They were obtained by us from a direct line family descendant, still possessor of the same family name, and they are all all offered for sale by us separately, but the light infantry sabre of the 45th regiment is now sold. A super, antique and historical, officers combat sword of his ancestor, who fought with distinction in the Napoleonic Wars era. Each sword is engraved with the family name, crest, and motto. This sword, belonged to William Alexander, Cuninghame, who joined his regiment as a junior officer in April 1813, and served as an officer in the 95th regt., Another sword belonged, and was used, by Thomas Cuninghame, William Alexander's elder brother, who served in the 45th regt., both used by them in the Napoleonic Wars, and a basket hilted broadsword which we have also fully conserved, that was used by William Alexander Cuninghame's son, Capt. William Cuninghame Cuninghame, in the Crimean War. According to family record, W.A.Cuninghame while serving with his regiment was wounded in Guadaloupe in 1814, but this may well have been early 1815, during the British invasion to retake the island in Napoleon's Hundred Days period. The Hundred Days war was so called after Napoleon returned from exile in Elba, reformed his army, declared war on the allies, and that culminated in the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium, Wellington's great victory and Napoleon's final defeat. The 1796 Pattern British Infantry Officers Sword was carried by officers of the line infantry in the British Army between 1796 and the time of its official replacement with the gothic hilted sword in 1822. This period encompassed the whole of the Napoleonic Wars.

The Napoleonic Wars, was a series of wars between Napoleonic France and shifting alliances of other European powers that produced a brief French hegemony over most of Europe. Along with the French Revolutionary wars, the Napoleonic Wars constitute a 23-year period of recurrent conflict that concluded only with the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleon’s defeat by Wellington, and thus his subsequent second abdication on June 22, 1815. It is interesting that statistically Napoleon had fought and won more battles than the worlds next three great military commanders combined, however, despite his obvious genius he never actually won a war, and Wellington had never lost one.

France had a population of 27,350,000 in 1801 as opposed to Great Britain’s 10,942,146, outnumbering Britain almost three to one, and France had gained much territory warfare since 1792. However, a significant advance in economic strength was to enable Great Britain to wage war against this formidable adversary and to achieve the “miracles of credit” whereby foreign military assistance could be subsidized. The French, whose manufactures progressed less dramatically than the British and whose seaborne trade had been strangled by the superior nature of Britain’s navy, found it impossible to raise funds commensurate with their aggressive policy in Europe, so that Napoleon had to rely on the spoils of conquest and looting to supplement the deficiencies of French finance. As a matter of course, Wellington had forbade his armies to engage in looting of any kind, upon penalty of severe flogging or worse.

The Napoleonic Wars

The Napoleonic Wars were massive in their geographic scope, ranging, as far as Britain was concerned, over all of the five continents. They were massive, too, in terms of expense. From 1793 to the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815 the wars cost Britain more than £1,650,000,000. Only 25 percent of this sum was raised by government loans, the rest coming largely from taxation, not least from the income tax that was introduced in 1798. But the wars were massive most of all in terms of manpower. Between 1789 and 1815 the British army had to expand more than sixfold, to about a quarter of a million men. The Royal Navy, bedrock of British defence of its trade, and empire, grew further and faster still. Before the wars it had employed 16,000 men; by the end of them, it employed more than 140,000. Because there was an acute danger between 1797 and 1805 that France would invade Britain, the civil defense force also had to be expanded. The militia was increased, and by 1803 more than 380,000 men were acting as volunteers in home-based cavalry and infantry regiments. In all, one in four adult males in Britain may have been in uniform by the early 19th century.

This sword’s design was introduced by General Order in 1796, replacing the previous 1786 Pattern. It was similar to its prececesor in having a spadroon blade, i.e. one straight, flat backed and single edged with a single fuller on each side. The hilt gilt brass with a knucklebow, vestigial quillon and a twin-shell guard somewhat similar in appearance to that of the smallswords which had been common civilian wear until shortly before this period. The pommel was urn shaped and, in many later examples, the inner guard was hinged to allow the sword to sit against the body more comfortably and reduce wear to the officer's uniform.  read more

Code: 21865

4750.00 GBP

A Very Rare French 6 inch Howitzer Iron Cannon Ball. Recovered From Waterloo Battle Site and Weighing Around 24 Pounds

A Very Rare French 6 inch Howitzer Iron Cannon Ball. Recovered From Waterloo Battle Site and Weighing Around 24 Pounds

Very rare piece indeed, in that the Howitzer were sparsely used at Waterloo, due to their size, with 6 regular cannon, used in support, by the French artillery, for every two Howitzers used, and each Howitzer was operated with a 13 man crew. And of course, more than half of all the Howitzer six inch rounds were explosive, and thus detonated, leaving no residual cannonball to recover. This is the round shot non-explosive version

Photos to add later today of the ball

What an amazing, large and impressive historical centrepiece for any collector or collection. Imagine the family gatherings or dinner parties that would be enlivened by such an incredible historical artefact and conversanaturally failed to detonate.tion piece! To speculate the incredible hours of battle, with hand to hand combat and the frantic melee that this cannonball was involved within, fired by a French Howitzer crew at the heroic British infantry, or our valiant Prussian volunteer allies of the Kings German Legion, during the glorious defence of La Haye Saint, or the British Guards regiments defenders of Hougemont

The artillery of the French army was almost completely redesigned by Jean Baptiste Grimbeauval from 1765 onwards, standardising gun calibres and making gun carriages lighter and easier to transport, allowing for more flexible and efficient manoeuvring. A typical French artillery battery during the Napoleonic Wars was made up of four to six cannons with the support of two 6-inch howitzers. The shell we discovered would have had a maximum range of around 1100m and would have been most deadly at a range of 640m

Our shell would have been shot from a 6-inch howitzer, that fired, either hollow cast or solid round shot cannonballs. Around 24lb in iron weight for a hollow cast exploding mortar, and around 30lb in weight for round shot. It was the largest of the 3 sizes of howitzer used by the French during the Battle of Waterloo, which would have required 4 horses to draw it and 13 crewmen to fire it – an efficient team would have been able to fire one round ever minute.

A cannonball is a solid ball of metal, known as round shot, which could smash through the ranks of soldiers, causing massive devastation. In contrast, an explosive mortar howitzer shell is a hollow iron sphere filled with gunpowder, with a slow burning fuse fitted to the case. Once lit, it was intended to explode above the heads or at the feet of the Allied soldiers, causing enormous amounts of damage to their formations. A howitzer throws it shells high into the air with a sharp trajectory, and is designed to bring ‘indirect fire’ down on enemy formations either in buildings as at Hougoumont, or, as here, behind a ridge and out of direct sight. While the shell discovered at Mont Jean is known as a 6-inch howitzer shell, an Old French inch is actually equivalent to 1.066 modern inches, so the dug up shell was in fact 6.4 inches in diameter but with size losses due to surface erosion.

We show in the gallery the 6 inch French Howitzer cannon ball recently recovered at Mont St Jean at Waterloo, that when fired, impacted deep underground, and was latterly recovered from the dig. The engraving photographed in our gallery shows the farm house of Mont St. Jean. This house being close to the rear of the action, it was much dilapidated by random shot (1815). Engraver James Rouse. Note the round shot impacts through its walls.  read more

Code: 25686


A French or British Six Pounder Cannon Ball Recovered From La Haye Sainte, the Battle of Waterloo Approx 3.5 inches Diameter

A French or British Six Pounder Cannon Ball Recovered From La Haye Sainte, the Battle of Waterloo Approx 3.5 inches Diameter

Recovered alongside the farms relic items of combat, soldiers thimbles plus grenades, cannon balls etc. discovered around La Haye Sainte (named either after Jesus Christ's crown of thorns or a bramble hedge round a field nearby).

It is a walled farmhouse compound at the foot of an escarpment on the Charleroi-Brussels road in Belgium. It has changed very little since it played a crucial part in the Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815.

La Haye Sainte was defended by about 400 King's German Legion troops during the Battle of Waterloo. They were hopelessly outnumbered by attacking French troops but held out until the late afternoon when they retired because their ammunition had run out. If Napoleon Bonaparte's army had captured La Haye Sainte earlier in the day, almost certainly he would have broken through the allied centre and defeated the Duke of Wellington's army.

The capture of La Haye Sainte in the early evening then gave the French the advantage of a defensible position from which to launch a potentially decisive attack on the Allied centre. However, Napoleon was too late—by this time, Blücher and the Prussian army had arrived on the battlefield and the outnumbered French army was defeated.

Strategic importance

A view of the battlefield from the Lion's mound. On the top right are the buildings of La Haye Sainte. This view looks east, with Allied forces behind the road to the left (north) and French forces out of shot to the right(south)
The road leads from La Belle Alliance, where Napoleon had his headquarters on the morning of the battle, through where the centre of the French front line was located, to a crossroads on the ridge which is at the top of the escarpment and then on to Brussels. The Duke of Wellington placed the majority of his forces on either side of the Brussels road behind the ridge on the Brussels side. This kept most of his forces out of sight of the French artillery.

During the night from the 17th to the 18th, the main door to the courtyard of the farm was used as firewood by the occupying troops. Therefore, when the King's German Legion (KGL) was stationed in the farm at the morning of the battle they had to hastily fortify La Haye Sainte.

The troops were the 2nd Light Battalion KGL commanded by Major Georg Baring, and part of the 1st Light Battalion KGL. During the battle, they were supported by the 1/2 Nassau Regiment and the light company of the 5th Line Battalion KGL. The majority of these troops were armed with the Baker rifle with grooved barrels, as opposed to the normal Brown Bess musket of the British Army. The French troops also used muskets which were quicker to load than the Baker rifle but the latter was more accurate and had about twice the range of a musket.

Both Napoleon and Wellington made crucial mistakes about La Haye Sainte as it was fought over and around during most of the day. Napoleon failed to allocate enough forces to take the farm earlier in the day while Wellington only realised the strategic value of the position when it was almost too late.

The 9lb British “Blomfield” cannon used at the Battle of Waterloo. The heaviest type of artillery used by the British Army at Waterloo, {apart from the howitzers} it fired a solid cannonball weighing around nine pounds (about four kilos). Cannons were a vital part of warfare at the time of Waterloo, with the ability to rip through massed ranks of troops and inflict terrible casualties.

In 1780 Captain Thomas Blomfield RA was appointed Inspector of Artillery and Superintendent of the Royal Brass Foundry. Three years later he was given responsibility for re-organising the Ordnance Department. At the same time he was experimenting with new forms of ordnance. The resultant Blomfield guns had thicker breeches, thinner chases and a cascabel ring to control recoil, making them stronger without increasing their weight.

The Blomfield 9-pounder cannon, fired a round shot ball around 4 inches in diameter, was introduced to the Royal Artillery (RA) in 1805 as a response to the heavier French calibre guns. At Waterloo Wellington had 157 pieces but only 60 were 9-pdrs, in 12 batteries. The remaining 13 batteries had 6-pdrs and howitzers. Interestingly, the Dutch-Belgian and Brunswick Artillery, who fought alongside the British at Waterloo, used French cannons (known as An. XI Ordnance). Wellington employed his Royal Horse Artillery very effectively during the battle as a mobile reserve to plug holes in his line. For example, with Hougoumont under attack, Major Bull’s troop was brought forward in support from its original position towards the rear of the allied position.

The allied artillery faced 246 pieces in 34 French batteries. As was his usual tactic, Napoleon started the battle with a heavy artillery bombardment on the Allied line to soften up the enemy.

Cannons on both sides used round-shot of six, nine or twelve pounds, but the French also has four pounders. They were all lethal against columns of infantry, knocking down several men at once for as long as the ball continued to travel. Case shot or canister (tin coated iron cans) packed with smaller iron balls was devastating at close range. Only the British used spherical case (Shrapnel) where a shell was filled with small iron balls. A specially cut wooden fuse detonated a bursting charge.

The six pounder round shot was effectively identical for both French and British cannon.

The surface is very russetted by is nicely preserved overall, and it is a fabulous historical conversation piece.

Every single item from The Lanes Armoury is accompanied by our unique Certificate of Authenticity. Part of our continued dedication to maintain the standards forged by us over the past 100 years of our family’s trading  read more

Code: 25688


A Heavy Grade 9th to 10th Century Original Viking Socket Spear. An Incredibly Inexpensive Original Viking Battle Spear From The Time of The Viking Seiges of Paris, And The Early Raids Into The British Isles

A Heavy Grade 9th to 10th Century Original Viking Socket Spear. An Incredibly Inexpensive Original Viking Battle Spear From The Time of The Viking Seiges of Paris, And The Early Raids Into The British Isles

1100 to 1200 years old. The Viking spear, alongside the axe was the weapon of choice for the Viking warrior. The sword being the weapon of a high ranking Viking and Viking Jarl.

In the final decade of the eighth century, Viking raiders attacked a series of Christian monasteries in the British Isles. Here, these monasteries had often been positioned on small islands and in other remote coastal areas so that the monks could live in seclusion, devoting themselves to worship without the interference of other elements of society. At the same time, it made them isolated and unprotected targets for attack by sea. From 865, the Viking attitude towards the British Isles changed, as they began to see it as a place for potential colonisation rather than simply a place to raid. As a result of this, larger armies began arriving on Britain's shores, with the intention of conquering land and constructing settlements there.
The early Viking settlers would have appeared visibly different from the Anglo-Saxon populace, wearing Scandinavian styles of jewellery, and probably also wearing their own peculiar styles of clothing. Viking and Anglo-Saxon men also had different hairstyles: Viking men's hair was shaved at the back and left shaggy on the front, whilst the Anglo-Saxons typically wore their hair long.

The siege of Paris of 845 was the culmination of a Viking invasion of West Francia. The Viking forces were led by a Norse chieftain named "Reginherus", or Ragnar, who tentatively has been identified with the legendary saga character Ragnar Lodbrok. Reginherus's fleet of 120 Viking ships, carrying thousands of warriors, entered the Seine in March and sailed up the river.

Ragnar's Vikings raided Rouen on their way up the Seine in 845 and in response to the invasion, determined not to let the royal Abbey of Saint-Denis (near Paris) be destroyed, Charles assembled an army which he divided into two parts, one for each side of the river. Ragnar attacked and defeated one of the divisions of the smaller Frankish army, took 111 of their men as prisoners and hanged them on an island on the Seine to honour the Norse god Odin, as well as to incite terror in the remaining Frankish forces.

The Vikings reached Paris at the end of the month, during Easter. They plundered and occupied the city, withdrawing after Charles the Bald paid a ransom of 7,000 French livres 2,570 kg (83,000 ozt) in gold and silver.
Ragnar's fleet made it back to his overlord, the Danish King Horik I, but Ragnar soon died from a violent illness that also spread in Denmark

The spear is a pattern welded blade, and although now pitted as is most usual after over 1000 years it is a remarkable survivor of Viking combat warfare, and a remarkably inexpensive piece of original and legendary Viking weaponry, and thus extremely affordable. In chapter 55 of Laxdla saga, Helgi had a spear with a blade one ell long (about 50cm, or 20in). He thrust the blade through Bolli's shield, and through Bolli. In chapter 8 of Krka-Refs saga, Refur made a spear for himself which could be used for cutting, thrusting, or hewing. Refur split orgils in two down to his shoulders with the spear. The spearheads were made of iron, and, like sword blades, were made using pattern welding techniques (described in the article on swords) during the early part of the Viking era . They could be decorated with inlays of precious metals or with scribed geometric patterns
After forming the head, the smith flattened and drew out material to form the socket . This material was formed around a mandrel and usually was welded to form a solid socket. In some cases, the overlapping portions were left unwelded. Spear heads were fixed to wooden shafts using a rivet. The sockets on the surviving spear heads suggest that the shafts were typically round, with a diameter of 2-3cm (about one inch).

However, there is little evidence that tells us the length of the shaft. The archaeological evidence is negligible, and the sagas are, for the most part, silent. Chapter 6 of Gsla saga tells of a spear so long-shafted that a man's outstretched arm could touch the rivet. The language used suggests that such a long shaft was uncommon.

Perhaps the best guess we can make is that the combined length of shaft and head of Viking age spears was 2 to 3m (7-10ft) long, although one can make arguments for the use of spears having both longer and shorter shafts. A strong, straight-grained wood such as ash was used. Many people think of the spear as a throwing weapon. One of the Norse myths tells the story of the first battle in the world, in which Odin, the highest of the gods, threw a spear over the heads of the opposing combatants as a prelude to the fight. The sagas say that spears were also thrown in this manner when men, rather than gods, fought. At the battle at Geirvir described in chapter 44 of Eyrbyggja saga, the saga author says that Steinrr threw a spear over the heads of Snorrigoi and his men for good luck, according to the old custom. More commonly, the spear was used as a thrusting weapon. The sagas tell us thrusting was the most common attack in melees and one-on-one fighting, and this capability was used to advantage in mass battles. In a mass battle, men lined up, shoulder to shoulder, with shields overlapping. After all the preliminaries, which included rock throwing, name calling, the trading of insults, and shouting a war cry (aepa herop), the two lines advanced towards each other. When the lines met, the battle was begun. Behind the wall of shields, each line was well protected. Once a line was broken, and one side could pass through the line of the other side, the battle broke down into armed melees between small groups of men.

Before either line broke, while the two lines were going at each other hammer and tongs, the spear offered some real advantages. A fighter in the second rank could use his spear to reach over the heads of his comrades in the first rank and attack the opposing line. Konungs skuggsj (Kings Mirror), a 13th century Norwegian manual for men of the king, says that in the battle line, a spear is more effective than two swords. In regards to surviving iron artefacts of the past two millennia, if Western ancient edged weapons were either lost, discarded or buried in the ground, and if the ground soil were made up of the right chemical composition, then some may survive exceptionally well. As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity. Approx 10 inches longAlmost every iron weapon that has survived today from this era is now in a fully russetted condition, as is this one, because only the swords of kings, that have been preserved in national or Royal collections are today still in a good state and condition.  read more

Code: 22779

650.00 GBP

A Most Fabulous, Intricately Carved Keris Dagger With Watered Steel Blade

A Most Fabulous, Intricately Carved Keris Dagger With Watered Steel Blade

A stunning looking piece and a most impressively mounted example with delightful pamor blade. Pamor is the pattern of white lines appearing on the blade. Kris blades are forged by a technique known as pattern welding, one in which layers of different metals are pounded and fused together while red hot, folded or twisted, adding more different metals, pounded more and folded more until the desired number of layers are obtained. The rough blade is then shaped, filed and sometimes polished smooth before finally acid etched to bring out the contrasting colours of the low and high carbon metals. The traditional Indonesian weapon allegedly endowed with religious and mystical powers. With probably a traditional Meteorite laminated iron blade with hammered nickel for the contrasting pattern.

Very small area of wood snake body lacking under the hilt. The blades could often be older that the mountings, as they were frequently remounted in the blades working life, just as this one has late mountings  read more

Code: 23766

495.00 GBP