Antique Arms & Militaria

837 items found
A Most Scarce 16th Century Indian 'Firangi' Battle Sword Circa 1500's Basket Hilt Form

A Most Scarce 16th Century Indian 'Firangi' Battle Sword Circa 1500's Basket Hilt Form

From a family armoury collection originally housed in a castle in Scotland, accumulated over 4 centuries.

The name ‘Firangi’ (Foreigner) was apparently given to these swords somewhat later in the 17th Century, as they were mounted with European (Foreign) blades, imported by the Portugese, which were highly valued. Some blades were locally made in the European style. The blades were mounted on the Khanda style hilt and with the long spike extending from the pommel which enabled them to be used as two handed swords. The firangi sword characteristically had a straight blade of backsword form (single edged). The blade often incorporated one, two, or three fullers (grooves) and had a spear-tip shaped point. The sword could be used to both cut and thrust. Examples with narrow rapier blades have survived, though in small numbers. The hilt was of the type sometimes called the "Indian basket-hilt" and was identical to that of another Indian straight-bladed sword the khanda. The hilt afforded a substantial amount of protection for the hand and had a prominent spike projecting from the pommel which could be grasped, resulting in a two-handed capability for the sword. Like other contemporary Indian swords the hilt of the firangi was usually of iron and the tang of the blade was attached to the hilt using a very strong resin, additionally, the hilt to blade connection was reinforced by projections from the hilt onto either face of the forte of the blade which were riveted together though a hole passing through the blade. Because of its length the firangi is usually regarded as primarily a cavalry weapon. Illustrations suggest a 16th-century date for the development of the sword, though early examples appear to have had simpler cross-guard hilts, similar to those of the talwar. The sword has been especially associated with the Marathas, who were famed for their cavalry. However, the firangi was widely used by the Mughals and those peoples who came under their rule, including Sikhs and Rajputs. Images of Mughal potentates holding firangis, or accompanied by retainers carrying their masters' firangis, suggest that the sword became a symbol of martial virtue and power. Photographs of Indian officers of Hodson's Horse (an irregular cavalry unit raised by the British) show that the firangi was still in active use at the time of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 The khanda can generally be a double-edge but can be a single edged straight sword. It is often featured in religious iconography, theatre and art depicting the ancient history of India. Some communities venerate the weapon as a symbol of Shiva. It is a common weapon in the martial arts in the Indian subcontinent. Khanda often appears in Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh scriptures and art The word khanda has its origins in the Sanskrit meaning "to break, divide, cut, destroy". Used from the time of Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar (15 October 1542 - 27 October 1605 ), popularly known as Akbar I literally "the great" and later Akbar the Great, he was the third Mughal emperor, who reigned from 1556 to 1605.
29 inch blade to hilt, 35 inches overall  read more

Code: 20871

795.00 GBP

A 1200’s Old Knight's Prick Spur, Still With Buckle From The IInd Baron’s War of Henry IIIrd and Earl Simon de Montfort

A 1200’s Old Knight's Prick Spur, Still With Buckle From The IInd Baron’s War of Henry IIIrd and Earl Simon de Montfort

We show a medeavil drawing from the British Museum of a kneeling knight wearing the very same form of prick spur. It is absolutely remarkable that this spur stil has its leather strap buckle and mount in place. Battle of Lewes period, from the IInd Baron’s War

The Battle of Lewes was one of two main battles of the conflict known as the Second Barons' War. It took place at Lewes in Sussex, on 14 May 1264.[1] It marked the high point of the career of Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester, and made him the "uncrowned King of England". Henry III left the safety of Lewes Castle and St. Pancras Priory to engage the barons in battle and was initially successful, his son Prince Edward routing part of the baronial army with a cavalry charge. However, Edward pursued his quarry off the battlefield and left Henry's men exposed. Henry was forced to launch an infantry attack up Offham Hill where he was defeated by the barons' men defending the hilltop. The royalists fled back to the castle and priory and the King was forced to sign the Mise of Lewes, ceding many of his powers to Montfort.

The battle site is still not completely agreed upon, but part of the conflict was recorded at Offham hill, and this is was just 4 miles south of our farm, Thousands of the protagonists soldiers were supposedly camped within our old grounds, but at present it is not certain for which side they fought. Our farm was originally part of Earl Godwin’s estate, later more famously known as King Harold, who also supposedly camped here before his Battle of Hastings in 1066. A Canadian funded documentary is being filmed here at the current time.

Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester (c. 1208 – 4 August 1265), later sometimes referred to as Simon de Montfort to distinguish him from his namesake relatives, was a nobleman of French origin and a member of the English peerage, who led the baronial opposition to the rule of King Henry III of England, culminating in the Second Barons' War. Following his initial victories over royal forces, he became de facto ruler of the country, and played a major role in the constitutional development of England.

During his rule, Montfort called two famous parliaments: the Oxford Parliament stripped Henry of his unlimited authority, while the second included ordinary citizens from the towns. For this reason, Montfort is regarded today as one of the progenitors of modern parliamentary democracy, however during his time as Earl of Leicester he was also determinedly anti semitic and expelled all of the Jews from that city, yet curiously, Leicester's Jews were allowed to move to the eastern suburbs, which were controlled by Montfort's great-aunt Margaret, Countess of Winchester. But as he became ruler of England he also cancelled debts owed to Jews through violent seizures of records. Montfort's party massacred the Jews of London, Worcester and Derby, killing scores of Jews from Winchester to Lincoln. After a rule of just over a year, Montfort was killed by forces loyal to the king in the Battle of Evesham

de Montfort also had connections to the Albigensian Crusade, which was a crusade against the heretic Cathars, and was immensely popular in northern France because it gave pious warriors an opportunity to win a Crusade indulgence. The Albigensian Crusade, Crusade (1209-29) was called by Pope Innocent III against the Cathari, a dualist religious movement in southern France that the Roman Catholic Church had branded heretical. The war pitted the nobility of staunchly Catholic northern France against that of the south, where the Cathari were tolerated and even enjoyed the support of the nobles. Although the Crusade did not eliminate Catharism, it eventually enabled the French king to establish his authority over the south. During the first season the Crusaders captured Boziers in the heart of Cathar territory and following the instructions of the papal legate who allegedly said, Kill them all. God will know his own, when asked how the Crusaders should distinguish the heretics from true Christians massacred almost the entire population of the city. With the exception of Carcassonne, which held out for a few months, much of the territory of the Albigeois surrendered to the Crusaders. Command of the Crusade was then given to Simon, lord of Montfort and earl of Leicester, who had served during the Fourth Crusade. A man, one can safely say was famed for his deeply held religious prejudices, yet ironically, an exponent of parliamentary democracy.  read more

Code: 22314

475.00 GBP

A Very Fine Original 16th Century Italian Field Armour Breast Plate Circa 1520

A Very Fine Original 16th Century Italian Field Armour Breast Plate Circa 1520

For field combat and with mountings for use in the tilt.

A very fine and original piece of finest Italian armour. Medially ridged breast plate with moveable gusset and roped arm and neck-openings. With two alligned holes for resting a lance for the tilt. The plate also has a key slot for an addition of reinforcing plate also for the tilt or joust. Jousting is a martial game or hastilude between two horsemen and using lances, often as part of a tournament. The primary aim is to strike the opponent with the lance while riding towards him at high speed, if possible breaking the lance on the opponent's shield or armour, or by unhorsing him.

Jousting emerged in the High Middle Ages based on the military use of the lance by heavy cavalry. It transformed into a specialised sport during the Late Middle Ages, and remained popular with the nobility both in England and Germany throughout the whole of the 16th century (while in France, it was discontinued after the death of king Henry II in an accident in 1559). In England, jousting was the highlight of the Accession Day tilts of Elizabeth I and James I, and also was part of the festivities at the marriage of Charles I. The medieval joust took place on an open field. Indeed the term joust meant "a meeting" and referred to arranged combat in general, not just the jousting with lances. At some point in the 14th century, a cloth barrier was introduced as an option to separate the contestants. This barrier was presumably known as tilt in Middle English (a term with an original meaning of "a cloth covering"). It became a wooden barrier or fence in the 15th century, now known as "tilt barrier", and "tilt" came to be used as a term for the joust itself by ca. 1510. The purpose of the tilt barrier was to prevent collisions and to keep the combatants at an optimal angle for breaking the lance. This greatly facilitated the control of the horse and allowed the rider to concentrate on aiming the lance. The introduction of the barrier seems to have originated in the south, as it only became a standard feature of jousting in Germany in the 16th century, and was there called the Italian or "welsch" mode. Dedicated tilt-yards with such barriers were built in England from the time of Henry VIII.

Specialized jousting armour was produced in the late 15th to 16th century. It was heavier than suits of plate armour intended for combat, and could weigh as much as 50 kg (100 lb), compared to some 25 kg (50 lb) for field armour; as it did not need to permit free movement of the wearer, the only limiting factor was the maximum weight that could be carried by a warhorse of the period  read more

Code: 22317

3950.00 GBP

A Scarce African Turkana Tepeth Tribal Wrist Knife

A Scarce African Turkana Tepeth Tribal Wrist Knife

16cms. Of disc form with cut-out for the wrist, lined inside and out with leather strips GC Possibly Tepeth tribe. Some information about Tepeth tribe:

The present inhabitants of Karamoja are the Karamojong tribes. The main Karamojong tribes are : the Matheniko ("The Bulls"; Moroto area), the Bokora ("The Turtles"; Kangole area), the Pian ("The Lightings"; Namalu area), the Jie ("The Warriors"; Kotido area), the Dodoth ("The Ostriches"; Kaabong and Kidepo area), the Jiye (The Jie of South Sudan), the Nyangatom ("those of the yellow trumpet"; Omo valley, Ethiopia and nearby South Sudan-Ethiopia border), scattered all along the Karamojong area. The Karamojong tribes are related to Masai people, forced to move centuries ago from their original lands located in Ethiopia by the arrival of arabian tribes from the north. The original inhabitants of Karamoja weren't Masai tribes, but - together with other two tribes - a Turkana-related tribe called Tepeth. During the last centuries, Tepeth people has been defeated by Karamojong tribes, and forced to reach the highest valleys of mount Moroto, mount Kadam and mount Napak where at present times they're living of small agriculture and sheep-rearing, organized in grass-made villages each one governed by a council of seniors. The Ik (known as "Teuso" too) and the Nyangia tribes were part of the original inhabitants of Karamoja too, and as the Tepeth they've been defeated by the arrival of the Karamojong tribes and they're still alive on the mountains of Karamoja, the Ik on mount Morungole and the Nyangya on the hills of north-western Karamoja. The wrist knives are a special handmade article of all Turkana tribes, used since ancient times as weapon, to defend, to attack, and for daily works. The wrist knives were used in the past among the tribes as a very valuable currency too.  read more

Code: 22508

225.00 GBP

A Beautiful 19th Century Ottoman-Indo-Persian Exotic Horn Hilted Jambiya

A Beautiful 19th Century Ottoman-Indo-Persian Exotic Horn Hilted Jambiya

Very fine carved hilt in exotic horn with double edged blade with central rib. embossed leather covered wooden scabbard. The jambiya were taken by travelers to other cultures including the Ottoman Empire, Persia and India, where they were adopted with slight differences to the blade, hilt and scabbard.A significant part of a jambiya is its hilt (handle). The saifani hilt is made of exotic horn, It is used on the daggers of wealthier men. Different versions of saifani hilts can be distinguished by their colour. Other jambiya hilts are made of different types of horn, wood, metal and ivory. Apart from the material used for the hilt, the design and detail is a measure of its value and the status of its owner. there are 53 different types of Jambiya in the Metropolitan museum Collection, some bear a similarity to this example, many with near identical blades. Overall 9.5 inches long.  read more

Code: 23958

340.00 GBP

A Wonderful 18th Century French Small-Sword of Parcel Gilt Silver, Steel

A Wonderful 18th Century French Small-Sword of Parcel Gilt Silver, Steel

A stunning museum grade sword, decorated with purest gold, worthy of a finest collection of 18th century fine art and furnishings. Likely made at Versailles by a Royal swordsmith of King Louis XVIth, such as the master swordsmiths of the king, Lecourt, Liger or Guilman. A very finest grade sword of the form as was made for the king to present to favoured nobles and friends. He presented a similar sword to John Paul Jones [see painting in the gallery] now in the US Naval Academy Museum. Three near identical swords to this now reside in the Metropolitan. This is a simply superb small-sword, with stunningly engraved chiselled steel hilt, overlaid with pure gold over a fish-roe background, decorated with hand chiselled patterns of scrolling arabesques throughout the hilt, knucklebow, shell guards and pommel in the rococo style. The multi wire spiral bound grip is finest silver, betwixt blued silver bands, with Turks head finials. The blade is in the typical trefoil form, ideal for the gentleman's art of duelling, and very finely engraved. The degree of craftsmanship of this spectacular sword is simply astounding, worthy of significant admiration, it reveals an incredible attention to detail and the skill of it's execution is second to none. Other similar swords are in also in the British Royal Collection and in Les Invalides in Paris. Trefoil bladed swords had a special popularity with the officers of the French and Indian War period. Even George Washington had a very fine one just as this example. For example of the workmanship in creating this sword, for such as the King and Marie Antoinette, the keys for the Louis XVI Secretary Desk (Circa 1783) made for Marie-Antoinette by Jean Henri Riesener, one of the worlds finest cabinetmakers, and whose works of furniture are the most valuable in the world. The steel and gold metalwork key for Marie Antoinette's desk, is attributed to Pierre Gouthi?re (1732?1813), the most famous Parisian bronzeworker of the late eighteenth century who became gilder to the king in 1767. This sword bears identical workmanship and style to that magnificent key. This is the quality of sword one might have expected find inscribed upon the blade 'Ex Dono Regis' [given by the King]. Very good condition overall, with natural aged patination throughout. This painting, entitled John Paul Jones and Louis XVI, by the American artist Jean Leon Gerome Ferris depicts John Paul Jones and Benjamin Franklin at the court of Louis XVIth and being presented a similar sword now in US Naval Academy Museum. Overall length 35.5 inches  read more

Code: 23162

5995.00 GBP

To Find Antique Arms, Armour & Specialist Books in the UK There is Only one place you need to visit. We Trust You Will All Enjoy Your Visit & Viewing Experience of Our Online Site, Frequently Described As The Best Militaria Collectables Site in the World

To Find Antique Arms, Armour & Specialist Books in the UK There is Only one place you need to visit. We Trust You Will All Enjoy Your Visit & Viewing Experience of Our Online Site, Frequently Described As The Best Militaria Collectables Site in the World

This week we be showing our usual intriguing and amazing selection of our latest rare and fascinating pieces, including some fabulous and most beautiful and historical collectables due to be offered on our site within the next few days, including a stunning, ancient 1600 year old sword from the Barbarian Hordes of Attila the Hun and his invasion of the Roman Empire. Plus stunning ancient Roman rings, one a Gladiator’s ring, also, ancient Egyptian-Roman rings from the time of Anthony and Cleopatra, an Amazing 16th century Polish iron and silver nadziak, a knights War-Hammer, Greek arrow heads, spears, lead sling bullets, antiquities and rings from an 1820 Grand Tour Collection . Plus a good 1938 German Kriegsmarine officers dirk, a stunning original signed portrait photograph of Field Marshal Montgomery.

We Are Also Europe's Leading Original Samurai Sword Specialists.
We were listed by the world famous New York Times as one of the ‘must see’ places for Americans to visit when in Europe!! and regularly, as one of the very best shops in the whole of Great Britain. And bearing in mind, in the UK, recorded in 2019, there were 306,655 retail outlets,..apparently, so as you can imagine, the competition was pretty stiff.

For us it is vitally important that every customer, old and new, has confidence to deal with a well established, generations old company that believes every customer must have an enjoyable, successful and satisfactory experience, and you can know that you can also enjoy a personal one to one contact with our partners during any visit to our permanent gallery in Brighton, which for us is a priority.

Here are just two of our clients comments we received in the past five days. ‘Today the medals arrived. It is high quality as always and I am 100% satisfied. best regards G.B.’ From Germany

‘The swords arrived and are lovely. Yes, the Light Company sabre is especially striking. In fact, it's out of this world. You take good photos but they didn't do this piece justice. The French piece has tremendous presence. It's hard to find French Revolutionary pieces, especially ones with battle wear. Thanks again” G.G. From North America

Enjoy our site, it has been over 100 years in the making!.

The history of the ‘Grand Tour’

Richard Lassels, an expatriate Roman Catholic priest, first used the phrase “Grand Tour” in his 1670 book Voyage to Italy, published posthumously in Paris in 1670. In its introduction, Lassels listed four areas in which travel furnished "an accomplished, consummate traveler" with opportunities to experience first hand the intellectual, the social, the ethical, and the political life of the Continent.

The English gentry of the 17th century believed that what a person knew came from the physical stimuli to which he or she has been exposed. Thus, being on-site and seeing famous works of art and history was an all important part of the Grand Tour. So most Grand Tourists spent the majority of their time visiting museums and historic sites.

Once young men and women began embarking on these journeys, additional guidebooks and tour guides began to appear to meet the needs of the 20-something male and female travelers and their tutors traveling a standard European itinerary. They carried letters of reference and introduction with them as they departed from southern England, enabling them to access money and invitations along the way.

With nearly unlimited funds, aristocratic connections and months or years to roam, these wealthy young tourists commissioned paintings, perfected their language skills and mingled with the upper crust of the Continent.

The wealthy believed the primary value of the Grand Tour lay in the exposure both to classical antiquity and the Renaissance, and to the aristocratic and fashionably polite society of the European continent. In addition, it provided the only opportunity to view specific works of art, and possibly the only chance to hear certain music. A Grand Tour could last from several months to several years. The youthful Grand Tourists usually traveled in the company of a Cicerone, a knowledgeable guide or tutor.

The ‘Grand Tour’ era of classical acquisitions from history existed up to around the 1850’s, and extended around the whole of Europe, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and the Holy Land.
As with all our items, they come complete with our certificate of authenticity
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Code: 23801


A Most Scarce Antique Australian Aboriginal Throwing Club, Carved Head

A Most Scarce Antique Australian Aboriginal Throwing Club, Carved Head

Nulla Nulla, Aboriginal, short, possibly mulga wood, very dense hardwood, throwing club with ovoid shaped head, used for hunting, fighting and ceremonial purposes, [South East] Australia, 1860. A waddy, nulla nulla or hunting stick is an Aboriginal Australian club for use in hunting and fighting. The first of these names comes from the Dharuk Aborigines of Port Jackson, Sydney.

A waddy is a heavy, pointed club constructed of carved timber. Waddies have been used in hand-to-hand combat, and were capable of splitting a shield, and killing or stunning prey. In addition to this they could be employed as a projectile as well as used to make fire and make ochre. They found further use in punishing those who broke Aboriginal law, which often involved settling a conflict between individuals, or between an individual and a group, in a 'Trial by Ordeal' in which fighters gave and suffered heavy blows resulting in skull and bone fractures and much blood  read more

Code: 22406

375.00 GBP

Antique Zulu-Tsonga Prestige Staff Possibly Carved by a Carver Known as the 'Baboon Master'.  With a Carved Female Head

Antique Zulu-Tsonga Prestige Staff Possibly Carved by a Carver Known as the 'Baboon Master'. With a Carved Female Head

19th century. This dignatory's staff has a most figurative carving. They have been collected in Southern Africa since the mid-19th century. Recent research by Anitra Nettleton suggests, however, that Tsonga sculptors may actually have produced most of these carvings. There is evidence that the Tsonga migrated to the Natal from southern Mozambique as early as the 1850s. Recognized for their carving skills, they were soon producing fine artifacts for Zulu dignatories. Two related staffs, were purchased for the collection of the Standard Bank Foundation in Johannesburg. One staff of theirs is surmounted by a baboon and the other by a male figure with a beard. Both are said to be turn-of-the-century staffs carved by the same hand, by a most accomplished and sought after artist dubbed the 'Baboon Master', who was possibly of Tsonga origin. 31 inches long.  read more

Code: 23116

750.00 GBP

A  Rare 19th Century King's Knife of the Zande or the Mengbetu People, A Trombash Power Authority Knife

A Rare 19th Century King's Knife of the Zande or the Mengbetu People, A Trombash Power Authority Knife

A long Knife consisting of a short cylindrical wooden handle, round in section, with a flat end bound in iron banding at the pommel end. The other end of this is cut flat, and has a smaller cylindrical body as the middle hand grip section. Above this point, the handle connects with the blade tang. Which goes through the handle, the tang has been inserted through the centre of the handle, and then its rectangular end hammered over at the top to fix it in place. This is end is visible where it emerges through the handle top, and is off centre. The narrower part of the handle have been decorated with an iron binding strip. Both binding strips [top and bottom] have their ends hammered into slots in the wood to secure them. The blade is curved, with a broad flat ridge running along the length on both sides. This is not centred. On one side of the ridge, the blade extends to form a broad, sharpened base edge with a pointed corner; a more narrow blade extends from the other side of this, slightly higher up the knife. The sides then begin to taper in towards the point at the other end. Both edges were once sharpened. The object is complete, with some minor cut marks on the blade and handle.

Very similar to a Mengbetu collected by Robert Grenville Gayer-Anderson in the Bahr el Ghazal region, probably between 1909 and 1914, in the period immediately before World War I. At the time this object was collected, the Bahr el Ghazal province was much larger than it is today, extending from roughly the Bahr el Arab all the way to the border with the Belgian Congo; this area is now divided into the districts of Western Bahr el Ghazal, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, and parts of Warab, El Buheyrat and Western Equatoria. The drawing in the gallery is a 19th century depiction of Munza, the king of the Mangbetu. Seated on his throne, he holds a similar knife to ours as a symbol of power and authority.  read more

Code: 19166

395.00 GBP