1444 items found
Roman 1st century, Large, Lead Sling Bullet, Acquired Near Camulodunum-Colchester-In the 1820's

Roman 1st century, Large, Lead Sling Bullet, Acquired Near Camulodunum-Colchester-In the 1820's

From part four of our original ancient arrow heads, spears, lead sling bullets, antiquities and rings from an 1820 Grand Tour Collection. The Battle of Camulodunum, also known as the Massacre of the Ninth Legion, was the major military victory of the Iceni and their allies over an organised Roman army during the revolt of Boudica against the Roman occupation of Britain. A large vexillation of the Legio IX Hispana were destroyed by the rebels. While attempting to relieve the besieged colonia of Camulodunum (Colchester, Essex), legionaries of the Legio IX Hispana led by Quintus Petillius Cerialis, were attacked by a horde of British tribes, led by the Iceni. Possibly 80% of the Roman foot-soldiers were killed in the battle. The event is recorded by the historian Tacitus in his Annals. The Iberian auxiliaries or legionaries were the most famous of the Roman 'slingers' in the roman armies.In AD 60 or 61, the southeastern area of the island rose in revolt under Boudica, while the Roman governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, was campaigning in Wales. The Iceni were joined by the Trinovantes, and their first target was Camulodunum, formerly the Trinovantian capital, now a colonia or settlement of discharged Roman soldiers. Tacitus reports it was poorly defended, and archaeology confirms its former military fortifications had been levelled by this time. The colonists appealed for aid to the procurator, Catus Decianus, who sent only two hundred auxiliaries. Camulodunum was burned, and the temple, where the last of the defenders took refuge, fell after a two-day siege. The defenders were massacred.
The Ninth Legion, commanded by Quintus Petillius Cerialis, attempted to relieve the siege. It is unlikely that the entire legionary strength of some 5,000 men was involved in the battle. Detachments of the legion were spread out across a network of small forts; on short notice, Cerialis was likely able to call on only the first cohort, possibly two others, auxiliary infantry, and a unit of some 500 cavalry - a total of perhaps 2,500 men. Cerialis set out from his base in Lindum Colonia (Lincoln). From Lindum, it was a distance of at least 110 miles. They may have taken the Roman road to Camulodunum from Durovigtum (Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire), a march of some 75 miles which would have taken three days.

However, they arrived too late to relieve the colonia. The British tribes had gathered a considerable force by the time Cerialis and the Ninth approached Camulodunum. They overwhelmed the detachment in the field and defeated it, routing the Romans. Tacitus says their entire infantry strength was wiped out, with only Cerialis and his cavalry able to retreat to their fortified camp. According to George Patrick Welch, "In the initial contact and later rear-guard actions he lost about 2,000 men, or one-third of his infantry strength."
Slingers wore three slings. A large one tightened to the waist (to be used in distances of more than 60 metres.), a small, one tightened around his forehead (range 20-25 metres.) and a medium size one always on the hand (with a range up to 60 mts.). They carried the bullets in a goat fur bag hanging from the shoulder. With the large one they could launch 500 grams stones (like a tennis ball) that were able to destroy shields and wood defences. With the small and medium size slings the lead bullets could perforate at short distances (up to 60 metres.) thin armours and helmets. The sling as a weapon was widely used not only by Balearic warriors but by other Iberian warriors and also by Roman auxiliary troops like Greeks, Sicilians, North Africans, but after the Roman conquest of the Balearic Islands elite slingers were always the Balearic that fought in the legions of Julius Caesar. Bullets are usually found on the known battle fields of the Roman conquest.

Every single item from The Lanes Armoury is accompanied by our unique Certificate of Authenticity. Part of our continued dedication to maintain the standards forged by us over the past 100 years of our family’s trading

This bullet weighs 62.5grams, and is 48mm long.  read more

Code: 23804

235.00 GBP

A Simply Wonderful 16th Century Koto Era Katana, Museum Quality Mounting, With Shakudo & Pure Gold Decorated Menuki of Takeda Shingen in Armour With His Tiger’s Tail Saya Mounted Sword & War Bow

A Simply Wonderful 16th Century Koto Era Katana, Museum Quality Mounting, With Shakudo & Pure Gold Decorated Menuki of Takeda Shingen in Armour With His Tiger’s Tail Saya Mounted Sword & War Bow

Circa 1580. All original Edo period koshirae fittings and beautiful original Edo cinnabar urushi lacquer saya. The wrap is original Edo lacquered tooled leather over two wonderful pure gold decorated menuki of two armoured menuki, they are likely Takeda Shingen with his distinctive swords saya Mede from a tiger’s tail, and he wears a court cap helmet. The tsuba is a very fine nanban lobed mokko gata tsuba of wonderful dragon form also decorated with gold. The kashira is a kubutogane type, is a pure gold decorated shakudo, and the the fuchi has a takebori superb quality dragon, on a nanako ground.

Nanako Ji: "fish roe ground" A surface decoration produced by forming very small raised bosses by a sharply struck punch or burin called 'nanako tagane'. Shakudo is the metal most often used, but copper and gold are quite often employed. The harder metals, shibuichi, silver and iron are rarely decorated in this way. The size of the dots vary from 0.04" to 0.008" (25 to 125 and inch) and the regularity of the work is marvelous as the dots must be spaced entirely by touch. The dots are usually arranged in straight lines or in lines parallel to the edge of the piece being decorated, but sometimes in more elaborate patterns. Used on guards since the Momoyama period although the technique existed since much earlier periods. Usually done by specialist 'nanako-shi', but sometimes done by the maker of the guard himself.

The blade has a joyful and elaborate gunome hamon and a hammered silver over copper habaki. The saya is in bulls blood red urushi lacquer, with polished buffalo horn fittings

The first mention of the word "katana" occurred during Japan's Kamakura Period (1185 to 1333). Back then, the word was used to describe a long sword with similar characteristics as the tachi but with a few nuances. The katana, for instance, generally had a longer, more curved blade than its tachi counterpart. Most importantly, however, the katana was stronger and more powerful than the tachi. The Kamakura and Muromachi periods
These two periods are considered as the most important periods of the Samurai sword's development history. Though the exact time frames for these periods is debated the period from 1185 to 1336 was known as the Kamakura while the period from 1337 to 1573 was referred to as the Muromachi period. During these periods, there were many invasions in Japan. As a result, there was need for an effective sword to fend off invaders successfully.

During battle the Japanese warriors found that it was very difficult to draw the old ken straight sword from the scabbard (saya) while fighting on a horseback. Consequently, during the Muromachi period, smiths developed the curved katana sword which was more functional during horseback fighting. Because of the design and effective cutting angles, a Samurai could easily draw their sword from the scabbard and slash their opponents in a single swing. 27.5 inch blade from tsuba to tip.  read more

Code: 21721

8750.00 GBP

A Fabulous and Very Scarce, Mitsunaga Clan Antique Edo Period, High Rank Samurai Kunida-Gura Horse Pack-Saddle From The Clan Baggage Train, with Samurai Matsunaga Clan Kamon Crest Mounts

A Fabulous and Very Scarce, Mitsunaga Clan Antique Edo Period, High Rank Samurai Kunida-Gura Horse Pack-Saddle From The Clan Baggage Train, with Samurai Matsunaga Clan Kamon Crest Mounts

A stunning piece of Japanese decor, an original samurai horseman's mount for tanegashime {muskets} or even female attendants of the daimyo’s court.

This is probably only the second example of a kunida-gura of this type we have seen in 50 years outside of Japan, and even in Japan, and top quality examples are very scarce indeed.

Not only a functional piece of essential travel samurai equipment but a beautiful work of architectural art in itself.

The whole frame is beautifully decorated with crushed abilone shell and the arch mounts engraved with family clan crest or mon based on the Tsuta mon, Kamon with ivy, which has been used as a pattern since the earliest times in Japan, as a motif. Its elegant shape and the life force to survive by covering all things. The dominant clan with the tsuta mon were the Matsunaga clan ( Matsunaga-shi). It is a Japanese samurai clan who are descended from the Fujiwara clan.

The lineage of Matsunaga Danjo Hisahide strengthen the Matsunaga clan's claim to Fujiwara lineage through Hisahide's nephew, Tadatoshi Naito (also known as Naito Joan and Fujiwara John). Tadatoshi Naito's mother was Naito Sadafusa who was from the Naito clan. The Naito clan are descended from Fujiwara no Hidesato (Hokke (Fujiwara)). Tadatoshi Naito would serve as lord of Yagi castle.
Hisahide's granddaughter, Matsunaga Teitoku also strengthened the Matsunaga clan's link to the Fujiwara clan. Her mother was the older sister of Fujiwara Seika. Teitoku's cousin was Tadatoshi Naito.

Other sources suggest that the Matsunaga clan may have descended from the Minamoto clan and may be the descendants of Takenouchi no Sukune. Such a piece as this to be of such high quality lacquer, finely embelished with abilone, and bearing the clan mon, shows that this is a high ranking piece, for the transport of weapons, armour boxes, and women of the daimyo's court, within the baggage train of a Daimyo. This is a spectacular piece and they are very rarely seen, and the few that have survived over the centuries are more usually the fairly crude utility examples, completely undecorated and very plain. Over the decades we have had early Japanese woodblock prints showing a procession of horses, in a Daimyo's or Shogun's entourage, some occasionally show a pack saddle exactly such as this, with it's distinctive high crested top. They were usually racked with tanegashima arquebuss guns or even polearms. Also, in one early print three women are seated on one example. They may have been attendant's for a Daimyo's consort. We show in the gallery an original Meiji Period photograph of two ladies seated on the same type of saddle, on a ni-uma or konida uma, but a simple plain example of a much lower status.  read more

Code: 22563

2750.00 GBP

A Good Koto Period O Sukashi Tsuba

A Good Koto Period O Sukashi Tsuba

Cirtca 1550. Probably Owari school. The OWARI school should be divided into three periods. The first period comprises those pieces made in the Muromachi age. The earliest tsuba of the first period are a little younger than the earliest Kanayama tsuba. The second period is the work of the Momoyama age. The third period is from the early Edo age to the Genroku era (1688-1703). A few facts may be stated based on examination of the work of this school. They are always of positive silhouette design. The subjects of the designs vary greatly but they always have in common a strong masculine feeling. They are a noble tsuba whose influence may be seen in many contemporary schools.
Yamasaka Kichibei was the name of the first tsuba artist of this family. Later members of this school shortened the name to Yamakichibei, still later onwe see the name Yamakichi. The working period of the first Yamasaka Kichibei is from Tensho to Keicho eras (1575-1615), about contemporary with the second Nobuiye. The first generations lived in the Kiyosu area, but the later generations lived at Nagoya in Owari Province. Tsuba were made by whole dynasties of craftsmen whose only craft was making tsuba. They were usually lavishly decorated. In addition to being collectors items, they were often used as heirlooms, passed from one generation to the next. Japanese families with samurai roots sometimes have their family crest (mon) crafted onto a tsuba. Tsuba can be found in a variety of metals and alloys, including iron, steel, brass, copper and shakudo. In a duel, two participants may lock their katana together at the point of the tsuba and push, trying to gain a better position from which to strike the other down. This is known as tsubazeriai pushing tsuba against each other.  read more

Code: 20801

495.00 GBP

A Very Good Shinto Samurai Combat Ryo-Shinogi yari. A Samurai's Polearm Circa 1650

A Very Good Shinto Samurai Combat Ryo-Shinogi yari. A Samurai's Polearm Circa 1650

Very nice blade in polish showing a good hamon temper line. Double edged four sided. A thick stout blade that would have been enormously effective in trained hands. A Samurai ryo-shinogi yari polearm. Shinto period in nice order overall. Yari is the Japanese term for spear, or more specifically, the straight-headed spear. The martial art of wielding the yari is called sojutsu. A yari can range in length from one meter to upwards of six metres (3.3 to 20 feet). The longer versions were called omi no yari while shorter ones were known as mochi yari or tae yari. The longest versions were carried by foot troops (ashigaru), while samurai usually carried a shorter yari such as this example. Yari are believed to have been derived from Chinese spears, and while they were present in early Japan's history they did not become popular until the thirteenth century.The original warfare of the bushi was not a thing for "commoners"; it was a ritualized combat usually between two warriors who may challenge each other via horseback archery and sword duels. However, the attempted Mongol invasions of Japan in 1274 and 1281 changed Japanese weaponry and warfare. The Mongol-employed Chinese and Korean footmen wielded long pikes, fought in tight formation, and moved in large units to stave off cavalry. Polearms (including naginata and yari) were of much greater military use than swords, due to their much greater range, their lesser weight per unit length (though overall a polearm would be fairly hefty), and their great piercing ability. Swords in a full battle situation were therefore relegated to emergency sidearm status from the Heian through the Muromachi periods. Around later half of sixteenth century, ashigaru holding pikes (naga yari) with length of 4.5 to 6.5 m (15 to 22 feet) or sometimes 10 m became main forces in armies. They formed lines, combined with harquebusiers and short spearmen. Pikemen formed two or three row of line, and were forced to move up and down their pikes in unison under the command.Yari overtook the popularity of the daikyu for the samurai, and foot troops (ashigaru) used them extensively as well
Various types of yari points or blades existed. The most common blade was a straight, flat, design that resembles a straight-bladed double edged dagger. This type of blade could cut as well as stab and was sharpened like a razor edge. Though yari is a catchall for spear, it is usually distinguished between kama yari, which have additional horizontal blades, and simple su yari (choku-so) or straight spears. Yari can also be distinguished by the types of blade cross section: the triangular sections were called sankaku yari and the diamond sections were called ryo-shinogi yari. 16.5 inch blade including tang, 7inch blade length, overall yari length 75 inches.  read more

Code: 19565

1495.00 GBP

A Beautiful and Rare Set Of The Original 8 Book Bindings, 'The Strand Magazine', That Famously Contains the First Bound Volumes of Sherlock Holmes Adventures

A Beautiful and Rare Set Of The Original 8 Book Bindings, 'The Strand Magazine', That Famously Contains the First Bound Volumes of Sherlock Holmes Adventures

The Strand Magazine July 1891 till Dec. 1893 bound in 8 Volumes } Vol. I to VIII}

First editions in bound book form . . the originals were published as a monthly magazine.

The first appearance of the 24 Sherlock Holmes adventures preceeding the first publishing of the books "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (according A10 and A14 Green/Gibson). Including many of the famous original illustrations of Sidney Paget which help form the popular image of Holmes. Also very interesting is the article in Vol. IV about the daily life of Dr. Doyle with photos of him, his wife and his home. Volume II (July - Dec. 1891) Adventure I. - A Scandal in Bohemia Adventure II. - The Red-Headed League Adventure III. - A Case of Idendity Adventure IV. - The Boscombe Valley Mystery Adventure V. - The Five Orange Pips Adventure VI. - The Man With The Twisted Lip Volume III (Jan.- June 1892) Adventure VII. - The Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle Adventure VIII. - The Adventure Of The Speckled Band Adventure IX. - The Adventure Of The Engineer's Thumb Adventure X. - The Adventure Of The Noble Bachelor Adventure XI. - The Adventure Of The Beryl Coronet Adventure XII. - The Adventure Of The Copper Beeches Volume IV (July to Dec. 1892) Article 'A Day with Dr. Conan Doyle' with Photos of him, his wife, his house and his study Adventure XIII. - The Adventure Of Silver Blaze Volume V (Jan. to June 1893) Adventure XIV - The Adventure Of The Cardboard Box Adventure XV. - The Adventure Of The Yellow Face Adventure XVI. - The Adventure Of The Stockbroker'Clerk Adventure XVII. - The Adventure Of The "GLORIA SCOTT" Adventure XVIII. - The Adventure Of The Musgrave Ritual Adventure XIX. - The Adventure Of The Reigate Squire Volume VI (July to Dec. 1893) Adventure XX. - The Adventure Of The Crooked Man Adventure XXI. - The Adventure Of The Resident Patient Adventure XXII. - The Adventure Of The Greek Interpreter Adventure XXIII. - The Adventure Of The Naval Treaty Adventure XXIV. - The Adventure Of The Final Problem There are many other interesting factual articles in addition to fictional short stories and series of different authors in these books. One example: "Towards The North Pole" by Dr. Fridtjof Nansen.

Plus, Volume III contains the first publication of Rudyard Kipling's short story "The Lost Legion." Volume IV contains the first English translation of Jules Verne's short horror story "Frritt-Flacc" as "Dr. Trifulgas."

If one wanted experience and read of the Victorian way of life in England, this is by far the best way to uncover it. The Sherlock Holmes stories are just a fraction of what they contain. Hundreds of wonderful stories and details of exploration, by dozens of highly rated Victorian authors, thus, thousands of unrivalled hours of pleasure awaits the next owner/s of these incredible books.

Books are in very good condition. Some light wear The bindings are very nice and some areas of foxing on the paper. A very rare collectable set of the first appearance of these famous stories. Hard to find in this nice condition. All articles are richly illustrated  read more

Code: 25194

1495.00 GBP

A Fabulous Victorian Set of 24 of Charles Dickens Works, Superbly Bound In 17 Volumes By Chapman And Hall

A Fabulous Victorian Set of 24 of Charles Dickens Works, Superbly Bound In 17 Volumes By Chapman And Hall

If you wanted a stunning set to enjoy or as an heirloom for future generations you would likely never see a better set of this type. Very good condition indeed, 17 beautiful volumes octavo, finest calf leather with marbled boards, five raised bands across each spine, with titles, in gilt on red leather with green leather title labels, and gilt decoratio. Marbled edges, with marbled end papers original illustrations, all contents clean and bright and bindings firm.
Charles Dickens
TWENTY-FOUR Works in Seventeen Volumes
Sketches by Boz.

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist & A Tale of Two Cities.

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.

The Old Curiosity Shop.

Barnaby Rudge.

The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit.

Christmas Books & Hard Times. Including A Christmas Carol

Dombey and Son.

The Personal History of David Copperfield.

Bleak House.

Little Dorrit.

Great Expectations & The Uncommercial Traveller.

Our Mutual Friend.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood & Reprinted Pieces.

American Notes for General Circulation & Pictures from Italy & A Child's History of England.

Christmas Stories & Master Humphrey's Clock.  read more

Code: 25195

1250.00 GBP

A German WW2 Nazi DRK Red Cross Medal

A German WW2 Nazi DRK Red Cross Medal

(Deutsche Volkspflege 1939-1945
On the 1st May 1939, Hitler introduced a series of four awards (Ehrenzeichen für Deutsche Volkspflege) to replace the earlier DRK awards.
His thinking was that the new series of awards should cover the whole field of social welfare, and not just the relatively restricted area of the Red Cross.
To be rendered in recognition of loyal service in the connection with the following:
Social Welfare
Winter Relief
Looking after the sick and wounded, both in peace and war
Keeping up old customs
Looking after German nationals in foreign countries.
One of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles prevented the DRK from having any involvement in military matters. As a result, during the Weimar Republic under the leadership of Joachim von Winterfeldt-Mencken, the DRK became a national organization focusing on social welfare . In April 1933 the Nazi Reich Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick made it clear to Winterfeldt-Mencken that this policy would no longer apply; instead, the DRK would be expected to play its part in supporting the armed forces in any future conflict. Shortly after this the DRK was informed that the head of the SA Medical Corps, Dr. Paul Hocheisen had been given responsibility for voluntary nursing organizations.

On the 11th of June 1933 Frick was invited to speak at the Red Cross Day. He declared:

"The Red Cross is something like the conscience of the nation. … Together with the nation, the Red Cross is ready to commit all its strength for the high goals of our leader, Adolf Hitler".

The DRK was quick to respond to the changed circumstances, indeed Winterfeldt-Mencken had always been opposed to the system of parliamentary democracy. The Workers' Samaritan League, a left-wing humanitarian organization, had always been an unwelcome competitor to the DRK. Hocheisen very quickly arranged that it should be taken over by the DRK. Similarly, the DRK moved quickly to rid itself of left-wing members, and in June 1933 it also decided that the Nazi "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service" should be applied and dismissed its Jewish employees.  read more

Code: 23691

135.00 GBP

WW2 SS Polizei Family Collection, 'Fuhrer Class' Cuff Title, Probably by Richter und Rohrlapper of Brandenburg, Original Family Polizei Photos, Pass Books and Paperwork etc.

WW2 SS Polizei Family Collection, 'Fuhrer Class' Cuff Title, Probably by Richter und Rohrlapper of Brandenburg, Original Family Polizei Photos, Pass Books and Paperwork etc.

A complete WW2 and pre WW2 SS Polizei 'Soika' family collection all regarding one older man and the younger probably his son who both served in the German Polizei, and the son in the SS Polizei Division in WW2. Papers, pass books, hand embroidered aluminium wire RZM 'fuhrer pattern' SS Polizei Division uniform cuff title, still sown to cut off uniform cuff, original personal photographs of Polizei briefings, and a personal portrait photo of the younger SS Polizei Division family member, an order of some kind to him signed by SS Polizei Obersturmfuhrer and typed Waffen SS papers in German, and a polizei cap badge. The cap badge has had old cap mount repairs. The 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division was one of the thirty-eight divisions fielded as part of the Waffen-SS during World War II.

The division was formed in 1939 as part of the Ordnungspolizei or Orpo (uniformed national police). While all German police organisations were controlled by Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler in his capacity as Chief of German Police in the Interior Ministry, they were not at this time considered part of the SS, nor was the Polizei Division on par with the other Waffen-SS divisions. This status was reflected in the quality of the equipment they were issued and their retention of police insignia and rank structure. The division was transferred to the Waffen-SS in 1942 and was upgraded to a Panzergrenadier division. It fought in France, the Soviet Union, Greece (where it orchestrated the Distomo massacre) and Pomerania and surrendered to the Americans in May 1945. The division was formed in October 1939, when 15,000 members of the Ordnungspolizei were drafted and placed together with artillery and signals units transferred from the army. These men were not enrolled in the SS and remained policemen, retaining their Orpo rank structure and insignia. Himmler's purpose in forming the division was twofold: in a period of heated bureaucratic infighting and competition for manpower, it permitted him to get around the recruitment caps the Wehrmacht had succeeded in placing on the SS, it also provided a means for his policemen to satisfy their military obligation and avoid army conscription.

The first commander was Generalleutnant der Polizei (Major-General) Karl Pfeffer-Wildenbruch, a career police commander who had been a general staff officer during World War I; simultaneous with his appointment he was also commissioned as an SS-Gruppenfuhrer. The division was equipped largely with captured Czech materiel and underwent military training in the Black Forest combined with periods on internal security duties in Poland. During the invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa), the division was initially part of the reserve with Army Group North. In August 1941, the division saw action near Luga. During heavy fighting for the Luga bridgehead the division lost over 2,000 soldiers including the commander, Arthur M?lverstadt. After a series of failed attacks in swampy and wooded terrain, the division, along with army formations, fought its way into the northern part of Luga, encircling and destroying the Soviet defenders.

In January 1942, the division was moved to the Volkhov River sector, and on 24 February it was transferred to the Waffen-SS; its personnel changing their police insignia to that of the SS. The formation was involved in heavy fighting between January and March which resulted in the destruction of the Soviet 2nd Shock Army. The remainder of the year was spent on the Leningrad Although its original thin paper RZM label is no longer present, this cuff title gives all the indications from other cuff titles made by the maker, it was likely made by cuff title producer, with RZM license № A4/21, by Richter und Rohrlapper- Band und Posamentenfabrik Brandenburg, with hand embroidery by M. Auer München who had the licence A4/91, for aluminium hand-embroidery on cuff titles. it is in very good worn condition

Souvenirs such as these were taken by the magnificent British & Commonwealth and Allied combatants throughout the world. Although the names of those veterans are most sadly often now lost in the mists of time, their heroic excursions with never be forgotten by most of us, as they are also symbolised by these very war trophies, that hundreds of thousands of allied veterans perished for, in order for the survivors to regain world freedom, cruelly stolen by the Axis Powers. Of course not all the world gained such freedoms at the end of 1945, but at least hundreds of millions did, which is a remarkable achievement, achieved by our finest generation, and by those that sacrificed all.  read more

Code: 23778

2150.00 GBP

Original WW2 Home Guard Memorabilia The 11th City of London Home Guard Solid Silver Challenge Shooting Cup, & Gloss Black Lacquered Circular base with Two Presentation Shields, With Winners Selected As Snipers for Ultra Top Secret WW2  ‘Auxiliaries’

Original WW2 Home Guard Memorabilia The 11th City of London Home Guard Solid Silver Challenge Shooting Cup, & Gloss Black Lacquered Circular base with Two Presentation Shields, With Winners Selected As Snipers for Ultra Top Secret WW2 ‘Auxiliaries’

650 grams, 1.4 lbs of solid silver. Hallmarked and dated Birmingham 1938

Interestingly it was the winner's of such trophies that were specifically chosen as sniper's for Churchill's secret assassin's and guerrilla force, 'The Auxiliaries'.
A unprepossessing name that hid their highly top secret purpose, to assassinate senior ranking Germans, to blow up bridges and enemy communications, if, and or when, the occupation of Britain was accomplished, after any German invasion took place.
Highly skilled, often retired, expert shooters, gamekeepers or former munitions experts, recruited into the most secret force Britain ever created. Men, that were often believed by their neighbours to be shirkers or cowards for not joining up, that were hidden in top secret bunkers around the country after the invasion, to harry the German's and create fear and havoc among the swinish occupiers.
Their top secret orders included the assassination of British women that fraternised with German's, and to assassinate the country's regional Chief Constables. These were leaders of Britain's police forces that were by no means collaborators or assisting the German's willingly, but the men that knew everything about Britain's local defences etc. information that must not fall into enemies hands.
Needless to say none of Britain's Chief constables were ever told of their potential fate after any invasion.

It is said in certain circles such shooting competitions were organised by the British SIS Secret Intelligence Service to root out such men, possessors of their specific set of skills and abilities perfect for the killing of German occupying officer's etc. and men that could be trusted to keep a secret.

Member of the Auxiliaries were sworn to secrecy, signed the equivalent to the Official Secrets Act, and often instructed to denounce the British war effort in public, and resign from the Home Guard. All to allay even the remotest suspicion, if the need arose, that they could possibly be covert occupation assassins. Even after the war's end, for many decades following, these men often never even told their families their secret purpose during the war, some even going to their graves maintaining their incredible secret. Some vilified for all their remaining lives as appearing to be cowards for not assisting the war effort, even denouncing it. The epitome of the definition of true heroes.

"He that would keep a secret must keep it secret that he hath a secret to keep." -Sir Francis Bacon

A superb looking and sizeable solid silver trophy, and out of interest it is near identical to the US Open Women's Trophy won by Emma Raducanu in September 21. The 11th City of London Dagenham Home Guard, Battalion Inter-Company Miniature Range Cup. Hallmarked silver. Wartime competition dated, with company winners, from 1940 to 1944. Its most notable member was Major William Thomas Forshaw VC

The Home Guard (initially Local Defence Volunteers or LDV) was an armed citizen militia supporting the British Army during the Second World War. Operational from 1940 to 1944, the Home Guard had 1.5 million local volunteers otherwise ineligible for military service, such as those who were too young or too old to join the regular armed services (regular military service was restricted to those aged 18 to 41) and those in reserved occupations. Excluding those already in the armed services, the civilian police or civil defence, approximately one in five men were volunteers. Their role was to act as a secondary defence force in case of invasion by the forces of Nazi Germany.

The Home Guard were to try to slow down the advance of the enemy even by a few hours to give the regular troops time to regroup. They were also to defend key communication points and factories in rear areas against possible capture by paratroops or fifth columnists. A key purpose was to maintain control of the civilian population in the event of an invasion, to forestall panic and to prevent communication routes from being blocked by refugees to free the regular forces to fight the Germans. The Home Guard continued to man roadblocks and guard the coastal areas of the United Kingdom and other important places such as airfields, factories and explosives stores until late 1944, when they were stood down. They were finally disbanded on 31 December 1945, eight months after Germany's surrender.

Men aged 17 to 65 years could join, although the upper age limit was not strictly enforced. Service was unpaid but gave a chance for older or inexperienced soldiers to support the war effort.

Its base is a separate entity, and not affixed. Bearing, two shield plaques of named ‘company’ winners, dated Dec 1940 and April 1941, there are 6 further named ‘company’ winners on the reverse of the cup.
Most interestingly the shield for April 1941, states the trophy was was won by 'F Company', Home Guard', of the Ford Motor Company, Dagenham

The base is 7 3/4 inches across, 3 inches high.

The cup hallmarked dated to 1938 is 10 inches high, width at maximum including handles 9 3/4 inches

The total height of the cup standing on the base will be 13 inches  read more

Code: 23892

675.00 GBP