Antique Arms & Militaria

837 items found
An Exceptional Victorian 19th Century Canadian Artillery Sabre, With Near Mint Blade In Original Mirror Bright Polish and Frosted Panels of Etching

An Exceptional Victorian 19th Century Canadian Artillery Sabre, With Near Mint Blade In Original Mirror Bright Polish and Frosted Panels of Etching

A very fine 19th century Canadian Artillery officer's purchase, very possibly used in the Boer War and even WW1.
With the officer's monogram etched upon the blade, A.O.P., so fruitful and successful research could reveal the sword owner's name.

The history of the Canadian militia covers hundreds of years. In 1534, Jacques Cartier fired the first artillery along the Atlantic coast. Since then, colonists served in the militias of New France and British North America.

Residents of Saint John, New Brunswick, formed the Loyal Company of Artillery in 1793. This unit exists today as the 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. The War of 1812 and the Rebellions of 1837-1838 helped promote new militia units.

The Crimean War (1853-1856) resulted in fewer British regulars in British North America. The Canadian Legislature passed the Militia Act of 1855, which authorized a volunteer militia of up to 5,000, including batteries of artillery, equipped and trained at government expense.

In 1855, the militia formed five volunteer artillery batteries in Hamilton, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, and Quebec City. They were the first Reserve or Non-Permanent Active Militia units.

War broke out in South Africa between the British and Dutch colonists called Boers in 1899. Canada provided a volunteer force to aid the British. Among the volunteers were three batteries of Field Artillery – C, D, and E Batteries.

C Battery helped relieve Colonel Robert Baden-Powell's Garrison under siege at Mafeking. D Battery helped save the 12 Pounder guns during the Battle of Leliefontein, while E Battery assisted with the liberation of Douglas on the Vaal River.

The Boers had changed how the British deployed artillery on the battlefield. They no longer expected an adversary to duel over open sights. The Boers used concealment, long-range fire, and harassing fire to their advantage. From then on, Gunners would master the art of indirect fire.

By December 1900, the three Canadian Artillery batteries departed South Africa. The Boers surrendered on 31 May 1902. Canada lost a total of 270 troops during the South African War.

In early 1915, the Canadians joined the British in the trenches of France and Belgium. Canadians participated in battles on the Western Front.

The Canadian Artillery directed bombardments against trenches, machine gun deployments, and dugouts. LCol A. G. L. McNaughton led in the development of counter-battery techniques to target enemy guns.

In 1916, Canada had four divisions with hundreds of guns. BGen E. W. B. "Dinky" Morrison commanded the Artillery. The main field guns included the QF 13 Pounder with the RCHA, and the QF 18 Pounder and the 4.5 Inch Howitzer with the RCA.

The Battle of Vimy Ridge, from 9 to 12 April 1917, set a new standard for artillery support to deal with strong enemy positions and counterattacks. The creeping barrage also evolved to protect advancing troops. These developments helped Canadians win the battle, which had eluded the British and the French.

In the spring of 1918, the Germans made one last effort to break the stalemate in Europe. After some initial success, the Spring Offensive began to falter against Allied resistance.

During the Last Hundred Days, the Allies were on the offensive to defeat Germany and end the war. Canadian Gunners operated field guns, horse artillery and anti-aircraft guns. The fighting stopped with the defeat of Germany and the Armistice of 11 November 1918.

During WW1, Canadian Gunners supported the infantry at all costs. From 1914 to1918, more than 600,000 Canadians joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Over 60,000 gave their lives and 170,000 were wounded. Of these, 2,565 Gunners died and 8,066 were among the wounded.

Three Canadian field batteries supported anti-communist forces in North Russia and Siberia (1918-1919). Canada also placed Garrison Artillery on the Island of St. Lucia in the British West Indies (1915-1919).  read more

Code: 25044

645.00 GBP

A Most Fine 18th to Early 19th Century Ottoman Empire Jannisaries Yatağan Sword, Carved Horn 'Eared' Hilt & Original Hide Covered Wooden Combat Scabbard

A Most Fine 18th to Early 19th Century Ottoman Empire Jannisaries Yatağan Sword, Carved Horn 'Eared' Hilt & Original Hide Covered Wooden Combat Scabbard

Overall in superb condition, the patina on both the hilt and leather scabbard is exceptional. The carved horn eared hilt is composed of two carved horn grip plates attached by three iron rivets, and is very fine indeed. It has a naturally patinated brass, fully encompassing, reinforcing strap that forms into the ricasso and shaped blade plate. The yataghan form blade, in the traditional form, is beautifully geometrically engraved upon the back edge. The polished hide covered wooden scabbard has an iron belt loop fixing. The Yatağan sword is a Turkish sword that is believed to have originated sometime in the late middle ages, around the 14th century. The first authentic findings that there are for the Yatağan are from the 15th century belonging to Suleiman the Magnificent. That sword has an inscription written on it dating it to 1526.

The formation of the Janissaries has been dated to the reign of Murad I (r. 1362–1389), the third ruler of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans instituted a tax of one-fifth on all slaves taken in war, and from this pool of manpower the sultans first constructed the Janissary corps as a personal army loyal only to the sultan. They were subjected to strict discipline, but were paid salaries and pensions upon retirement and formed their own distinctive social class. As such, they became one of the ruling classes of the Ottoman Empire, rivalling the Turkish aristocracy. The brightest of the Janissaries were sent to the palace institution, Enderun. Through a system of meritocracy, the Janissaries held enormous power, stopping all efforts to reform the military

Yatağan was widely used in the Ottoman period from the 16th century to the 19th century; is a famous and effective sword. It is also known as the Turkish Sword among foreigners and Kulakli among the people. Yatagan was a weapon of janissaries and other infantry troops.

The centre of gravity of the sword, the angle known as the Turkish curve in making swords, and the ideal strokes are difficult to use because they differ from other swords. The reason for this difference in form is to swing the enemy’s sword strokes more easily. But the destruction and chiselling power of a good user is much higher than that of contemporary swords. Although the motives and writings in Yatağan are sometimes a poem and sometimes a concise word, mostly the verses, the name of the owner of the sword, the prayers and the seal of the master making the sword are seen.

The Yatagan was mostly used by soldiers known as the Janissaries. These soldiers often had to walk long distances to defend the empire or expand its borders. That is why the scabbard was mostly made out of leather so that it would be light. It was usually carried on the side or the back of the belt.

The scabbard of the Yatagan is curved just like the blade and made wider than needed so the broadened tip can easily fit inside. It was made out of wood, leather, and even silver. It was also usually heavily decorated, especially if it was owned by a nobleman.
The Yatagan is truly a one-of-a-kind sword. There simply doesn’t seem to be a sword that can compare to it during the time period it was used. The inwardly curved blade, the lack of a crossguard, and the “ears” all contribute to the item’s one-of-a-kind appearance.

It is possible that the Greek Kopis and, in particular, the Iberian Falcata or Sica had some sort of influence on the Yatagan. However, these swords hadn’t been used for almost a thousand years by the time the Yatagan began to see use in the 14th to 19th centuries.

This sword was used throughout many regions of the Ottoman Empire that it has several different legends connected to its origins. One of the legends is about Yatagan Baba. This was a Seljuk blacksmith as well as a military commander. He conquered a village in modern-day Denizli, Turkey, and made his new home there. Being a master blacksmith, Yatagan Baba developed the Yatagan sword, which was named after him and the village he conquered.

Another legend is that at one point during the Ottoman Period, the sultan had forbidden the use of long swords by the Janissaries in peacetime because of their insubordination. They were then forced to improvise, and ordered weapons made that didn’t technically constitute a long sword.

Last photo in the gallery of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk wearing the traditional Janissary uniform Turkish yatagan swords that were the signature weapon of the Janissaries, almost a symbol of the corps.  read more

Code: 25041

1495.00 GBP

An Original Arrowhead From the Time of Alexander the Great’s War Against Persia, The Battle of the Granicus River, in 334 BC. The Battle Site Was Near The Legendary Site of the City of Troy.. Acquired On a Grand Tour in 1820

An Original Arrowhead From the Time of Alexander the Great’s War Against Persia, The Battle of the Granicus River, in 334 BC. The Battle Site Was Near The Legendary Site of the City of Troy.. Acquired On a Grand Tour in 1820

A stunning conversation piece, that would make a unique gift for a friend or loved one. Original, small arrow head in delightful condition showing good and beautiful natural aged ancient patina. They were all small heads at that time, as the arrow haft and flight was long and naturally did the major part of the action, but that was the organic part of the complete arrow, that simply rot away within a century in the ground, just leaving the remarkable bronze age head remaining.
Acquired in the 1820's while on a Grand Tour of Northern France and the
Ottoman Empire.
Discovered over 200 years ago in the region of The Battle of the Granicus River during what was known at the time as 'The Grand Tour'. And acquired by us as part of a collection of original antiquities from the Hamilton family of Scotland.

Fought in May 334 BC it was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire. Fought in Northwestern Asia Minor, near the site of Troy, it was here that Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia Minor, including a large force of Greek mercenaries led by Memnon of Rhodes.

The battle took place on the road from Abydos to Dascylium (near modern-day Ergili, Turkey), at the crossing of the Granicus River. Where the ancient Greeks best perceived the need for archers was
when an expeditionary force came to them: if an ancient city knew a siege was facing them, what preparations would they make As Mitylene prepares to secede from the Athenian Empire (428), we see the city taking three preparations to undergo a siege:
one was to buy grain,
second was to raise the height of the walls, and
the third was to bring in archers from Thrace.

In a siege, the defenders always have the height advantage. They are throwing or shooting from the city walls, the offense is shooting from the ground. Mathematically, the height advantage goes with the square root of two. If, for instance, you are shooting from twice as high, your arrow goes 1.414 times as far. If you are on a battlement 50 feet high, and your opponent is shooting from five feet high, your arrow goes seven times farther than his.
(This is purely mechanical, ignoring aerodynamics.)

The bow, among the Greeks, was the principal weapon for the city besieged. The bow being so effective in this situation explains why the first advance in ancient siege machinery was the movable tower. This
is the invention of Dionysius of Syracuse. You build it out of range, as high as the city walls, or even higher, armour the front with hides, move it up and give your archers a fair chance to clear the city walls.
Here, for once, is a situation where archers are fighting archers as the main event in ancient Greece. Though siege-towers were constructed out of range, there could always be over-achievers: Philip II, king of Macedon (359-336) and father of Alexander the Great, was inspecting
siege-works when he got his most famous wound an arrow from the city walls knocked his eye out.
Archers on city walls turned many a tide, as victorious besiegers routed a city’s land forces, and, in the excitement of pursuit, got too close to the city walls!.

Size approx 33mm long. We have a very few similar all from the collection, this one in the gallery was sold but we have a very few very similar around the same size. However, some are slightly longer, and a larger size, that are up to £95, please enquire directly if required  read more

Code: 24503

65.00 GBP

A Superb Original 11th Century Medieval Knightly Dagger, Made From a Re-Formed Knightly Sword,

A Superb Original 11th Century Medieval Knightly Dagger, Made From a Re-Formed Knightly Sword,

Originally made for and used by a knight in the 11th century as a sword, then, in or around the following century, by a skilled sword smith, it was reformed and then used as a knightly dagger, continually until the reign of King Henry Vth into the Battle of Agincourt era [circa 1415].

This fabulous dagger was reformed in the medieval period by cutting down the upper third of the sword; the blade being broad, with shallow fuller and square shoulders, the guard narrow and tapering towards the ends; it bears a later formed 'acorn' style pommel. See Oakeshott, E., Records of the Medieval Sword, Woodbridge, 1991. 942 grams, 47cm (18 1/2"). From a private family collection; previously acquired from a collection formed before 1990; thence by descent. The weapon started life as a two-edged sword, probably of Oakeshott's Type XV with broad tang and narrow guard. There is a trace of bronze latten inlay below the shoulder to one face where one might expect to find inlaid motifs or a symbol. It is likely that the sword was damaged in combat at the time of the Norman conquests of England, from 1066 and thereafter, and using the damaged knights long sword, a large knightly dagger was created, by removing the unusable part, and repointing the shortened blade. Used by a knight [the lower orders were not allowed the use or ownership of fine knightly swords or daggers] as a close quarter combat dagger some time between the time of Henry Ist, King Stephen. [King Stephen and Queen Matilda, in the age of Anarchy,] and right through the reign of King Henry IInd, The King who was regarded responsible for the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket [often erroneously known as Thomas a Becket] the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Henry the 1st was the fourth son of William the Conqueror. Considered by contemporaries to be a harsh but effective ruler, Henry skilfully manipulated the barons in England and Normandy. In England, he drew on the existing Anglo-Saxon system of justice, local government and taxation, but also strengthened it with additional institutions, including the royal exchequer and itinerant justices. Normandy was also governed through a growing system of justices and an exchequer. Many of the officials that ran Henry's system were "new men" of obscure backgrounds rather than from families of high status, who rose through the ranks as administrators. Henry encouraged ecclesiastical reform, but became embroiled in a serious dispute in 1101 with Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury, which was resolved through a compromise solution in 1105. He supported the Cluniac order and played a major role in the selection of the senior clergy in England and Normandy.

The early years of Stephen's reign were largely successful, despite a series of attacks on his possessions in England and Normandy by David I of Scotland, Welsh rebels, and the Empress Matilda's husband, Geoffrey of Anjou. In 1138 the Empress's half-brother Robert of Gloucester rebelled against Stephen, threatening civil war. Together with his close advisor, Waleran de Beaumont, Stephen took firm steps to defend his rule, including arresting a powerful family of bishops. When the Empress and Robert invaded in 1139, however, Stephen was unable to crush the revolt rapidly, and it took hold in the south-west of England. Captured at the battle of Lincoln in 1141, Stephen was abandoned by many of his followers and lost control of Normandy. Stephen was freed only after his wife and William of Ypres, one of his military commanders, captured Robert at the Rout of Winchester, but the war dragged on for many years with neither side able to win an advantage. Henry IInd was an energetic and sometimes ruthless ruler, driven by a desire to restore the lands and privileges of his royal grandfather, Henry I. During the early years of the younger Henry II’s reign he restored the royal administration in England, re-established hegemony over Wales and gained full control over his lands in Anjou, Maine and Touraine. Henry's desire to reform the relationship with the Church led to conflict with his former friend Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury. This controversy lasted for much of the 1160s and resulted in Becket's murder in 1170.

Henry soon came into conflict with Louis VII and the two rulers fought what has been termed a "cold war" over several decades. Henry expanded his empire, often at Louis' expense, taking Brittany and pushing east into central France and south into Toulouse; despite numerous peace conferences and treaties no lasting agreement was reached. By 1172, he controlled England, large parts of Wales, the eastern half of Ireland and the western half of France, an area that would later come to be called the Angevin Empire. Henry and Eleanor had eight children—three daughters and five sons. Three of his sons would be king, though Henry the Young King was named his father's co-ruler rather than a stand-alone king. As the sons grew up, tensions over the future inheritance of the empire began to emerge, encouraged by Louis and his son King Philip II. In 1173 Henry's heir apparent, "Young Henry", rebelled in protest; he was joined by his brothers Richard (later a king) and Geoffrey and by their mother, Eleanor. France, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and Boulogne allied themselves with the rebels. The Great Revolt was only defeated by Henry's vigorous military action and talented local commanders, many of them "new men" appointed for their loyalty and administrative skills. Young Henry and Geoffrey revolted again in 1183, resulting in Young Henry's death.

The Norman invasion of Ireland provided lands for his youngest son John (later a king), but Henry struggled to find ways to satisfy all his sons' desires for land and immediate power. By 1189, Young Henry and Geoffrey were dead, and Philip successfully played on Richard's fears that Henry II would make John king, leading to a final rebellion. Decisively defeated by Philip and Richard and suffering from a bleeding ulcer, Henry retreated to Chinon Castle in Anjou. He died soon afterwards and was succeeded by Richard known as Richard the Lionheart.

This dagger would have likely been used continually past the era of King Richard for another 200 years into to the 1400's, past the Battle of Crecy and into the Battle of Agincourt era, for knightly swords and daggers were extraordinarily valuable, and simply never discarded unless they were too damaged to use and beyond repair. From the time after Agincourt, knightly dagger patterns changed to become longer and much narrower, with considerably smaller guards. There were three main later dagger types then, called called rondel, ear and ballock. Almost every iron weapon that has survived today from this era is now in a fully russetted condition, as is this one, because only some of the swords of kings, that have been preserved in national or Royal collections are today still in a fairly good state of preservation and condition. This dagger is certainly in good condition for its age, it’s cross guard is, as usual, mobile, as organic wooden grips almost never survive in weapons of such great age.
Daggers [bespoke made or adapted from earlier long swords] of this form were clearly used well into the age of Henry Vth as carved marble and stone tombs, or monumental brasses, covering buried knights within churches and cathedrals are often adorned in full armour combined with such knightly daggers and swords, and they are also further depicted at the time in illuminated manuscripts or paintings of knightly battles such as of Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt at the time.  read more

Code: 23420

4350.00 GBP

A Very Good Victorian, Police, Service Cutlass, Circa 1840

A Very Good Victorian, Police, Service Cutlass, Circa 1840

With brass hilt, sharkskin bound grip, steel blade with clip backed blade
Current Police Officers, on late night duty, do, what is now very commonly called the 'graveyard shift'. This old English term is in fact derived from the early days of the British constabulary force, when undertaking the late night duty of patrolling graveyards. It was a regular patrol made in order to prevent body-snatchers from defiling late burials, and the stealing bodies, for medical experimentation. This was however, a highly dangerous part of Victorian policing, as grave robbing was a capital crime, so, the police constables were armed with these swords to protect them from grave assault. These swords were also issued in case of riot, and in various times for general service wear as well.

Metropolitan Police patrols took to the streets on 29 September 1829, despite resistance from certain elements of the community who saw them to be a threat to civil liberties. The initial force consisted of two Commissioners, eight Superintendents, 20 Inspectors, 88 Sergeants and 895 Constables. Patrolling the streets within a seven-mile (11 km) radius of Charing Cross, in order to prevent crime and pursue offenders.

Between 1829 and 1830, 17 local divisions each with a central police station were established, with each division assigned a letter. These divisions were:

A (Whitehall)
B (Westminstera)
C (St James's)
D (Marylebone)
E (Holborn)
F (Covent Garden)
G (Finsbury)
H (Whitechapel)
K (Stepneyb)
L (Lambeth)
M (Southwark)
N (Islington)
P (Camberwell)
R (Greenwich)
S (Hampstead)
T (Kensingtonc)
V (Wandsworth)

On 28 June 1830, Constable Joseph Grantham became the first member of the force to be killed in the line of duty, an incident described by the Coroner's Inquest as "justifiable homicide". Other indications of the Constabulary's unpopularity of the time, were such nicknames as 'Raw Lobsters', 'Blue Devils' and 'Peel's Bloody Gang'. Officers were physically assaulted, others impaled, blinded, and on one occasion held down while a vehicle was driven over them.

No scabbard  read more

Code: 25038


A 18th to Mid 19th Century Steel, Indo Persian, Double Crescent Blade Headed War Axe and Spike, Known as a Tabarzin

A 18th to Mid 19th Century Steel, Indo Persian, Double Crescent Blade Headed War Axe and Spike, Known as a Tabarzin

Of a type carried into battle by Indo-Persian/Mughal warriors. With engraved bird and floral decoration to the axe heads. Iron shaft.

The double head war axe with spike would have been a very effective battlefield weapon and had excellent balance.

The term tabar is used for axes originating from the Ottoman Empire, Persia, Armenia, India and surrounding countries and cultures. As a loanword taken through Iranian Scythian, the word tabar is also used in most Slavic languages as the word for axe.

The tabarzin (saddle axe) (Persian: تبرزین‎; sometimes translated "saddle-hatchet") is the traditional battle axe of Persia. It bears one or two crescent-shaped blades. The long form of the tabar was about seven feet long, while a shorter version was about three feet long or less. What makes the Persian axe unique is the very thin handle, which is very light and always metallic. The tabarzin was sometimes carried as a symbolic weapon by wandering dervishes (Muslim ascetic worshippers). The word tabar for axe was directly borrowed into Armenian as tapar (Armenian: տապար) from Middle Persian tabar, as well as into Proto-Slavonic as "topor" (*toporъ), the latter word known to be taken through Scythian, and is still the common Slavic word for axe.

A delightful example of a ceremonial axe in war axe form  read more

Code: 25036

495.00 GBP

A Most Rare Circa 1700’s Sawasa Hunting Hanger With Japanese Hilt in The European Style,  For a Senior Officer of the Dutch East India Company (VOC)

A Most Rare Circa 1700’s Sawasa Hunting Hanger With Japanese Hilt in The European Style, For a Senior Officer of the Dutch East India Company (VOC)

Made by Japanese emigre samurai sword koshirae {sword mounts} makers and artisans.

European hanger swords were the weapon of choice for maritime officers employed by the Dutch East India Company. The hilt and fittings of this sword were probably added to the European blade by Japanese émigrés in the Dutch colony of Batavia (Jakarta). They were made using the sawasa technique of gilded copper alloy with black shakudo detailing. Japanese samegawa grip {giant rayskin}, with a vertical panel, engraved with an exotic bird in front of two Indonesian mosque temple domes.
The level of workmanship suggests that the sword belonged to a high-ranking company official.
A sawasa hilted hunting hanger. It features a straight blade with a double-edged tip and wide fuller, flanked by a narrow groove near the spine. In the base of the fuller on either side are a running stag and a boar, both prized hunting animals, and French motto of honour. Sometimes referred to as 'Tonkinese chiseled work', these 18th century export wares became highly sought after.
An Early 18th century Sawasa hilted sword

Including single shell-guard, chased and gilded in high relief against a blackened fish-roe shakudo ground, chisseled with reclining Eros with his bow and quiver. the hilt quilon block is chisseled on one sade buy a collared hunting hound and tiger to the other side. The knuckle bow is chisseled with the figure of a turbanned Jakartan figure. the pommel is chisseled with a stag, and the quillon end is a stag hoof. Overall the hilt is decorated with a combination of artistic styles of the Dutch East Indies, and Europe, made by Japanese emigre artistry with japanese samegawa binding, finished in a mixture of shakudo and gilt.
This sword is a beauty in a superb state of preservation.
Sawasa is the Japanese name given to objects made by Asian artisans, adopting European models combined with Japanese and Chinese materials and decorative motifs. This decoration consists of refined gilt relief and engraving on a lustrous lacquered surface. Sawasa wares are the result of cultural interaction between Asia and Europe. As a consequence of global trade in the 17th century, mutual interest arose in the peculiarities of each other’s culture. The Dutch and other Europeans brought rare objects back from their travels which whetted the appetite for exotic rarities. The earliest sawasa objects are sword and hanger hilts and tobacco boxes ordered in Japan from Batavia, now Jakarta. Sawasa demonstrates not only the intercontinental commercial connections created by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) but also mutual cultural influences between Europe and Asia.

The decoration of the fittings suggests that the sword was mounted for the export market. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a style of metalwork known as sawasa was produced for the Dutch East India Company in and around Nagasaki and, following Japan’s closed country (sakoku) edicts, from around 1639 by exiled Japanese sword fitting craftsmen working in Batavia, where the market for sawasa was a profitable one. The idea of sawasa was that objects made from a copper alloy were given gilt relief decoration with black lacquered highlights to achieve the appearance of shakudō. The extensive metalwork here resembles shakudō, but is likely to be sawasa with highlights in gold. The ground is covered with fine punch marks in a pattern resembling fish roe (nanako), although the punch marks are not completely uniform. The wooden hilt is covered on each side with panels of brass alloy, over ray skin and once overlaid with gold leaf;
Blade engraved, on both sides, Ne me Tirez pas sans Raisons.. Ne me Remette point sans Honneur
Do not shoot me without reason do not hand me over without honour.

The hilt and blade is exceptionally sound and great condition, but with all the due appropriate age and surface wear from the past three hundred years

Picture in the gallery, a Japanese woodblock print, of a 17th century Dutch East India Co. vessel trading in Japan.

For reference;

Sawasa – Japanese Export Art in Black and Gold 1650-1800 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam  read more

Code: 25034

2450.00 GBP

A Beautiful Greco-Persian Wars Bronze Age Long Dagger Around 2500 Years Old. Such as From The Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Plataea

A Beautiful Greco-Persian Wars Bronze Age Long Dagger Around 2500 Years Old. Such as From The Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Plataea

Approximately 2500 years old, Achaemenid Empire era, 550 bc to 330 bc From the the Greco-Persian War, such as includes the iconic battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Plataea, up to the time of Alexander the Great. This wonderful antiquity, from one of the most eventful and ground breaking periods of classical history, is in amazing condition and beautifully decorated 6th-4th century BC. A bronze long dagger with narrow lentoid-section blade, collared grip with crescentic ears to the pommel. By the 7th century BC, the Persians had settled in the south-western portion of the Iranian Plateau in the region of Persis, which came to be their heartland. From this region, Cyrus the Great advanced to defeat the Medes, Lydia, and the Neo-Babylonian Empire, establishing the Achaemenid Empire. The Ionian Greek Revolt in 499 BC, and associated revolts in Aeolis, Doris, Cyprus and Caria, were military rebellions by several regions of Asia Minor against Persian rule, lasting from 499 to 493 BC. At the heart of the rebellion was the dissatisfaction of the Greek cities of Asia Minor with the tyrants appointed by Persia to rule them, along with the individual actions of two Milesian tyrants, Histiaeus and Aristagoras. In 499 BC, the then tyrant of Miletus, Aristagoras, launched a joint expedition with the Persian satrap Artaphernes to conquer Naxos, in an attempt to bolster his position in Miletus (both financially and in terms of prestige). The mission was a debacle, and sensing his imminent removal as tyrant, Aristagoras chose to incite the whole of Ionia into rebellion against the Persian king Darius the Great. In 490 BC the Persian forces were defeated by the Athenians at the Battle of Marathon and Darius would die before having the chance to launch an invasion of Greece. The Battle of Marathon took place in 490 BC, during the first Persian invasion of Greece. It was fought between the citizens of Athens, aided by Plataea, and a Persian force commanded by Datis and Artaphernes. The battle was the culmination of the first attempt by Persia, under King Darius I, to subjugate Greece. The Greek army decisively defeated the more numerous Persians, marking a turning point in the Greco-Persian Wars. Xerxes I (485–465 BC, "Hero Among Kings"), son of Darius I, vowed to complete the job. He organized a massive invasion aiming to conquer Greece. His army entered Greece from the north, meeting little or no resistance through Macedonia and Thessaly, but was delayed by a small Greek force for three days at Thermopylae. A simultaneous naval battle at Artemisium was tactically indecisive as large storms destroyed ships from both sides. The battle was stopped prematurely when the Greeks received news of the defeat at Thermopylae and retreated. The battle was a strategic victory for the Persians, giving them uncontested control of Artemisium and the Aegean Sea.

Following his victory at the Battle of Thermopylae, Xerxes sacked the evacuated city of Athens and prepared to meet the Greeks at the strategic Isthmus of Corinth and the Saronic Gulf. In 480 BC the Greeks won a decisive victory over the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis and forced Xerxes to retire to Sardis. The land army which he left in Greece under Mardonius retook Athens but was eventually destroyed in 479 BC at the Battle of Plataea. The final defeat of the Persians at Mycale encouraged the Greek cities of Asia to revolt, and the Persians lost all of their territories in Europe; Macedonia once again became independent. Alexander the Great, an avid admirer of Cyrus the Great, conquered most of the empire by 330 BC. Upon Alexander's death, most of the empire's former territory came under the rule of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Seleucid Empire, in addition to other minor territories which gained independence at that time. The Iranian elites of the central plateau reclaimed power by the second century BC under the Parthian Empire. Ancient Greece. 191 grams, 35cm (13 3/4"). From a Japanese collection, 1990s.  read more

Code: 23416

1595.00 GBP

Beautiful ‘Queen Anne’, London, Dragoon Officer's Long Barrel Horse Pistol, A Most Beautiful Example.

Beautiful ‘Queen Anne’, London, Dragoon Officer's Long Barrel Horse Pistol, A Most Beautiful Example.

12 inch Barrel, bearing early barrel proof stampings of A.R., the crossed sceptre gunsmith proof markings of Queen Anne, 1702-1714, stamped in the early period position, at the top of the breech of the barrel. Later on, and henceforth, proof marks were stamped on the left hand side of the breech. The pistols military furniture is all brass, with a typical officer's type short eared style skull crusher butt cap terminating with a grotesque mask the early type, from the time of King William IIIrd, before the long spurred style became fashionable in the 1740's. The lock is the early banana form, typical of the earliest 18th century long pistols, with a the good and clear name of Mr. Barbar inscribed. It has a good and responsive action. The stock is fine walnut. It has a single ramrod pipe, also typical of the early Queen Anne style. This would not be a trooper's pistol, but a officer's private purchase example, from one of the great makers and suppliers to the dragoon regiments and officers of his day, during the time of King George IInd. This pistol would have seen service during the War known as King George's War of 1744-48, in America, and the 7 Years War, principally against the French but involving the whole of Europe, and once again, also fought in America. Recognized experts like the late Keith Neal, D.H.L Back and Norman Dixon consider James Barbar to be the best gun maker of his day. Dixon states, "Almost without exception, unrestored and original antique firearms made by James Barbar of London are of the highest quality". In Windsor Castle there are a superb pair of pistols by James Barbar and a Queen Anne Barbar pistol also appeared in the Clay P. Bedford exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Barbar supplied complete dragoon pistols for Churchill's Dragoons in 1745, also guns for the Duke of Cumberland's Dragoons during 1746 to 48, and all of the carbines for Lord Loudoun's regiment of light infantry in 1745.
James was apprenticed to his father Louis Barbar in October of 1714. Louis Barbar was a well known gun maker who had immigrated to England from France in 1688. He was among many Huguenots (French Protestants) who sought refuge in England after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV in 1685. Louis was appointed Gentleman Armourer to King George I in 1717, and to George II in 1727. He died in 1741 .

James Barbar completed his apprenticeship in 1722 and was admitted as a freeman to the Company of Gunmakers. By 1726 James had established a successful shop on Portugal Street in Piccadilly. After his father's death in 1741, James succeeded him as Gentleman Armourer to George II, and furbisher at Hampton Court. He was elected Master of the Gunmakers` Company in 1742. James Barbar died in 1773.

The book "Great British Gunmakers 1740-1790" contains a detailed chapter on James Barbar and many fine photographs of his weapons. This lovely pistol is 19 inches long overall. It has had some past overall service restoration within the past 100 years. The mainspring, stock were replaced, as was the ramrod. But, it is often the case as this pistol may likely have seen somewhat rigorous combat service during its working life for upwards of 80 years. It is a beautiful looking pistol, and a fine looking example of the early British military pattern gunsmiths. As with all our antique guns no license is required as they are all unrestricted antique collectables  read more

Code: 21363

5850.00 GBP

A Selection of Our Amazing, Latest New Additions, Recovered from Waterloo. Whether We Find Private Collectors For our Pieces, or, For Public Museums Such As The Royal Armouries, Every Treasure Will Find A New Home

A Selection of Our Amazing, Latest New Additions, Recovered from Waterloo. Whether We Find Private Collectors For our Pieces, or, For Public Museums Such As The Royal Armouries, Every Treasure Will Find A New Home

We are always thrilled to offer ‘re-discovered’ pieces from history, that can be found new owners to love and enjoy them, or museums that can display them for the enjoyment of all. Last year, for example we traced and acquired the second oldest known cannonball fired in combat in England. From the second battle of St Albans in the War of the Roses. That wonderful relic of history now resides in the St Albans museum, and was part of a public exhibition held this year from March 24, 2023 - June 28, See our re-discovered cannon ball, now on display in the St Albans museum, in the last photo in the gallery. All due thanks to SAHAAS President, Dr. John Morewood. A short while ago we furnished, for the Royal Armouries, Tower of London collection, a ‘Waterloo’ 1796 Heavy Cavalry Trooper’s sword, that was subsequently used in a fascinating documentary, filmed at the armouries, presented by Sean Bean

Fine pieces added this week are from the Cotton Collection, a former 7th Hussars Waterloo veteran who owned the Waterloo Museum, The Hotel Du Musee. They will be added to the site, for sale, separately

We have more from our Waterloo recovered souvenirs to add this coming week. Some very small, amazing yet most inexpensive pieces, and a few absolute beauties, shrapnel, cannon balls, grenades, some ‘housewife’ thimbles, rings etc, and swords, French and British, including a French Grenadier's sword, recovered relatively early from the battle, so it is in exceptional condition and polished, with old blade pitting, a very good British 1796 light Infantry officer's sabre in scabbard, a 1796 Light Dragoon sabre in scabbard, and a 1798 spadroon officer's sword, overall russetted, and, including, a cast iron fire back {NOW SOLD} that bears an unknown family crest that was likely ripped out from a fire place at La Haye-Sainte farm house, to use just like sniper shield’s were a hundred years earlier in the trenches of WW1. The rear, of the very heavy iron plate, about two feet square, shows likely impact marks of ball and shrapnel. * in the Napoleonic Wars every soldier was required to keep upon his person, a ‘housewife’, a small kit comprising needle, thread and a half or full thimble. Apparently they are no longer called a ‘housewife’ probably now a ‘househuman’ or some such.

We show in the gallery pages from Waterloo Relics, by Gilles Bernard, and Gerard Lachaux, detailing excavated recoveries, identical to ours.

The Cotton Collection, the full weapons, militaria, and recovered artifact display, from the battlefield, housed at the Hotel du Musee at Waterloo, owned first by Edward Cotton, then by his descendant family, was sold by auction in 1909.

The last photo in the gallery shows a photograph of one section of the collection in the museum of Waterloo, taken in around 1900, showing all the weapons of Waterloo en situ, including all the protagonists {British, French, Prussian and Belgian muskets, swords, pistols, armour uniforms, etc}. The museum was founded and owned by a veteran of the 7th Hussars who personally fought at Waterloo. Another photo shows the front page of his collection catalogue

An extract from an 1862 publication;

“Facts are stubborn things.”

This Hotel, kept by a niece of the late Sergeant-Major Cotton, is situated in the very centre of the field of Waterloo, and is strongly recommended to visitors on account of its proximity to the scenes of interest connected with the great battle, and also for the excellent accommodation and comfort it offers at moderate charges.—See Bradshaw’s continental Guide.

Sadly, each sword once had its inventory label attached, but they are all now lost. With cotton's labels present the prices can be many times the value.

As with all our items, every piece will be accompanied by our fully detailed Certificate of Authenticity

{Available from the Project Gutenberg.}  read more

Code: 25003
