1442 items found
A Most Rare & Superb, Original, Imperial Roman Legionary's & Cavalryman's Spatha Long Sword, Late 3rd Century Over 1700 Years Old. The Very Form Of Sword As Our Tribune’s Ring Owner Would Use.

A Most Rare & Superb, Original, Imperial Roman Legionary's & Cavalryman's Spatha Long Sword, Late 3rd Century Over 1700 Years Old. The Very Form Of Sword As Our Tribune’s Ring Owner Would Use.

Made and used from the eras of Emperor Tacitus and Emperor Diocletian to Emperor Constantine the Great. Only the second example we have seen or offered in the past 15 years. A double-edged original Imperial Roman period spatha sword of the typology of Illerup Wyhl, with excellently preserved long blade, long tang, with triple fullers along its length, parallel cutting edges tapering down towards its point, Fine condition. What a fabulous original ‘statement piece’ for any collection or decor. In the world of collecting there is so little remaining in the world from this highly significant era in European and British history. And to be able to own and display such an iconic original representation from this time is nothing short of a remarkable privilege. A wonderful example piece, from the ancient imperial age. Effectively, from this time of almost two thousand years ago, from a collectors point of view, almost nothing else significant survives at all, only the odd small coin or very rarely seen, and almost impossible to own, carved statuary.
The iconographic sources indicate that Roman swords underwent big changes in the later 2nd and 3rd centuries. Longer swords, more popular within Germanic and Celtic cultures, would have been useful for fighting on horseback, but they were soon spread among the infantrymen and massively produced in the Roman workshops, from which they were brought home by many barbarians after mercenary or auxiliary service in Roman army. This, together with the possibility of war booty, explains why the mass of these swords have been found in the territories of the Barbaricum. The graves and the ritual water deposits of the marshy areas of Illerup Adal, Thorsberg, Vimose and many other localities (Simris) have delivered an amount of swords. Illerup has produced fine well-preserved swords, some with rather unusual patterns. Dr. Miks refers to the spathae of the 'lllerup-Wyhl' type I as to a group of blades which in terms of their proportions, dimensions and shape, are probably a mixture of blades of the more classical 'Straubing-Nydam' and 'Lauriacum-Hromowka' types of long Roman swords. They are one of the most complicated category of Late Roman swords and therefore difficult to clearly identify.
The Spatha was first introduced to the Romans by Celtic Mercenaries during the Second Punic War. The Celts would have used weaponry and armour from their homeland, and one of the Celtic weapons would have been the Spatha. Many believe that the Spatha was adopted by the Romans due to contact with Germania, however this is not true.

The earlier gladius sword was gradually replaced by the spatha from the late 2nd to the 3rd century. From the early 3rd century, legionaries and cavalrymen began to wear their swords on the left side, perhaps because the scutum had been abandoned and the spatha had replaced the gladius.

In the imperial period, the Romans adopted the original Greek term, spáthē (σπάθη), as spatha, which still carried the general meaning of any object considered long and flat. Spatha appears first in Pliny and then Seneca with different meanings: a spatula, a metal-working implement, a palm-leaf and so on. There is no hint of any native Roman sword called a spatha.

Referring to an actual sword, the term first appears in the pages of Tacitus with reference to an incident of the early empire. The British king, Caractacus, having rebelled, found himself trapped on a rocky hill, so that if he turned one way he encountered the gladii of the legionaries, and if the other, the spathae of the auxiliaries. There is no indication in Tacitus that they were cavalry.

The next mention of spathae is in the 5th century, by Vegetius, now as a weapon carried by infantry. The term "Roman Iron Age" refers approximately to the time of the Roman Empire in north Europe, which was outside the jurisdiction of the empire, but, judging from the imported Roman artifacts, was influenced by Roman civilization. One source of artifacts from this period are the bogs of Schleswig, Holstein and Denmark. Objects were deliberately broken and thrown into the bog in the belief that they could go with a deceased chief on his voyage to a better place.

A cache of 90 swords was found at Nydam Mose in Denmark in 1858. They were in the form of the spatha and therefore have been classified as "Roman swords". They are dated to the 3rd to 4th centuries. Many connect the Nydam cache with the sword of Beowulf, who was supposed to be a contemporary. See two photos of these in the gallery. Another photo in the gallery is of a depiction of Roman spartha swords, with hilts fashioned in the shape of eagles' heads, in Roman carved statuary (Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs, c. AD 300) in Venice.
This is the typical sword used to great effect, for example at the Battle of Cibalae
The Battle of Cibalae was fought in 316 between the two Roman emperors Constantine I (r. 306–337) and Licinius (r. 308–324). The site of the battle near the town of Cibalae in the Roman province of Pannonia Secunda, was approximately 350 kilometers within the territory of Licinius. Constantine won a resounding victory, despite being outnumbered.
The opposing armies met on the plain between the rivers Sava and Drava near the town of Cibalae. The battle lasted all day. The battle opened with Constantine's forces arrayed in a defile adjacent to mountain slopes. The army of Licinius was stationed on lower ground nearer the town of Cibalae, Licinius took care to secure his flanks. As the infantry of Constantine needed to move forward through broken ground the cavalry was thrown out ahead, to act as a screen. Constantine moved his formation down on to the more open ground and advanced against the awaiting Licinians. Following a period of skirmishing and intense missile fire at a distance, the opposing main bodies of infantry met in close combat and fierce hand-to-hand fighting ensued. This battle of attrition was ended, late in the day, when Constantine personally led a cavalry charge from the right wing of his army. The charge was decisive, Licinius' ranks were broken. As many as 20,000 of Licinius' troops were killed in the hard-fought battle. The surviving cavalry of the defeated army accompanied Licinius when he fled the field under the cover of darkness.

See Bishop, M.C. & Coulston, J.C.N., Roman military equipment, from the Punic wars to the fall of Rome, London, 1993; Miks, C., Studien zur Romischen Schwertbewaffnung in der Kaiserzeit, I-II Banden, Rahden, 2007; D’Amato, R., Roman army Units in the Western Provinces, Oxford, 2019; for very similar specimens see Miks, 2007, n.A146,36,37,43 (Illerup).Blade weight 1.1 kg, 98.5cm (38 3/4"). In the world of collecting early weaponry a sword is defined as it’s blade, it’s hilt was separate often made of vulnerable woods and materials that do not survive the ravages of time. You simply do not often see such rare and iconic original ancient swords used by one of the most famed empires in the world, during the period of one of the greatest eras in classical history, let alone have the opportunity to own one. We will include for the new owner a complimentary wooden display stand, but this amazing ancient artefact of antiquity would also look spectacular mounted within a bespoke case frame, or, on a fine cabinet maker constructed display panel.  read more

Code: 23517

9750.00 GBP

A Most Rare Antique 17th Century Sinhalese Kastane Sword, Used as A Naval Officer's Hangar Acquired by the Early 17th Century Maritime Traders to Ceylon

A Most Rare Antique 17th Century Sinhalese Kastane Sword, Used as A Naval Officer's Hangar Acquired by the Early 17th Century Maritime Traders to Ceylon

A most interesting and fine kastane, with the carved wood “Simha” lion head pommel a recurved knuckleguard and two quillon also with a water beast, known as a Makara, head pommel and counter quillon with additional Makara

The hilt is delicately inlaid with brass inlays as is the blade. A typical 17th century sword from ancient Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) which was in ancient times known as the Kingdom of Lions (Sinhaladwipa) often termed Sinhala. The term Sinha is lion in Hindu. These lion-heads in grotesque form are of course representing this heritage. The makara represents the Hindu water beast (fish/crocodile) ridden by Varuna. Pommel with small jaw section lacking.The kastane is the national sword of Sri Lanka. It typically has a short curved single-edged blade, double-edged at the point. The hilt comprises a knuckle-guard and down-turned quillons, each terminating in a dragon's head. The swords were intended to serve as badges of rank; the quality of ornamentation depending on the status of the wearer.

The establishment of European trading contacts with South Asia by the late 16th and early 17th century led to these swords becoming fashionable dress accessories among European gentlemen and naval officer's of all hues, Be they Royal Naval, East India Co. Naval, or Privateers.

A kastane can be seen in an equestrian portrait of Colonel Alexander Popham at Littlecote House in the care of the Royal Armouries Collection (I.315). They were chosen by Naval officer's and indeed pirates, as their shape form and size was absolutely ideal for maritime close combat service.

Although also used on land, the cutlass is best known as the maritime weapon of choice. A naval side-arm, its popularity was likely because it was not only robust enough to hack through heavy ropes, canvas, and wood, but short enough to use in relatively close quarters, such as during boarding actions, in the rigging, or below decks. Another advantage to the cutlass was its simplicity of use. Employing it effectively required less technical skill than that required to master a rapier or light small sword, and it was more effective as a close-combat weapon than a full-sized sword would be on a cramped ship.

Cutlasses are famous for being used by pirates, and privateers although there is no reason to believe that Caribbean buccaneers invented them, as has occasionally been claimed. However, the subsequent use of cutlasses by pirates is well documented in contemporary sources, notably by the pirate crews of William Fly, William Kidd, and Stede Bonnet. French historian Alexandre Exquemelin reports the buccaneer François l'Ollonais using a cutlass/cuttoe as early as 1667. Pirates used these weapons for intimidation as much as for combat, often needing no more than to grip their hilts to induce a crew to surrender, or beating captives with the flat of the blade to force their compliance or responsiveness to interrogation.

Owing to its versatility, the cutlass was as often an agricultural implement and tool as it was as a weapon (cf. machete, to which the same comment applies) that was used commonly in rain forest and sugarcane areas, such as the Caribbean and Central America. In their most simplified form they are held to have become the machete of the Caribbean  read more

Code: 21976

795.00 GBP

A Fine and Beautiful Carved Horn Hilted 18th Century Royal Naval Officer's Hanger Sword or Cuttoe

A Fine and Beautiful Carved Horn Hilted 18th Century Royal Naval Officer's Hanger Sword or Cuttoe

American Anglo French wars period, made Circa 1750's, called in it's era of use a cuttoe, a variation on the word cutlass, but a variation used by officer's. Oval guard deer hoofed quillon form, carved horn handle with carved pommel and twin gilt capped mounting rivets. Single edged blade with a small return false edge and double fuller. Finely geometric scroll engraved blade with a leaping stag [slightly obscured through time] within the fuller on both sides.

Although also used on land, the cutlass is best known as the maritime weapon of choice. A naval side-arm, its popularity was likely because it was not only robust enough to hack through heavy ropes, canvas, and wood, but short enough to use in relatively close quarters, such as during boarding actions, in the rigging, or below decks. Another advantage to the cutlass was its simplicity of use. Employing it effectively required less technical skill than that required to master a rapier or light small sword, and it was more effective as a close-combat weapon than a full-sized sword would be on a cramped ship.

Cutlasses are famous for being used by pirates, although there is no reason to believe that Caribbean buccaneers invented them, as has occasionally been claimed. However, the subsequent use of cutlasses by pirates is well documented in contemporary sources, notably by the pirate crews of William Fly, William Kidd, and Stede Bonnet. French historian Alexandre Exquemelin reports the buccaneer François l'Ollonais using a cutlass/cuttoe as early as 1667. Pirates used these weapons for intimidation as much as for combat, often needing no more than to grip their hilts to induce a crew to surrender, or beating captives with the flat of the blade to force their compliance or responsiveness to interrogation.

Owing to its versatility, the cutlass was as often an agricultural implement and tool as it was as a weapon (cf. machete, to which the same comment applies) that was used commonly in rain forest and sugarcane areas, such as the Caribbean and Central America. In their most simplified form they are held to have become the machete of the Caribbean.  read more

Code: 21684

750.00 GBP

A Most Unusual & Rare Version Of an Original Early 1853 Crimean War Victorian British Cavalry Sabre

A Most Unusual & Rare Version Of an Original Early 1853 Crimean War Victorian British Cavalry Sabre

The sword as was used in the both The 'Charge of the Heavy Brigade' and the 'Charge of the Light Brigade' at Balaklava in the Crimean war. This is a very unusual example in that it is slightly lighter grade than a standard troopers sword, and it bears an officers grade blade made by an Old Bond St. London maker. This may indicate it was commissioned for an officer for the Crimean war who wished to carry a sword in combat with the more up to date, newly designated regular troopers pattern hilt, as opposed to the regular old type of 1821 light cavalry officer's pattern hilt.

The British Cavalry were issued with the 1853 pattern just before many regiments, including, the 4th, 8th, 11th, 6th Dragoons the 6th Dragoon Guards, and the 13th and some of the Officer’s, such as of 15th Hussars, that were despatched to the Crimean War.

This sword was possibly used by one of the Officer’s of the 15th. One of the famed of the regiment, Louis Nolan, was an officer of the 15th Hussars who gained notoriety as the bearer of the ill-fated order precipitating the Charge of the Light Brigade.
Around 30 years ago we were honoured to have acquired the undress sabretache of Captain Nolan of the 15th that carried the order in the ‘Charge’. It was recovered from beneath his slain body and steed, and was previously on loan for display in two museums, including Alexandra Palace, for over 100 years after its return to the family.

The Crimean War (1854-56),
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaklava was described as follows;

"The first assault line consisted of the Scots Greys and one squadron of the Inniskillings, a total of less than 250 sabres. Only when the RSMs declared themselves happy with the alignment did Scarlett order his bugler to sound the 'Charge'. The idea of a charge conjures up images of the Light Brigade dashing forward at speed but Dragoons were larger men with much heavier equipment so their charge was more of a trot. Floundering at obstacles such as ditches or coppices they headed towards the massed ranks of Russian cavalry, pressing on inexorably at a mere 8 miles an hour. Slow they may have been but the effect of these heavy cavalrymen slamming into the much lighter Russian cavalry stunned their enemy"
A letter from a Captain of the Inniskillings illustrates the mellee which followed:

"Forward - dash - bang - clank, and there we were in the midst of such smoke, cheer, and clatter, as never before stunned a mortal's ear. it was glorious! Down, one by one, aye, two by two fell the thick skulled and over-numerous Cossacks.....Down too alas! fell many a hero with a warm Celtic heart, and more than one fell screaming loud for victory. I could not pause. It was all push, wheel, frenzy, strike and down, down, down they went. Twice I was unhorsed, and more than once I had to grip my sword tighter, the blood of foes streaming down over the hilt, and running up my very sleeve....now we were lost in their ranks - now in little bands battling - now in good order together, now in and out."

In the words of Colonel Paget of the Light Brigade "It was a mighty affair, and considering the difficulties under which the Heavy Brigade laboured, and the disparity of numbers, a feat of arms which, if it ever had its equal, was certainly never surpassed in the annals of cavalry warfare, and the importance of which in its results can never be known."

October 25, 1854 The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava

by Lord Alfred Tennyson first verse

The charge of the gallant three hundred, the Heavy Brigade!
Down the hill, down the hill, thousands of Russians,
Thousands of horsemen, drew to the valley and stay'd;
For Scarlett and Scarlett's three hundred were riding by
When the points of the Russian lances arose in the sky;
And he call'd, "Left wheel into line!" and they wheel'd and obey'd.
Then he look'd at the host that had halted he knew not why,
And he turn'd half round, and he bade his trumpeter sound
To the charge, and he rode on ahead, as he waved his blade
To the gallant three hundred whose glory will never die
Follow, and up the hill, up the hill, up the hill,
Follow'd the Heavy Brigade.  read more

Code: 20755


A Rare, Original Antique, Very Impressive, &  Iconic Ngombe Doko Tribal Chiefs 'Slave's Execution' Sword. An Ngulu

A Rare, Original Antique, Very Impressive, & Iconic Ngombe Doko Tribal Chiefs 'Slave's Execution' Sword. An Ngulu

This huge execution short sword became a symbol of power - and was a "ceremonial sword for tribal chiefs". With its indigenous names of a Ngulu, a Ngol, a Ngwolo, a M'Bolo,& a Gulu

The drawings in the gallery show the use of these Ngulu execution swords at various executions. The back side of the blade was used as a machete for cutting. It was believed a person remained "aware" for some time after decapitation. As a result, the deceased final sensual experience was flying through the air to meet his or her ancestors. Executions were not judicial events meant for murders or criminals. They were events carried out for ceremonial purposes and the chosen were invariably slaves.

Werner Fisher & Manfred A. Zirngibl wrote in their book Afrikanische Waffen: This design was selected for cult and execution. A knife or short sword was created which symbolised the inexorableness on the judgment and execution. This execution sword became a symbol of power and, in a few variations became a ceremonial sword for tribal chieftains.
At executions, the condemned man was tied to the ground with ropes and poles. His head was fastened with leather straps to a bent tree branch. In this way it was ensured that the man's neck would remain stretched. After the decapitation, the head would be automatically catapulted far away and his body left behind. Used by the Bantu peoples (including the Ngombe, Doko, Ngala, etc.) of the Congo Basin. The Ngulu beheading was forbidden by the Belgians during the Free State of Congo period (1885-1908). It resembles the Khopesh, the sickle-sword of ancient Egypt, except that it has a much more massive blade, made of iron, with sometimes a non-cutting back and a semi-circular concavity.  read more

Code: 22327

895.00 GBP

Antique Mandingo Chieftain's Slave and Gold Trader Sword With Tattoo'd Leather Scabbard

Antique Mandingo Chieftain's Slave and Gold Trader Sword With Tattoo'd Leather Scabbard

A chieftain's weapon of Mandingo slave and gold traders. The Manding (Mandingo) are West African people. Their traditional sword for the slave traders comprises a sabre like blade, guardless leather grip and scabbard with exquisite leather work. This example is a long sized example, of a high ranking Mandingo, of very nice quality and finely tattooed. 25 inches long curved blade, leather grip and leather scabbard with leaf shaped widening tip, entirely tooled tattooed and decorated. Of special interest is the finely bound and decorated leather work. These weapons are well known for their leather-work and the tattooing applied to the leather of the scabbards. The iron work skills are less well developed. Many blades are taken from European weapons such as sabres and cutlasses.
While the Baule are a distinct tribal group to the west, it is important to observe that Malinke is a variant term applied to the Mandingo (also Manding, Mandin, Mande).
In general, these remain primarily considered Mandingo weapons, and from regions in Mali. These were of course invariably mounted with European sabre blades. Mandingo Tribe (also known as the Mandinka, Mande, or the Malinke Tribes) were the traders of the African West Coast, trading primarily in gold and slaves from other African tribes. The blades comes out a little from the chape. Small areas of leather separation on the scabbard binding. Picture in the gallery of an 1850's engraving of a Mandingo Chief and his sword bearer.  read more

Code: 17967

395.00 GBP

A Most Scarce Antique 1842 Swiss Sharpshooters Sword

A Most Scarce Antique 1842 Swiss Sharpshooters Sword

Wooden grip with six brass rivets. Single edged blade made by Horster of Solingen. Carried by the Swiss Infantry sharpshooters.

Quoted from an article printed in Putnam’s Magazine in 1855 - The Swiss Army;

‘In Switzerland no national standing army exists. Every Swiss is compelled to serve in the militia, if able-bodied; and this mass is divided into three levies according to age. The young men, during the first years of service, are called out separately for drill, and collected from time to time in camps. The organization of the militia is almost entirely in the hands of the various cantonal governments; and, though its general form is fixed by federal laws, and a federal staff is at the head of the whole, this system cannot fail to create confusion and want of uniformity, while it must almost necessarily prevent a proper accumulation of stores, the introduction of improvements, and the permanent fortification of important points, especially on the side where Switzerland is weak, toward Germany.

The Swiss, like all mountaineers, make capital soldiers when drilled; and, wherever they have served as regular troops under foreign banners, they have fought exceedingly well. But being rather slow-headed, they need drilling much more, indeed, than either French or North Germans, to give them confidence in themselves, and cohesion. It is possible that national feeling might possibly replace this in the case of a foreign attack upon Switzerland, but even this is very doubtful. An army of 80,000 regular troops, and less, would certainly be a match for all the 160,000 and more men which the Swiss say they can congregate. In 1799, the French finished the business with a few regiments.‘’

Overall age wear, but a rarely seen sword.  read more

Code: 15218

275.00 GBP

A Stunningly Beautiful, Original, 300 to 500 bc, Egyptian Tomb Mummy Mask With False Beard, Egyptian Blue Glazed Faience Beads, From, Just Prior and into The Ptolemaic Dynasty

A Stunningly Beautiful, Original, 300 to 500 bc, Egyptian Tomb Mummy Mask With False Beard, Egyptian Blue Glazed Faience Beads, From, Just Prior and into The Ptolemaic Dynasty

The Egyptian blue green glazed faience beads, used as the dominant colour in the construction of the stylised face, a design that conformed to certain patterns, symbolise regeneration and re-birth. It is 2,300 to 2500 years old.

From the later dynastic Pharaohs of Egypt, from the late period the 27th to 30th dynasties, up to the Ptolomeic dynasty that lasted for 275 years, up to the era of Julius Caeser, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. With The last pharoah being Cleopatra, but the son of Julius Caeser, Caesarian, who would have been the succeeding pharoah, was likely murdered under orders issued by Octavian [later known as the Emperor Augustus] and his mother famously committed suicide, and thus with the death of Cleopatra, the pharoic dynasties ended.

The Ptolemaic dynasty sometimes referred to as the Lagid dynasty after Ptolemy I's father, who was a Macedonian Greek
The royal dynasty which ruled the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Ancient Egypt during the Hellenistic period. Their rule lasted for 275 years, from 305 to 30 BC. The Ptolemaic was the last dynasty of ancient Egypt.

Ptolemy, one of the seven somatophylakes (bodyguard companions), a general and possible half-brother of Alexander the Great was appointed satrap of Egypt after Alexander's death in 323 BC. In 305 BC, he declared himself Pharaoh Ptolemy I, later known as Sōter "Saviour". The Egyptians soon accepted the Ptolemies as the successors to the pharaohs of independent Egypt. Ptolemy's family ruled Egypt until the Roman conquest of 30 BC.

Like the earlier dynasties of ancient Egypt, the Ptolemaic dynasty practised inbreeding including sibling marriage, but this did not start in earnest until nearly a century into the dynasty's history. All the male rulers of the dynasty took the name Ptolemy, while queens regnant were all called Cleopatra, Arsinoe or Berenice. The most famous member of the line was the last queen, Cleopatra VII, known for her role in the Roman political battles between Julius Caesar and Pompey, and later between Octavian and Mark Antony. Her apparent suicide at the conquest by Rome marked the end of Ptolemaic rule in Egypt. The bead's cord have been restored, the beads are in excellent condition. Photographs in the gallery show two ancient masks still located on their mummy heads. This piece would look fabulous framed.

Provenence, acquired in France around 30 years ago, re-strung sometime before then due to cord fraying. 134 mm wide As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity

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Code: 24634

845.00 GBP

An Antique 18th Century Indian Armour Piercing Punch Dagger Katar, Combat Damaged, or Adapted For Armour Wear

An Antique 18th Century Indian Armour Piercing Punch Dagger Katar, Combat Damaged, or Adapted For Armour Wear

The Katar is an amazing combat weapon from the Indian sub continent, in combat use by select warriors and nobles for five centuries, it is a scarcely seen piece, yet highly distinctive and iconic. It was designed in several forms, some long and relatively light, others extremely robust and overtly powerful. This is one of the latter types. It’s ‘crow’s beak’ penetrating tip shows and strongest possible ribbed blade design was so efficient that effectively there was likely no body armour that could not be penetrated by such a powerful piece, once in the hands of a Katar wielding expert. It has been forged in great and powerful quality, and is a very high quality example with superior heft.
One of the bracing arms has been lost, very possibly from an opponents sword cut, although we have seen this before and we were informed by an esteemed elderly Indian warfare scholar that it has been known for one arm to ge removed so an an armoured warrior could use a the Katar while wearing the right fore-arm protector combat armour, known as the the bazu band. While wearing the bazu band armour the warriors forearm is much wider than usual and a Katar’s narrow arm extensions would preclude its use in combat while wearing armour.

The katar originated in Tamil Nadu where its Dravidian name was kattari before being altered to katar in the north. The earliest forms occur in the medieval Deccan kingdom of Vijayanagara. Katar dating back to this period often had a leaf- or shell-like knuckle-guard to protect the back of the hand, but this was discarded by the latter half of the 17th century. The Maratha gauntlet sword or pata is thought to have been developed from the katar. As the weapon spread throughout India it became something of a status symbol, much like the Southeast Asian kris or the Japanese katana. Among the Rajputs, Sikhs and Mughals, princes and nobles were often portrayed wearing a katara at their side. This was not only a precaution for self-defense, but it was also meant to show their wealth and position. Upper-class Mughals would even hunt tigers with katar. For a hunter to kill a tiger with such a short-range weapon was considered the surest sign of bravery and martial skill. The heat and moisture of India's climate made steel an unsuitable material for a dagger sheath, so they were covered in fabric such as velvet or silk. Because the katara's blade is in line with the user's arm, the basic attack is a direct thrust identical to a punch, although it could also be used for slashing. This design allows the fighter to put their whole weight into a thrust. Typical targets include the head and upper body, similar to boxing. The sides of the handle could be used for blocking but it otherwise has little defensive capability. As such, the wielder must be agile enough to dodge the opponent's attacks and strike quickly, made possible because of the weapon's light weight and small size compared to a long sword. Indian martial arts in general make extensive use of agility and acrobatic maneuvers. As far back as the 16th century, there was at least one fighting style which focused on fighting with a pair of katara, one in each hand.  read more

Code: 24644

345.00 GBP

A Superb Silver Australian 5th Light Horse Mobile Infantry Badge

A Superb Silver Australian 5th Light Horse Mobile Infantry Badge

Excellent rare and original example [Wide Bay and Burnett Light Horse] Queensland Mobile Infantry. The history of the 5th Light Horse is distinguished and goes thus; The 5th Light Horse Regiment was raised in Brisbane in September 1914, entirely from men who had enlisted in Queensland, and became part of the 2nd Light Horse Brigade. Sailing from Sydney on 21 December 1914, the regiment disembarked in Egypt on 1 February 1915.

The light horse were considered unsuitable for the initial operations at Gallipoli, but were subsequently deployed without their horses to reinforce the infantry. The 2nd Light Horse Brigade landed in late May 1915 and was attached to the 1st Australian Division. The 5th Light Horse played a defensive role for most of the campaign but was involved in several minor attacks. It left the peninsula on 20 December 1915.

Back in Egypt, the 2nd Light Horse Brigade became part of the ANZAC Mounted Division and in February 1916 joined the forces defending the Suez Canal from a Turkish advance across the Sinai Desert. The 5th Light Horse?s main activity in the Sinai was long-range patrolling, but it was involved in several small engagements during August, as the Turks retreated after their defeat at Romani.

The ANZAC Mounted Division advanced into Palestine in late December 1916. The 5th?s work predominantly continued to be patrols and raids until the advance stalled before the Turkish bastion of Gaza. The regiment participated in all three battles aimed at capturing the town, most notably the first abortive attempt on 27 March 1917. On this occasion the 5th attacked Gaza from the rear and was fighting its way through streets and gardens when ordered to withdraw.

With the fall of Gaza on 7 November 1917, the Turkish position in southern Palestine collapsed. The 5th was involved in the pursuit that followed, and then spent much of the first half of 1918 holding the west bank of the Jordan River. During this time it was involved in the Amman (24?27 February) and Es Salt (30 April?4 May) raids, both of which were tactical failures but helped to convince the Turks that the next offensive would be launched across the Jordan.

Instead, the offensive was launched along the coast in September 1918, with the 5th taking part in a subsidiary effort east of the Jordan. It attacked at Amman on 25 September, and on 29 September 4,500 Turks surrendered to just two squadrons from the regiment at Ziza. Turkey surrendered on 31 October 1918, but the 5th Light Horse was employed one last time to assist in putting down the Egyptian revolt of early 1919. It sailed for home on 28 June 1919. Text from AWM
One of the most famous men of the 5th Light Horse was sniper Trooper Sing at Gallipoli. Trooper Sing sniped from a position known as Chatham's Post, his tally stated as 150 confirmed, but a higher informal estimate puts his tally at 201. The discrepancy can be accounted for by the way such hits were recorded. On 23 October 1915, General Birdwood issued an order containing his compliments on Trooper Billy Sing's performance accounting for the 201 Turks. Private Sing was awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre in early 1918, probably for his role in leading a patrol eliminating some German snipers at Polygon Wood in September 1917. Studio portrait in the gallery is of 1707 Lance Corporal (L Cpl) John James Marsh, 5th Light Horse Regiment from Murraria, Queensland. A 21 year old grocer prior to enlisting on 18 August 1915, he embarked for overseas with the 11th Reinforcements from Sydney on 21 October 1915 aboard HMAT Hawkes Bay. He served with the regiment in the Middle East where he was wounded in action at Gaza and died on 6 November 1917. L Cpl Marsh is buried in the Beersheba War Cemetery, Israel. Original badge, pattern1930/42, with two lug fixing in superb order and superb quality definition.  read more

Code: 18796

295.00 GBP