1436 items found
A Rare Form of Early 19th Century Drummer Boy's Sword. Only The Second We Have Had in 10 Years A Super George IIIrd British Army Drummer Boy's Sword

A Rare Form of Early 19th Century Drummer Boy's Sword. Only The Second We Have Had in 10 Years A Super George IIIrd British Army Drummer Boy's Sword

In excellent condition. With mythical beast pommel, curved quillons and short double edged blade. This sword was used in the early 19th century by a drummer boy in the British Army from the Napoleonic Wars.

Drummer boys were continually issued swords until, and up to, the Crimean War of 1854 in Russia.

20 inch blade. Superbly hand polished in the workshop, and that has returned it to it's original service near gold like finish. Blade polish to bright steel as well.

Drummer Boy of Waterloo.

By Woodland Mary.

When battle rous'd each warlike band,
And carnage loud her trumpet blew,
Young Edwin left his native land,
A Drummer Boy for Waterloo.
His mother, when his lips she pressed,
And bade her noble boy adieu,
With wringing hands and aching breast,
Beheld him march for Waterloo.
With wringing hands,

But he that knew no infant tears,
His Knapsack o'er his shoulder threw,
And cried, "Dear mother, dry those tears,
Till I return from Waterloo."
He went and e'er the set of sun
Beheld our arms the foe subdue,
The flash of death the murderous gun,
Had laid him low at Waterloo.
The flash of death, O comrades ! Comrades !' Edwin cried,
And proudly beam'd his eye of blue,
' Go tell my mother, Edwin died
A soldier's death at Waterloo.'
They plac'd his head upon his drum,
And 'neath the moonlight's mournful hue,
When night had stilled the battle's hum,
They dug his grave at Waterloo.
When night had still'd.

In the painting of a Waterloo Drummer Boy, if one looks behind his left leg one can see the bottom of the drummer boy's same sword blade.

No scabbard.  read more

Code: 18883


A Super Balinese Carved Wooden  'Demon Kris Stand Probably Representing One of the Vanaras, Forest Dweller Human-Ape Like Demi-God Warriors That Helped Rama Defeat Ravana

A Super Balinese Carved Wooden 'Demon Kris Stand Probably Representing One of the Vanaras, Forest Dweller Human-Ape Like Demi-God Warriors That Helped Rama Defeat Ravana

Possibly representing Hanuman, or Anoman, one of the Vanara human-apes of Ramayana epic. In Hindu mythology, Vanara forest-dwellers, either refers to the monkeys or a race of forest dwelling people. In the epic the Ramayana and its various versions, the Vanaras help Rama defeat Ravana. They are generally depicted as humanoid apes or monkeys. Vanaras are created by Brahma to help Rama in battle against Ravana. They are powerful and have many godly traits. Taking Brahma's orders, the gods began to parent sons in the zion of Kishkindha (identified with parts of present-day Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra). Rama first met them in Dandaka Forest, during his search for Sita. An army of Vanaras helped Rama in his search for Sita, and also in battle against Ravana, Sita's abductor. Nala and Nila built a bridge over the ocean so that Rama and the army could cross to Lanka. As described in the epic, the characteristics of the Vanara include being amusing, childish, mildly irritating, badgering, hyperactive, adventurous, bluntly honest, loyal, courageous, and kind

Carved in one piece of wood vividly decorated in polychrome colours, approx 18 inches high, 9 inches deep.
The respect with which krises were always treated extended to the careful attention given to them even when they were not being worn. The weapons were stored in fitted bags, custom-made boxes and chests, and on wall-mounted display boards, as well as in kris stands. The use of three-dimensional sculptures as kris stands, however, was limited to the islands of Bali and Lombok. Not including the kris as shown. The kris or kêrìs "to slice"; is an asymmetrical dagger with distinctive blade-patterning achieved through alternating laminations of iron and nickelous iron (pamor). While most strongly associated with the culture of Indonesia the kris is also indigenous to Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Singapore and the Philippines where it is known as kalis with variants existing as a sword rather than a dagger. The kris is famous for its distinctive wavy blade, although many have straight blades as well. Kris have been produced in many regions of Indonesia for centuries, but nowhere—although the island of Bali comes close—is the kris so embedded in a mutually-connected whole of ritual prescriptions and acts, ceremonies, mythical backgrounds and epic poetry as in Central Java. As a result, in Indonesia the kris is commonly associated with Javanese culture, although other ethnicities are familiar with the weapon as part of their culture, such as the Balinese, Malays, Sundanese, Madurese, Banjar, Thais, Bugis, Makassar, and Filipinos. Kris history is generally traced through the study of carvings and bas-relief panels found in Southeast Asia. It is believed that the earliest kris prototype can be traced to Dongson bronze culture in Vietnam circa 300 BC that spread to other parts of Southeast Asia. Another theory is that the kris was based on daggers from India.[7] Some of the most famous renderings of a kris appear on the bas-reliefs of Borobudur (825) and Prambanan temple (850).
However, Raffles' (1817) study of the Candi Sukuh states that the kris recognized today came into existence around 1361 AD in the kingdom of Majapahit, East Java. The scene in bas relief of Sukuh Temple in Central Java, dated from 15th century Majapahit era, shows the workshop of a Javanese keris blacksmith. The scene depicted Bhima as the blacksmith on the left forging the metal, Ganesha in the center, and Arjuna on the right operating the piston bellows to blow air into the furnace. The wall behind the blacksmith displays various items manufactured in the forge, including kris. These representations of the kris in the Candi Sukuh established the fact that by the year 1437 the kris had already gained an important place within Javanese culture. The best material for creating kris pamor, was acquired in a quite unusual way, as it is made from rare meteorite iron. Traditionally the pamor material for the kris smiths connected with the courts of Yogyakarta and Surakarta originates from an iron meteorite that fell to earth at the end of 18th century in the neighborhood of the Prambanan temple complex. The meteorite was excavated and transported to the keraton of Surakarta; from that time on the smiths of Vorstenlanden (the Royal territories) used small pieces of meteoric iron to produce pamor patterns in their kris, pikes, and other status weapons. After etching the blade with acidic substances, it is the small percentage of nickel present in meteoric iron that creates the distinctive silvery patterns that faintly light up against the dark background of iron or steel that become darkened by the effect of the acids  read more

Code: 24195

550.00 GBP

A Beautifully Detailed Early Christian, Ancient Roman Crucifix, Byzantine Empire, 8th to 9th century, Circa 1300 to 1200 Years Old, Cross Pattee

A Beautifully Detailed Early Christian, Ancient Roman Crucifix, Byzantine Empire, 8th to 9th century, Circa 1300 to 1200 Years Old, Cross Pattee

The form and shape that was also popular and used up to the Crusades period, for example if crusaders used an antique family crucifix. Bronze crucifix of Christ in the relief relief orans pose of arms outstretched. From a superb, small collection of original, historical, Imperial Roman, Viking and Crusades period artefacts has been acquired by us acquired in the 1820's. This fine bronze pendant pectoral cross was hand bronze forged during the Middle Ages in the cradle of Christianity, the Byzantine Empire. In AD 324, the first Christian Roman Emperor Constantine the Great transferred the Eastern Roman Empire capital to Byzantium, which became Constantinople, known as ''New Rome''. The Byzantine Empire became centred on the capital of Constantinople and was ruled by Emperors in direct succession to the ancient Roman Emperors. With the eventual decline of Rome, the Church of Constantinople became the richest and most influential center of the Christian world. The reign of Justinian the Great in 527-565 marked a blossoming of Byzantine culture with a building program that yielded such masterpieces as the Cathedral Church of the Holy Wisdom of God, Hagia Sophia. Justinian, who is considered a Saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, created the authority of this Church, which firmly established Christianity throughout the Empire. This Byzantine Empire would exist for more than a thousand years until 1453 and was one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe and Asia Minor. This superb cross was most certainly worn by a Byzantine citizen as a statement of faith during this amazing age of early Christendom. Picture in the gallery of an 8th century painting 'Christ is the Crucified, and a King'. The details of the painting are, they say; 'He is robed in majesty; He is fastened to the Cross. He wears the royal purple robes with which His scorners intended to mock Him, but He, Alpha and Omega, the first and last Word, the Primogenitor of those who are being saved, confers His own divine dignity onto the very idea of kingship. He wears the glory that inspired the good thief to plead for his salvation, with the confidence of the One whose Sonship makes that salvation possible'.

Richard Lassels, an expatriate Roman Catholic priest, first used the phrase “Grand Tour” in his 1670 book Voyage to Italy, published posthumously in Paris in 1670. In its introduction, Lassels listed four areas in which travel furnished "an accomplished, consummate traveler" with opportunities to experience first hand the intellectual, the social, the ethical, and the political life of the Continent.

The English gentry of the 17th century believed that what a person knew came from the physical stimuli to which he or she has been exposed. Thus, being on-site and seeing famous works of art and history was an all important part of the Grand Tour. So most Grand Tourists spent the majority of their time visiting museums and historic sites.

Once young men began embarking on these journeys, additional guidebooks and tour guides began to appear to meet the needs of the 20-something male and female travelers and their tutors traveling a standard European itinerary. They carried letters of reference and introduction with them as they departed from southern England, enabling them to access money and invitations along the way.

With nearly unlimited funds, aristocratic connections and months or years to roam, these wealthy young tourists commissioned paintings, perfected their language skills and mingled with the upper crust of the Continent.

The wealthy believed the primary value of the Grand Tour lay in the exposure both to classical antiquity and the Renaissance, and to the aristocratic and fashionably polite society of the European continent. In addition, it provided the only opportunity to view specific works of art, and possibly the only chance to hear certain music. A Grand Tour could last from several months to several years. The youthful Grand Tourists usually traveled in the company of a Cicerone, a knowledgeable guide or tutor.

The ‘Grand Tour’ era of classical acquisitions from history existed up to around the 1850’s, and extended around the whole of Europe, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and the Holy Land.

42mm x 22mm Still perfectly wearable.  read more

Code: 24226

395.00 GBP

One Of The Most Impressive, Fiersome, & Effective, Combat Weapons Ever Created. A 1600's to Early 1700's Mughul Period Battle Mace Shishpar With 8 Flanged Head and Khanda Sword Hilt. A Most Formidable Usually Hindu Piece Yet As Popular in Ancient Persia

One Of The Most Impressive, Fiersome, & Effective, Combat Weapons Ever Created. A 1600's to Early 1700's Mughul Period Battle Mace Shishpar With 8 Flanged Head and Khanda Sword Hilt. A Most Formidable Usually Hindu Piece Yet As Popular in Ancient Persia

One of two fabulous early examples we acquired. In ancient Persian texts this has been the decisive weapon of choice by great warriors, used to kill the dragon Kasfud by Gev, in ancient Persian texts, and known as the ‘Thunderbolt of Indra’ in ancient Indian texts, and also the Sky Borne Splitter.

A style of battle mace that goes back to the earliest days of medieval knightly warfare. As popular in Europe as it was in the Indian Sub Continent. Being a fantastic Moghul period example it has the highly distinctive khanda sword hilt, which has a protective half basket guard for the hand, and the projecting pommel spike to enable both two handed combat and a counter point for reverse striking and blows.
It has its traditional iconic feature of a shaped flange head, common with all steel flanged head maces, with ring turned finial, ring turned haft with characteristic hilt with upturned guard and broad knuckle bow, dished disc pommel with elongated spike finial.

Rare 17th - 18th C. Indian shishpar battle mace with khanda sword Hilt. Rare early example of the Indian battle-mace weapon "Shishpar" used by skilled warrior for fighting through armoured troops, armed with a 8-flang steel head topped with an armour exhibiting heavy but smooth patina with occasional fine pitting, the edges of several flanges with dents indicating on period usage against armour. Mounted on the well balanced steel shaft with a large Khanda sword hilt of early type, some light chiselled art work around the broad guard and at the base of the large pommel spike designed to be used for two handed grip at the battle. Grip with original old ox chords still present and intact. Powerful and very battle-efficient weapon of early Hindu and Muslim warriors.

Probably from Rajasthan. Despite successive waves of Muslim conquest, Rajasthan remained predominately Hindu. It was divided into a number of small states centred around fortified cities such as Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur, all of which had their own armouries that a few of these survive within today. The Gorz is a weapon often mentioned and variously described in Iranian myths and epic. In classical Persian texts, particularly in Ferdowsi’s Šha-nama , it is characterised as the decisive weapon of choice in fateful battles, and to kill the dragon of Kasafrud; by Gev, in the expedition to Mazandaran. In Indian mythology, Indra owns a club/mace (vajra-) called the Thunderbolt of Indra and made of the bones of Risi Dadici, a sacred figure in the Vedic literature. It has been also referred to by many other names and descriptions, including sky-borne, splitter, destructive.

Overall length 80cm, a heavy grade piece of superb quality  read more

Code: 24186

2375.00 GBP

A Sample of Our New Collection Of Bayonets, From The Late Bayonet Collector's Pride and Joy. All In Super Condition. A Few Are Jolly Rare Ones

A Sample of Our New Collection Of Bayonets, From The Late Bayonet Collector's Pride and Joy. All In Super Condition. A Few Are Jolly Rare Ones

Each one shall be photographed and detailed from today and henceforth.

We bought the entire small collection from the widow of a 'Best of British Empire and German' Rifles and Bayonets' collector, who acquired them over the past 40 years, and only ever kept the very best he could afford to keep. Act fast they are selling really fast. All are top quality and condition,19th and 20th century scarce British and German collectables are always the most desirable of all.

Including; a most scarce 1907 SMLE bayonet with a very good South African brown hide leather frog plus the soldiers SA WW2 medals and badges to be sold seperately

A group of superb American WW1 1917 bayonets by Remington,some with British frogs, some American.

A German G98 Bayonet, A Lancaster Oval Bore Rifle bayonet 1st pattern,

Victorian Enfield P53-6 Rifle bayonets. 1856/8 with Yataghan blades for the two band rifle. Made by Reeves, and a Chavasse Export type, a recorded British manufacturer and exporter for the Confederacy, plus another from America, made for the Confederacy by Chavasse but with no maker markings.

In 1861 Chavasse & Co, produced the 1853 Enfield socket bayonet and 1856 sword bayonet under contract, they bear no British government markings or stampings to link with British government, indicating that all the bayonets were made for export to America for the American civil war Confederate States.The company was used because of its manufacturing abilities and its connections and successes in sales in the foreign market. Markings on bayonet rear edge and socket.of the socket type, and blade ricasso of the sword bayonet. The mark of "CHAVASSE & Co" or 'Chavasse'. Sometimes in marked. Total manufactured of socket bayonets 11,173, far fewer of the 1856 Sword-bayonet were made.
It also details in the ..the1853/6 Enfield pattern rifles bayonets batches sent to American Confederate States did not have any British government stamps or markings. All the above details are from their company records, and the company was based at the Crocodile Works , Alma Street, Ashton Newton, Birmingham, England from 1860 to 1869  read more

Code: 25177


A Superb, Original, Iron 18th Century Signalling & Saluting Cannon, a 1724 Armstrong Pattern Cannon, Probably From Port Royal, The Infamous Centre of Piracy in the Caribbean.

A Superb, Original, Iron 18th Century Signalling & Saluting Cannon, a 1724 Armstrong Pattern Cannon, Probably From Port Royal, The Infamous Centre of Piracy in the Caribbean.

Probably the best form of original, English, Georgian period artillery cannon that would be a fabulous display piece and yet easily mobile within any home. An amazing statement and conversation piece that is also an original antique military cannon from the Anglo-French wars. Part of a stunning original selection of artefacts used in the golden age of piracy and privateers from the 1660’s to the 1740’s. Set on very finely crafted iron bound carriage partly of later date. The ironwork trunion locks and wheels are original. This wonderful cannon is of the sort were often used on ships of the line and in Royal Naval ports, to signal the fleet or the harbour if in the port, and for an official salute. The barrel bears a monogram of PR. We believe this may represent the Caribbean Royal Naval port, Port Royal, Jamaica, the centre of the Royal Navy in the Carribean from 1713 to 1905. Young King Charles IInd when Prince of Wales had around fifteen of such pieces of armament. It would look astounding on a desk, or as an embellishment to a fine and stately gentleman's library or office or indeed conference room. No better statement of power, grandeur and distinction can be reflected by this finest, original King George IIIrd period, working signal cannon based, on the great Royal Naval Cannon,The evolution of the design from 1720s, culminating in the final 1760 pattern through the later years of the 18th century. The Armstrong pattern guns became the standard issue for the Royal Navy that bestrode the great 18th century 100 gunner warships, the leviathans of the seven seas. Colonel John Armstrong took over as Surveyor General of Ordnance in 1722. Armstrong immediately set about redesigning the Borgard cannon system [called culverin] with modified designs in 1722 and 1724. Picture in the gallery of the firing of a similar signal cannon at sea around the time this was made, plus another original that is still fired regularly at the Cape of Good Hope.
It used to be the custom to fire salutes with the gun “shotted”, i.e. using powder and shot. When the news of the restoration of Charles II reached the fleet, which was then anchored in the Downs, Samuel Pepys recounted: "The General began to fire his guns, which he did, all that he had in the ship, and so did the rest of the commanders, which was very gallant, and to hear the bullets go hissing over our heads as we were in the boat." The Admiralty prohibition against firing salutes above Gravesend, Kent, is said to date from an occasion when a shot fired during a salute went uncomfortably close to Greenwich Palace where Queen Elizabeth I was then residing. Port Royal has one of the most interesting histories of any ports in the world. There is even speculation in pirate folklore that the infamous Blackbeard (Edward Teach) met a howler monkey, while at leisure in a Port Royal alehouse, whom he named Jefferson and formed a strong bond with during the expedition to the island of New Providence. Recent genealogical research indicates that Blackbeard and his family moved to Jamaica where Edward Teach, Jr. is listed as being a mariner in the Royal Navy aboard HMS Windsor in 1706. Port Royal benefited from this lively, glamorous infamy and grew to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies. At the height of its popularity, the city had one drinking house for every 10 residents. In July 1661 alone, 40 new licenses were granted to taverns. During a 20-year period that ended in 1692, nearly 6,500 people lived in Port Royal. In addition to prostitutes and buccaneers, there were four goldsmiths, 44 tavern keepers, and a variety of artisans and merchants who lived in 2,000 buildings crammed into 51 acres (21 ha) of real estate. 213 ships visited the seaport in 1688. The city's wealth was so great that coins were preferred for payment over the more common system of bartering goods for services.

Following Henry Morgan's appointment as lieutenant governor, Port Royal began to change. Pirates were no longer needed to defend the city. The selling of slaves took on greater importance. Upstanding citizens disliked the reputation the city had acquired. In 1687, Jamaica passed anti-piracy laws. Consequently, instead of being a safe haven for pirates, Port Royal became noted as their place of execution. Gallows Point welcomed many to their death, including Charles Vane and Calico Jack, who were hanged in 1720. About five months later, the famous woman pirate Mary Read died in the Jamaican prison in Port Royal. Two years later, 41 pirates met their death in one month.

Every single item from The Lanes Armoury is accompanied by our unique Certificate of Authenticity. Part of our continued dedication to maintain the standards forged by us over the past 100 years of our family’s trading

It is around 21 inches long overall on the carriage, 1inch bore. Weighing approx 15.8 kilos.  read more

Code: 23350

3750.00 GBP

A Wonderful Antique Meteorite Steel Indonesian Kris with Engraved Royal Crown With a 'Diamond' Hilt Collar

A Wonderful Antique Meteorite Steel Indonesian Kris with Engraved Royal Crown With a 'Diamond' Hilt Collar

The whole sword is beautiful, the hardwood scabbard has a fabulous age patina as has the carved hardwood hilt which also has a 'diamond' collar. They are all somewhat crude 'old cuts' that are poor at refracting light, therefore they might be Indian Moghul diamonds, or even 'old cut' rock crystal stones, it is near impossible to tell, they have not a great deal of intrinsic value either way, due to their cut, but most intriguing none the less.
the traditional steel of the best indonesian kris often contain meteorite steel that fell from the heavens, and the Different types of whetstones, acidic juice of citrus fruits and poisonous arsenic bring out the contrast between the dark black iron and the light coloured silvery nickel layers which together form pamor, damascene patterns on the blade. The distinctive pamor patterns have specific meanings and names which indicate the special magical properties they are believed to impart. The Kris Panjang is worn generally by the Malayan aristocracy. I have seen some beautiful specimens of this weapon in Rumbowe, worn by the chiefs of that state.
Thomas John Newbold, in 1839 wrote lamination patterns that are created in their forging can be simply stunning, as this this beautiful piece. The yellow-white metal scabbard cover is beautifully engraved, on the outer side, and mostly plain on the inner side, but both sides bear an elaborate engraved royal crown.
Different types of whetstones, acidic juice of citrus fruits and poisonous arsenic bring out the contrast between the dark black iron and the light coloured silvery nickel layers which together form pamor, damascene patterns on the blade. The distinctive pamor patterns have specific meanings and names which indicate the special magical properties they are believed to impart. Kris blades are forged by a technique known as pattern welding, one in which layers of different metals are pounded and fused together while red hot, folded or twisted, adding more different metals, pounded more and folded more until the desired number of layers are obtained. The rough blade is then shaped, filed and sometimes polished smooth before finally acid etched to bring out the contrasting colours of the low and high carbon metals. The traditional Indonesian weapon allegedly endowed with religious and mystical powers. With probably a traditional Meteorite laminated iron blade with hammered nickel for the contrasting pattern. 15 inch blade  read more

Code: 23974

780.00 GBP

A Stunning Moghul Indo Persian Jade Handled Tiger Tooth Blade Khanjar

A Stunning Moghul Indo Persian Jade Handled Tiger Tooth Blade Khanjar

With wootz blade. A 19th century dagger khanjar, curved double edged watered wootz blade 24cms long, cut with a pair of deep fullers with medial ridge, mounted with a fine one piece jade hilt engraved and incised overall with foliage and inlaid with cabochon turquoise at the corners and on the pommel. he Mughal (or Moghul) Empire was an early-modern empire in South Asia. For some two centuries, the empire stretched from the outer fringes of the Indus basin in the west, northern Afghanistan in the northwest, and Kashmir in the north, to the highlands of present-day Assam and Bangladesh in the east, and the uplands of the Deccan plateau in South India.

The Mughal empire is conventionally said to have been founded in 1526 by Babur, a warrior chieftain from what today is Uzbekistan, who employed aid from the neighboring Safavid and Ottoman empires to defeat the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodhi, in the First Battle of Panipat, and to sweep down the plains of Upper India. The Mughal imperial structure, however, is sometimes dated to 1600, to the rule of Babur's grandson, Akbar. This imperial structure lasted until 1720, until shortly after the death of the last major emperor, Aurengzeb, during whose reign the empire also achieved its maximum geographical extent. Reduced subsequently, especially during the East India Company rule in India, to the region in and around Old Delhi, the empire was formally dissolved by the British Raj after the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

Although the Mughal empire was created and sustained by military warfare,it did not vigorously suppress the cultures and peoples it came to rule, but rather equalized and placated them through new administrative practices, and diverse ruling elites, leading to more efficient, centralised, and standarized rule.The base of the empire's collective wealth was agricultural taxes, instituted by the third Mughal emperor, Akbar. These taxes, which amounted to well over half the output of a peasant cultivator, were paid in the well-regulated silver currency, and caused peasants and artisans to enter larger markets.

The relative peace maintained by the empire during much of the 17th century was a factor in India's economic expansion.Burgeoning European presence in the Indian ocean, and its increasing demand for Indian raw- and finished products, created still greater wealth in the Mughal courts. There was more conspicuous consumption among the Mughal elite, resulting in greater patronage of painting, literary forms, textiles, and architecture, especially during the reign of Shah Jahan. The Taj Mahal, which is described as, "The jewel of Muslim art in India, and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage.  read more

Code: 22507

2995.00 GBP

A Shinto Samurai Naganata Naoshi Wakizashi With Shakudo Edo Fittings & Full Edo Traditional Polish

A Shinto Samurai Naganata Naoshi Wakizashi With Shakudo Edo Fittings & Full Edo Traditional Polish

Just returned from a year of expert artisan conservation polish of the original Edo polish blade and cleaning. Now looking superb, the unokubi zukuri bo-hi blade with a vivid toran great wave hamon, is mounted with all original Edo shakudo koshirae of fuchigashira, decorated with takebori drinking gourd and woodsman’s axe, flower basket menuki and kozuka, which is decorated shakudo with gold birds in flight over the sea. With an iron and copper and gold onlay mokko form tsuba decorated with a seated figure in a gold patterned robe, alongside the river below Mount Fuji.
Beautiful urushi spiral lacquer pattern saya, The original Edo period urushi lacquer on the saya is in simply excellent condition and shows most elegant simplicity, it reveals within that simplicity the finest craftsmanship and beauty worthy of a master of the art of urushi decor. Japanese lacquer, or urushi, is a transformative and highly prized material that has been refined for over 7000 years.

Cherished for its infinite versatility, urushi is a distinctive art form that has spread across all facets of Japanese culture from the tea ceremony to the saya scabbards of samurai swords

Japanese artists created their own style and perfected the art of decorated lacquerware during the 8th century. Japanese lacquer skills reached its peak as early as the twelfth century, at the end of the Heian period (794-1185). This skill was passed on from father to son and from master to apprentice.

Tōran-ba is a hamon which looks like as if surging waves are rolling back and forth. It was created by a swordsmith in Settsu (Osaka prefecture), Sukehiro, in the early Edo period. It is the very first pictorial hamon which showed “a hamon as an expression”. It had a great influence on many swordsmiths over time. It is an innovative hamon which is copied on some swords made from the Bakumatsu.
A very few minuscule blade age marks..  read more

Code: 24707

8750.00 GBP

We Never Usually Reccomend Historical Films, But 'Shogun' Is Incredible. A 2024 TV Series by FX & Hulu

We Never Usually Reccomend Historical Films, But 'Shogun' Is Incredible. A 2024 TV Series by FX & Hulu

Fantastic, we cannot recommend it highly enough.

I have studied and watched Japanese film for over 50 years, and this is just beautiful. M.H.

We loved the 1970's TV series starring Richard Chamberlain, but this film series takes it to a whole other level. Especially with Hiroyuki Sanada, he is incredible in the part of Yoshii Toranaga.

View it in the UK on Disney+  read more

Code: 25181
