1447 items found
Victorian Jack the Ripper Period 'Derby' Pattern Best Warranted Wrought Hard Steel Handcuffs

Victorian Jack the Ripper Period 'Derby' Pattern Best Warranted Wrought Hard Steel Handcuffs

Two metal cuffs attached together by a metal ring on each cuff, linked with a swivel in the centre to join both ends together. One cuff has a metal key inserted in lock. Key locks, unlocks and unscrews nicely.

Hiatt & Company began manufacturing handcuffs and slave-chains in the 1780s and was the largest supplier of handcuffs to the British police.

The Whitechapel murders were committed in or near the largely impoverished Whitechapel district in the East End of London between 3 April 1888 and 13 February 1891. At various points some or all of these eleven unsolved murders of women have been ascribed to the notorious unidentified serial killer known as Jack the Ripper.

The murderer or murderers were never identified and the cases remain unsolved. Sensational reportage and the mystery surrounding the identity of the killer or killers fed the development of the character "Jack the Ripper", who was blamed for all or most of the murders. Hundreds of books and articles discuss the Whitechapel murders, and they feature in novels, short stories, comic books, television shows, and films of multiple genres.

The poor of the East End had long been ignored by affluent society, but the nature of the Whitechapel murders and of the victims' impoverished lifestyles drew national attention to their living conditions. The murders galvanised public opinion against the overcrowded, unsanitary slums of the East End, and led to demands for reform. On 24 September 1888, George Bernard Shaw commented sarcastically on the media's sudden concern with social justice in a letter to The Star newspaper:
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Code: 24294

195.00 GBP

A Very Rare WW2 Japanese Shell Case From a Type 11 37mm Infantry Anti Tank  Gun

A Very Rare WW2 Japanese Shell Case From a Type 11 37mm Infantry Anti Tank Gun

Souvenir of an British officer gifted to him by an Australian officer, who served in the Pacific War in WW2. All Japanese munitions from WW2 are incredibly rare to see in the UK as so few returning soldiers bothered to collect them and bring them home, plus all WW2 arms of all kinds were destroyed in Japan from 1945. For them it was a determined effort to wipe out all mention and thought of WW2 and to eradicate any reminder of the shame. All marked items of that period were banned, and in fact a rule that is still enforced in Japan today. The shell schematics are; Calibre Diameter: 37mm
Case Length: 132mm
Rim: R
Round Index: Shell Type 95 AP
Projectile Index: Type 95 AP
Projectile Weight: 0,67000 kg
Filler Weight: 0,03500 kg
Usage: Type 11 37mm Infantry Gun, Type 94 37mm Anti-Tank Gun & Type 94 37mm Tank Gun

Armour piercing/high Explosive round for Type 11 Infantry Gun, early Type 94 AT & Tank Guns. Inert and safe not suitable for export.  read more

Code: 24280

125.00 GBP

A n Original 1870's Victorian 9th Voltiguers De Quebec Shako Plate

A n Original 1870's Victorian 9th Voltiguers De Quebec Shako Plate

A very good scarce badge of the Canadian Light Infantry volunteers. 3 loop pin mounting posts. In superb condition. the '9' unit mark denotes issue to the 9th Battalion Volunteer Militia Rifles of Canada (Voltigeurs de Quebec). They were one of the units mobilized and sent out west during the 1885 North West Rebellion. The unit was established in 1862. The North-West Rebellion (or the North-West Resistance, Saskatchewan Rebellion, Northwest Uprising, or Second Riel Rebellion) of 1885 was a brief and unsuccessful uprising by the Metis people under Louis Riel, and an associated uprising by First Nations Cree and Assiniboine, of the District of Saskatchewan against the government of Canada. During a time of great social change in Western Canada, the Metis believed that the Canadians had failed to address the protection of their rights, their land and their survival as a distinct people. Despite some notable early victories at Duck Lake, Fish Creek and Cut Knife, the rebellion ended when the Metis were defeated at the siege of Batoche, Saskatchewan, the eventual scattering of their allied Aboriginal forces and the trial and hanging of Louis Riel and eight First Nations leaders. Tensions between French Canada and English Canada increased for some time. Due to the role that the Canadian Pacific Railway played in transporting troops, political support for it increased and Parliament authorized funds to complete the country's first transcontinental railway. 4 inches high.  read more

Code: 18971

345.00 GBP

Rare 1860's Canadian Ist Prince of Wales Rifle Volunteer Regt. Shako Plate

Rare 1860's Canadian Ist Prince of Wales Rifle Volunteer Regt. Shako Plate

Used from the time of the Canadian Fenian Raids of 1866. A very fine helmet plate from the regiment of volunteers that later became the Canadian Grenadier Guards. In the Fenian Raid period Major C. F. Hill, of the First Prince of Wales Regiment (Montreal), was in command of the forces stationed at Sandwich, Windsor and Sarnia. These troops were kept on service for several months, and their presence at the points named and the constant vigilance maintained, had an effect in warning the Fenians that Canada's sons were alive to the duty of the hour, and were resolved to guard and protect their homes and firesides from desecration by invading foes or sacrifice their lives if necessary in performing that sacred duty.The Canadian Grenadier Guards originated in Montreal, Quebec on 17 November 1859 as the First Battalion Volunteer Militia Rifles of Canada. It was redesignated as The First (or Prince of Wales's) Regiment of Volunteer Rifles of Canadian Militia on 7 September 1860. On 2 May 1898 it amalgamated with the 6th Battalion "Fusiliers" and was redesignated the 1st Battalion "Prince of Wales' Regiment Fusiliers". It was redesignatedas the 1st Regiment "Prince of Wales' Fusiliers" on 8 May 1900; as the 1st Regiment Canadian Grenadier Guards on 29 December 1911; as The Canadian Grenadier Guards on 29 March 1920??. Quoted from JOHN A. MACDONALD.41 Macdonell Ave., Toronto, May, 1910.. "The fierce conflict which had been waged in the United States of America for four long years between the North and the South was terminated by the subjugation of the latter in the spring of 1865, and the tattered battle flags of the Confederate forces were furled forever. Over a million of men, veteran soldiers of both armies, were still in the field when the Civil War ended, and when these mighty forces were disbanded, hundreds of thousands of trained warriors were thrown upon their own resources, without occupation or employment. While the majority of these soldiers quickly resumed their old business or farming pursuits, yet there remained idle a vast number of turbulent and restless spirits who were ready and willing to embark in any fillibustering expedition that might present itself. These men were all trained and seasoned veterans of both the Union and Confederate armies--soldiers who were inured to the hardships and rigors of many campaigns and fierce battles, and thousands of them readily enrolled themselves under the Fenian banners in anticipation of a war being inaugurated against the British nation, with the invasion of Canada as the first step.

The defence of our extensive Canadian frontier depended mainly upon the volunteer militia force of the scattered Provinces, and to their patriotism and gallantry in springing to arms when their services were needed to defend their native land, may be ascribed the glory of frustrating the attempts of the Fenian invaders to establish themselves on Canadian soil. True, there were some British regular troops on duty in Canada in 1866 around which to rally, and they did their duty nobly, but in the operations on the Niagara frontier especially, it was the Canadian volunteers who bore the brunt of battle, and by their devotion to duty, courage and bravery under hostile fire, succeeded in causing the hasty retirement of the Fenian invaders from our shores, and again, as in days of yore, preserved Canada to the Empire, as one of the brightest jewels in the British Crown." Photo in the gallery of a Fenian Raid Certificate for soldiers that fought in 1866 and their acreage reward.  read more

Code: 18968

395.00 GBP

WW2 Third Reich Customs Officials Shoulder Board

WW2 Third Reich Customs Officials Shoulder Board

A WW2 Third Reich Customs (Zoll) Official epaulette. The Green & silver epaulette with silver and green inner sections, on a green wool field. Metal 'RZD' (Reichszolldienst) monogram .Zollgrenzschutz (ZGS) (lit. 'Customs Border Guards') was an organization under the German Finance Ministry from 1937 to 1945. It was charged with guarding Germany's borders, acting as a combination Border Patrol and Customs & Immigration service.

In Nazi Germany it was formed in 1937 by Fritz Reinhardt, a State Secretary of the Finance Ministry. It came to comprise about 50,000 officials. The Border Police (Grenzpolizei), which had the tasks of passport and border control, was different from the Customs Border Guards (Zollgrenzschutz).

Heinrich Himmler tried to bring the Zollgrenzschutz under the control of the Schutzstaffel (SS), which was unsuccessful at first. During the war, the units were used in occupied territories outside of Germany. A significant portion of younger officials were recruited to the Wehrmacht, leaving the Zollgrenzschutz with older men. After the 20 July 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler, the units were taken out of the control of the Finance Ministry and placed under Amt IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA)

Photo in the gallery of Oberzollrat of the Zollgrenzschutz [far left] with Field Marshal Ernst Rommel [middle]  read more

Code: 19481

45.00 GBP

WW2 Kriegsmarine Oberbootsmann (Chief Petty Officer) Shoulder Board

WW2 Kriegsmarine Oberbootsmann (Chief Petty Officer) Shoulder Board

The Kriegsmarine's most famous ships were the U-boats, most of which were constructed after Plan Z was abandoned at the beginning of World War II. Wolfpacks were rapidly assembled groups of submarines which attacked British convoys during the first half of the Battle of the Atlantic but this tactic was largely abandoned in the second half of the war. Along with the U-boats, surface commerce raiders (including auxiliary cruisers) were used to disrupt Allied shipping in the early years of the war, the most famous of these being the heavy cruisers Admiral Graf Spee and Admiral Scheer and the battleship Bismarck. However, the adoption of convoy escorts, especially in the Atlantic, greatly reduced the effectiveness of commerce raiders against convoys.

After the Second World War, the Kriegsmarine's remaining ships were divided up amongst the Allied powers and were used for various purposes including minesweeping. **Shown with an anchor button for illustrative purposes only, not including button  read more

Code: 19795

85.00 GBP

Set of German WW2 Revierforster Rank Collar Tabs

Set of German WW2 Revierforster Rank Collar Tabs

This is a set of third reich period German Revierforster rank shoulder boards in the Forestry Service, a favourite of Reich Marshal Goring. The tabs are constructed forest-green woolen backer. The obverse of the tabs are ordained with extremely fine, high quality, silver aluminum twisted wire in the shape of two vertically positioned oak leaves in the centre of the tab, with a twig of three leafs in the bottom left and right corners. Both tabs are edged on all four sides with fine quality twisted wire fastened to the sides using invisible green threads.  read more

Code: 20884

100.00 GBP

A Superb, Solid Silver Gilt and Enamel Royal Antediluvian Order Of Buffaloes Order Of Merit

A Superb, Solid Silver Gilt and Enamel Royal Antediluvian Order Of Buffaloes Order Of Merit

Hallmarked silver with fine mint enamelling and silk ribbon, known within the order as a jewel. The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) was one of the largest fraternal organisations in the United Kingdom. The order started in 1822 and is known as the Buffs to members.

The RAOB organisation aids members, their families, dependents of former members and other charitable organisations. The order has a Rule Book, Manual of Instruction and Ceremony Lectures issued and revised by the Grand Lodge of England based at Harrogate in England. The 'lodge' description for branch organisation and headquarters was adopted in imitation of Freemasonry but RAOB is completely open in its objectives, activities and ritual. The RAOB was begun in the Harp Tavern (opposite the Drury Lane Theatre) by the artist Joseph Lisle and comedian William Sinnett along with other stage hands and theatre technicians in August 1822. It drew its then name of The Buffaloes from a popular song of the time We?ll chase the Buffalo. This first meeting is historically the Phoenix Lodge No.1. As members toured the country with various shows lodges were opened in other towns.

The Order's motto "No Man Is At All Times Wise" (Latin: Nemo Mortalium Omnibus Horis Sapit) and has the maxim of "Justice, Truth and Philanthropy".  read more

Code: 19115

95.00 GBP

Rare, Complete and Original, Triumph Magazine Portfolio of Flying

Rare, Complete and Original, Triumph Magazine Portfolio of Flying

Original 1930's issue. Softcover, in exceellent condition, about 3.5 x 5.25 inches but folds out to about 14 x 5.25 inches, folds out to 4 panels with each panel have two small booklets (about 3 x 2 inches each), each booklet contains 7 small b&w photos or illustrations, the booklets are as follows: Queer Aircraft ( glider plane; Westland-Hill Pterodactyl 3 seater; Northrop Beta monoplane; Focke Wulf; Cierva autogiro; seaplane; mono-spar 3 seater ), ---All in a Days Flying ( iceberg patrol; aerial mountie gets his man; stemming the stampede; answering an SOS; Air Mail; the flying shop (delivering goods to natives); rescuing stranded mountaineers ) ---Trail Blazers of the Air ( Charles Lindbergh; Richard Byrd; J A Mollison; Charles Kingsford-Smith; Bert Hinkler; Amy Johnson; Alan Cobham ) ---Stunting in Space ( wing walkers, acrobats, dare devils; etc ) ---War Hawks ( a zeppelin hunter; machine gunning the artillery; dog fight; British blimp bombs a submarine; destroying an observation balloon; etc) ---Great Gas Bags ( the Graf zeppelin; Picard's Stratosphere balloon; USS Akron; jumping balloon; Spanish observation balloon; American airship moored; a plane carrying airship ) ----Guardians of the Empire's Airways ( fighter taking off from aircraft carrier Furious; 20 ton RAF monoplane; Blackburn Napier torpedo plane; desert patrol; loading a bomber; getting an RAF searchlight ready; catapulting a plane from a submarine ) ---Planes of all Nations ( Belgian fighter; british 38 seaterand Puss Moth; French Paris to London liner; Italian S.55 flying boat; Junker; Swiss Dornier Do-X; American military transport plane ),  read more

Code: 18200

140.00 GBP

A Most Fine, Antique, Regimental Embroidery Of the Royal Artillery, P Battery, 63rd Royal Field Artillery

A Most Fine, Antique, Regimental Embroidery Of the Royal Artillery, P Battery, 63rd Royal Field Artillery

Stunningly handsome embroidered regimental wreathed crest, with the field cannon and motto ‘Ubique’ of legendary ‘P’ Battery, and also bearing their later title the 63rd RFA. [Royal Field Artillery]

Likely stiched by an officer's lady from the regiment. A traditional pastime of the wives of the serving or past serving men from British Regiments in the army, or, by sailors themselves in the Royal Navy was the making of highly intricate embroidery of their regimental colours.

From the doomed attempt to seize the Russian guns by the Light Brigade at Balaclava, to the Siege of Sebastopol itself, artillery played a major part in the Crimean War. The official history of the Royal Artillery Regiment in the conflict is therefore indispensible to a full picture of the war. Original embroidery , made in the Victorian to WW1 period, nicely framed. With Crimean War, Canada and Boer War Battle Honours. The story of the 63rd RFA from 1899; The 63rd lost their guns on the Ismore. They were refitted and joined Buller in Natal in time to take part in the operations about Spion Kop and Vaal Krantz and in the final relief actions. One officer was mentioned in General Buller's despatch of 30th March 1900. The battery accompanied that general in his northward movement to the south of the Transvaal, and a section went with General Clery to Heidelberg. In General Buller's final despatch 2 officers were mentioned. Towards the close of 1900 and in 1901 the battery was employed about the Standerton line, and four guns accompanied the column of Colonel Colville which operated on that line and in the north-east of the Orange River Colony. Referring to an action near Vlakfontein, Lord Kitchener in his telegram of 22nd December 1900 said, "Colonel Colville attributes the small loss to the excellent shooting of the 63rd Battery and the skilful leading of Lieutenant Jarvis, 13th Hussars, and Captain Talbot and Lieutenant White of the Rifle Brigade". 34.5 inches x 29 inches in the frame.  read more

Code: 22530

750.00 GBP