Antique Arms & Militaria

837 items found
A Very Good M.1822 imperial French, Crimean War Period Cuirassier's Pistol Manufactured at the Imperial Arsenal at St Etienne.

A Very Good M.1822 imperial French, Crimean War Period Cuirassier's Pistol Manufactured at the Imperial Arsenal at St Etienne.

.Fully inspector marked throughout, with regimental markings and stock roundel stamp, and dated for the Crimean War. Good tight action, rifled barrel. Many pistols of this type were also imported to the USA during the Civil War. At the time of the Crimean War, the army of the Second Empire was a subscripted army, but was also the most proficient army in Europe. One of the more famous groups were the Zouaves. According to Captain George Brinton McClellan, an American Military Observer, the Zouaves were the "?most reckless, self-reliant, and complete infantry that Europe can produce. With his graceful dress, soldierly bearing, and vigilant attitude, the Zouave at an outpost is the beau ideal of a soldier."
The French army consisted of the Imperial Guard infantry, the line infantry including the Foreign Legion, cavalry, artillery, and engineer troops. Sources suggest that between 45,000 and 100,000 French forces were involved at one time or the other in the Crimea. Service in the French army was for seven years, with re-enlistments in increments of seven years. The Battle of Eupatoria was the most important military engagement of the Crimean War on the Crimean theatre in 1855 outside Sevastopol.

Ottoman forces were being transferred from the Danube front to the Crimean port of Eupatoria and the town was being fortified. Upon direct orders from the Czar who feared a wide-scale Ottoman offensive on the Russian flank, a Russian expeditionary force was formed under General Stepan Khrulev aiming to storm the base with a force variously estimated between 20,000 to 30,000.

Khrulev hoped to take the Ottoman garrison by surprise on February 17, 1855. His intention failed to materialise, as both the Ottoman garrison and the Allied fleet anticipated the attack.

The Russian artillery and infantry attacks were countered by heavy Allied artillery fire. Failing to make progress after three hours and suffering mounting casualties, Khrulev ordered a retreat.

This reverse led to the dismissal of the Russian Commander-in-Chief Aleksandr Sergeyevich Menshikov and probably hastened the death of Nicholas I of Russia, who died several weeks after the battle.

As for the battle's strategic importance, it confirmed that allied total command of the sea would ensure that the threat to the Russian flank would remain for the duration of hostilities. For the allies, possession of Eupatoria meant that the total investment of Sevastopol remained a viable option. For the Russians, they could not afford to commit unlimited resources from their vast army to the Crimea, for fear of a lightning allied thrust from Eupatoria closing the neck of the peninsula at Perekop.

For the Ottomans, their Army had regained its self-esteem and to some extent its reputation; most French and British realised this, although others including the high command would stubbornly refuse to make further use of their fighting abilities in the Crimean theatre. A very nice example of French cavalry percussion pistol (Ref. "French Military Weapons 1717-1938", by James E. Hicks, pp. 81 and 94).  read more

Code: 22352

895.00 GBP

An Original Antique Executioner's Keris Behari, Alang Pehang, From Indonesia Most Likely Sumatra For Hukuman Salang

An Original Antique Executioner's Keris Behari, Alang Pehang, From Indonesia Most Likely Sumatra For Hukuman Salang

The kris also known as keris is called a wilah or bilah. Kris blades are usually narrow with a wide, asymmetrical base. The kris is famous for its wavy blade; however, the older types of kris dated from the Majapahit era have straight blades, and they are the types, such as this one that were used for ceremonial executions.The execution by keris is called hukuman salang. Salang is synonymous with keris panjang.The executioner made the victim to squat then drove the keris panjang from certain spot inside his collar bone down to the heart. The number of luk or curves on the serpentine regular keris blade is always odd. Common numbers of luk range from three to thirteen waves, but some blades have up to 29. In contrast to the older straight type, most kris have a wavy blade which is supposed to increase the severity of wounds inflicted upon a victim. During kris stabbing, the wavy blade severs more blood vessels, creating a wider wound which causes the victim to easily bleed to death.

According to traditional Javanese kejawen, kris contain all the intrinsic elements of nature: tirta (water), bayu (wind), agni (fire), bantolo (earth, but also interpreted as metal or wood which both come from the earth), and aku (lit: "I" or "me", meaning that the kris has a spirit or soul). All these elements are present during the forging of kris. Earth is metal forged by fire being blown by pumped wind, and water to cool down the metal. In Bali, the kris is associated with the naga or dragon, which also symbolizes irrigation canals, rivers, springs, wells, spouts, waterfalls and rainbows; thus, the wavy blade symbolizes the movement of the serpent. Some kris have a naga or serpent head carved near the base with the body and tail following the curves of the blade to the tip. A wavy kris is thus a naga in motion, aggressive and alive; a straight blade is one at rest, its power dormant but ready to come into action.

In former times, kris blades were said to be infused with poison during their forging, ensuring that any injury was fatal. The process of doing so was kept secret among smiths. Different types of whetstones, acidic juice of citrus fruits and poisonous arsenic bring out the contrast between the dark black iron and the light coloured silvery nickel layers which together form pamor, damascene patterns on the blade. The distinctive pamor patterns have specific meanings and names which indicate the special magical properties they are believed to impart"The Kris Panjang is worn generally by the Malayan aristocracy, and bridegrooms. I have seen some beautiful specimens of this weapon in Rumbowe, worn by the chiefs of that state. The blades resembled that of a long keen poniard, of Damascus steel; the handles of ebony, covered with flowered gold, and sheaths richly ornamented with the same metal: they are used in the execution of criminals."
Thomas John Newbold, in 1839 wrote

."The last sentence of death passed by Abdul Syed (or Dholl Syed), the ex-Panghúlu, was on a Quedah man, named Sali, in 1805. This Malay had carried off from Malacca two Chinese slaves, a man and a woman; meeting some resistance from the former, he murdered him with his kris, in the forest of Londu, and proceeded with the woman to Pila, in Srimenanti, where he sold her as a slave. "

The present superintendent of Naning, Mr, Westerhout, who was an eye-witness, described to me the ceremony of his trial and execution. The criminal was conducted, bound, to Bukit Penialang, or "Execution Hill," near Tabu. The Panghúlu, the Ampat Suku, the twelve Panglimas, the Bandahara, and the Makdum, were all seated in judgment, under a cluster of Tambuseh trees, on the skirt of the hill.

The witnesses were brought forward, and examined by the Panghulu himself. The evidence against the prisoner being deemed conclusive, according to the forms of the Mohammedan law, he was sentenced, agreeably to the Adat Menángkábowe, to pay one Bhar, equivalent to 24 Sp. drs. 30 cents.) or to suffer (salang) death by the kris.

Being unable to pay the fine, preparations were made for his immediate execution. The grave was dug on the spot, and he was placed, firmly bound in a sitting posture, literally on its brink. For further security, two panglimas sat on each side, while the Panglima Besar Sumun unsheathed the weapon that was to terminate the mortal existence of the trembling wretch.

On the point of the poniard, the kris panjang, the panglima carefully placed a pledget of soft cotton, which he pressed against the man's breast, a little above the right collar-bone. He then slowly passed the weapon's point through the cotton, on which he kept the fingers of his left hand firmly pressed, in a direction obliquely to the left into his body, until the projection of the hilt stopped its farther progress. The weapon was then slowly withdrawn, the panglima still retaining the cotton in its place by the pressure of his fingers, so as to staunch effectually all external effusion of blood.

The criminal, shuddering convulsively, was immediately precipitated into the grave; but on making signs for water, was raised. He had barely time to apply his lips to the cocoa-nut- shell in which it was brought, when he fell back into the grave quite dead. The earth was then hastily thrown over the body, and the assembly dispersed."

-J.B. Westerhout, 1805. Blade 21 inches, overall in scabbard 27 inches  read more

Code: 23769

795.00 GBP

18th Century Royal Naval 100 Gunner Ship-Of-The-Line, Gunner's Cannon Priming Flask, Made and Used from the American Revolution, the Battle of Trafalgar and Beyond. Bearing a Royal Naval Ordnance Crown Stamp

18th Century Royal Naval 100 Gunner Ship-Of-The-Line, Gunner's Cannon Priming Flask, Made and Used from the American Revolution, the Battle of Trafalgar and Beyond. Bearing a Royal Naval Ordnance Crown Stamp

King George IIIrd period. Used in the Royal Navy from the 1770's onwards. This is from a wonderful very small collection of fine, early, British Royal Naval pieces that we acquired. A traditional and most rare King George IIIrd period, 18th century gunner's flask, used on board a warship for likely 50 years or more, into the early 19th century of the Admiral Nelson period, and through the Napoleonic Wars.

A Royal Naval gunner's priming powder flask, of polished cow horn body, with traditional turned wooden base with screw threaded removable handle, turned brass and spring actioned pouring spout, and two iron carrying rings.

A near identical example is in Oxford University's Pitt Rivers Museum that came from a gunner serving on HMS Victory at Trafalgar see photo in the gallery In the firing naval cannon at Trafalgar, huge amounts of gunpowder were required to fire them, and the cannon were ignited with very fine quality, fine ground priming powder poured into the touch hole. Young boys, often known as powder monkeys, would haul gunpowder to the gun decks within barrels. Cow horns flasks, with brass spring actioned spouts, just such as this one, were used to contain the fine grain priming powder, which was poured into the pan of the touch hole of each cannon before firing. The example that can be seen photographed in our gallery was donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford by the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum (now Wellcome Institute) in 1952, it is said to have belonged to a gunner on Admiral Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory.
The Victory famously led a fleet of twenty-seven British ships to victory over Napoleon's forces at the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805, although Nelson himself sustained a mortal injury aboard deck. Because the vast majority of an 18th century ship's armament was mounted in its broadside, fleets typically formed into a single line ahead in preparation for battle. This simplified command and control each ship could simply follow the ship in front and enabled the fleet to uniformly arrange its firepower along a continuous formation with no weak spots. The line was sometimes divided into van (forward), centre, and rear divisions under subordinate commanders. Maintenance of a continuous, unbroken line was important. If the enemy was able to position directly ahead or behind a friendly ship, he would be comparatively safe from attack (as only a handful of guns fired directly ahead or astern) and could concentrate his broadside against the weakest parts of his target the lightly constructed bow and stern. For this reason, fleet battles often resolved into two parallel lines of ships edging towards each other with each ship indecisively facing its opposite. More aggressive admirals sought ways to overcome this tactical stalemate, concentrating their force against a smaller portion of the enemy by breaking the line.

Firing began once the fleets closed within range. At the extreme, cannon shot might reach the enemy at ranges up to a mile, but British commanders often held their fire until the ships had closed to only a few hundred yards, or even less. The adversaries would then pour fire into one another, shattering hulls, masts, rigging, and men with heavy cannon shot. Individual ships might surrender by hauling down (striking) their colours when disabled by damage or casualties. As a last resort, a ship might be forced to surrender through boarding. Battle usually continued until one side disengaged or the sun set though a number of battles were fought partly or entirely in the dark.

Priming powder was a refined type of gunpowder that ignited more easily and so it was important to use the right amount. Too much powder could be catastrophic, too little powder might prevent ignition of the main charge in the breech, resulting in just a flash in the pan. Here, a brass mounted spring catch helped control the amount that was poured out. Two screw hooks can be seen where the horn would have been attached to a belt or baldrick and slung around the gunner?s torso, and it could be refilled by unscrewing the wooden stopper at the broad end.

Horn was an ideal material for powder flasks as it was readily available and provided a natural container; unlike metal it was not liable to create sparks that might accidentally ignite the powder inside; and it was also translucent when held up to the light, so it was possible to see how much powder was left.

See photos 8 and 9 in the gallery that shows the identical gunner's priiming flask on board HMS Victory, as part of the museum's display

This flask is just under 11 inches long.  read more

Code: 22928

1625.00 GBP

After Over 50 Years Here I Am Just as Thrilled With Our Latest 5 Star Review as I Was The First Time, When We First Went Online Over 26 Years Ago In The Year 2 BG {Before Google}. Enjoy Your Online Experience

After Over 50 Years Here I Am Just as Thrilled With Our Latest 5 Star Review as I Was The First Time, When We First Went Online Over 26 Years Ago In The Year 2 BG {Before Google}. Enjoy Your Online Experience

Not only are we extremely grateful for our fabulous reviews, 5 Star or otherwise, we are also extraordinarily delighted that all the people have gone to the effort to create such kind words, as we never, ever, request reviews from our visitors, it is all entirely and simply down to their kindness, and the valuable time and effort they take out of their lives in order to compose such compliments, within their reviews.

Here is just a sample of past 5 Star Reviews.

113 reviews·582 photos
Wow ,, this is my favourite shop of all time - my partner spent over an hour trying to get me out of the place - it’s a a sword collectors dream ,, you have to see this place to believe it Fantastic - you could spend all day in there and still miss something.

Response from the owner.
We were delighted for your visit, and thrilled you obviously enjoyed your time here, albeit more briefly than you might have liked. We hope you both make it down here to visit once again, many thanks and kindest regards, Mark
Emma Field
3 reviews·
I’ve purchased several items from this shop, my favourite being a katana. The brothers that own the shop are very informative and patient. I hope to return very soon. Highly recommend.

Response from the owner
Hi Emma, That is very kind of you to go to the bother to make such a nice review, it is much appreciated We very much look forward to your return, no purchase necessary of course, just to say hi! would be great enough. All the very best wishes, Mark
Richard Dundas
15 reviews·2 photos
Incredible shop with an incredible selection of artefacts. There were so many amazing pieces in such a small space.

Response from the owner
Dear Richard, Thank you so much for your kind review and comments. It is always very much appreciated. see you again hopefully. Kind regards, Mark
Neil Bolden
17 reviews
Bought a few items over the years. Guaranteed you are buying an authentic item. For my last purchase, Lanes Armoury went out of their way to locate an item l was looking for and l received it within 2 days of payment.

Response from the owner
Many thanks indeed for your most appreciated compliments, and we look forward to assisting you again in the future
Darcy Lawler
25 reviews·50 photos

Could spend absolutely hours wandering this tiny shop, so much history everytime you looked you saw something new. The two men working there were very friendly and knowledgeable, they were happy to answer any questions and tell stories about the items

Response from the owner
Thank you Darcy for your most kind and complimentary review. It is always a delight to us to know visitors to our shop have enjoyed their visit, it make all our efforts worthwhile. To take the time to review our family business online is also especially kind. Thank you once again.
John Anthony
Local Guide·77 reviews·53 photos

Great sword shop.

Response from the owner
Dear John, thank you so much for your compliment. It is always very pleasing to know that a local guide enjoyed their visit enough to leave a kind review. Many thanks once more
Curtis Ramsay

Response from the owner
Dear Curtis, i was delightful to see your Five Star review, it is much appreciated , and many thanks indeed. We are glad you enjoyed your visit
Chris Corfield
Local Guide·25 reviews
An absolutely amazing shop full of military history! The staff are knowledgeable and friendly. Thanks for your assistance and help with an appraisal.

Response from the owner
What a most kind compliment. we are delighted you enjoyed your visit, and we were most happy to assist you. You will be most welcome back anytime.
John Anthony
Local Guide·77 reviews·53 photos
Great sword shop.

Response from the owner
Dear John, thank you so much for your compliment. It is always very pleasing to know that a local guide enjoyed their visit enough to leave a kind review. Many thanks once more
steven gibson
1 review
We made our annual pilgrimage to this amazing shop this week, if we lived closer it would certainly be more often! The welcome we always receive from Mark + David is amazing, they are so passionate and knowledgeable about their stock and they will spend as much time as you need explaining the history and relevance of any item you wish to look at, so you know exactly what you are buying. You will be treated in the same way if you are browsing or buying. There have been comments previously about the high prices but when you are buying such a work of art you get what you pay for, and some of these items are museum quality. A well deserved 5*

Response from the owner
Dear Steven, it was delightful to see you both once more, and it was especially nice of you to take the time to make such a wonderful review. it is really very much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you both next year, take care and many thanks indeed. Mark + David.

Post script, To be fair not everyone goes as high as 5*, as we simply cannot always be all things to all people, however hard we try, but be assured, every effort will be made by us to improve your rating on your next visit. For example we gained just 1 star from one of our oldest and most revered customers, because two years ago he simply he couldn’t get to grips with our ‘new and improved’’ website. So sorry Fred, we are trying our best to improve it for you!  read more

Code: 24884


Original Ancient Roman ‘Cross-bow” Fibula Bronze Toga {Paludamentum} Cloak Pin, Military Officer Issue, Fine Piece For Higher Ranking Figures, Such As a Centurion or Tribune, a Bow Fibula with a Spring Hinge, c. Early Imperial - Beginning 2nd Century

Original Ancient Roman ‘Cross-bow” Fibula Bronze Toga {Paludamentum} Cloak Pin, Military Officer Issue, Fine Piece For Higher Ranking Figures, Such As a Centurion or Tribune, a Bow Fibula with a Spring Hinge, c. Early Imperial - Beginning 2nd Century

The spring winds in one or more loops on one side of the pin and then crosses over, or under, the bow and continues with more loops on the other side. The distinction between the spring-chord crossing over (external) versus under the bow head (internal) can help determine type and age. In some cases the spring-chord is fixed by a hook as it passes over, or under the bow. The spring can have one, two, three, four or even ten or more loops on each side of the bow. Very wide springs tend to have axis-pins inserted to help them retain their shape. In some cases the ends of the axis-pins are fitted with small knobs.
Bow Fibula with the Spring Tendon Below the Bow, c. 250 B.C. - 50 A.D., Rare

The paludamentum was usually worn over one shoulder and fastened with a fibula (ancient version of a safety pin). Arguments abound over what shoulder was exposed, but it seems fairly clear that the garment was fastened loosely enough to move around, The paludamentum was a cloak that was specifically associated with warfare. A general donned one for the ceremonial procession leading an army out of the sacred precinct of the city of Rome and was required to remove it before returning to the city…a sign that he was no longer a general, but a common citizen. The paludamentum or sagum purpura (purple cloak) was the iconic red cloak worn by a Roman general (Legatus) and his staff officers. Originally, it’s distinctive red/purple colour clearly delineated between these officers and the rest of the army, which sported the sagum gregale (cloak of the flock). Although the sagum gregale, worn by the rank and file, started out the colour of the flock (i.e. undyed wool), it seems likely to have transitioned to a coarser version of the sagum purpura by the imperial period (27BCE – 476CE). Outfitting the entire army in red garments would have been a mark of the great wealth of Rome – well, that and the fact that the Romans controlled the source of purple dye by then.
This fibula has a short bilateral spring. It has three loops per side for six total. The spring-chord passes under the bow and is thus an internal chord. Lovely condition for age with very fine natural colour patination.

35 mm long
As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity  read more

Code: 24891

275.00 GBP

An Early Roman Empire Period 1st Century Status Seal Ring Depicting Winged Pegasus and Bellerophon Slaying the Monstrous Chimaera With His Spear

An Early Roman Empire Period 1st Century Status Seal Ring Depicting Winged Pegasus and Bellerophon Slaying the Monstrous Chimaera With His Spear

A superb Henig type Xb ring. Wide oval bezel affixed to flattened shoulders engraved copper bronze alloy with gilt highlights. Almost identical shape and form to one found in the UK near Hadrian's Wall. And another similar, with the very same style of workmanship and engraving from the era, was discovered 50 years ago, and believed to be once the ring of the infamous Pontius Pilate, the Governor of Judea for Rome

Although an Ancient Greek legend, all the gods and myths of Ancient Greece were highly revereed and eagerly adopted by the Romans, for their art especially. However, once they adopted the Greek gods they Romanised and re-named them, such as the God of the Sea, Poseiden, who thus became Neptune, God of the Sea, for the Romans. Traditional stylized engraving, typical for a Roman status ring, for a citizen or noble.

Pegasus is fabled winged-horse from Greek mythology which was fathered by Poseidon and was born from the severed neck of the gorgon Medusa, slain by Perseus. At the same time and in the same way, Chryasor was also born. Poseidon gave Pegasus to his son Bellerophon who put Pegasus to good use in his famous battle with the Chimaera.

The myth of Bellerophon begins with the hero visiting Tiryns and enjoying the hospitality of the city's king Proitos. However, trouble started when Stheneboia, the king's wife, fell in love with the hero and made inappropriate advances. Bellerophon, being a good guest, politely rejected these advances but predictably, Stheneboia saw red and went before the king and accused the visitor of attempting to seduce her. In punishment, Bellerophon was sent by Proitos to serve his father-in-law Iobates, King of Lykia. On arrival, Bellerophon was set a series of dangerous and impossibly difficult tasks, chief amongst them being to destroy the fearsome and rather bizarre Chimaera. This fire-breathing creature was a terrible mix of a lion's body with a snake for a tail and the head of a goat sprouting from its back. To aid him in this task, Bellerophon was fortunate to have at his disposal Pegasus. In some accounts he found the horse at the fountain of Pirene near Corinth, and Hesiod suggests this fact explains the name Pegasus, derived from 'water'- pēgē. Taming the horse with the help of Athena, Bellerophon rode (and flew) Pegasus and managed to kill the monstrous Chimaera with his spear.

Bellerophon and Pegasus went on to enjoy further success with other challenges Iobates set the hero including a battle with the Amazons. However, becoming rather boastful and thinking he could fly high enough on his winged steed to take his place amongst the immortal gods, Bellerophon was thrown by Pegasus and fell unceremoniously back to earth. Meanwhile, Pegasus kept on going and on reaching Mt. Olympus, he was given to Eos who was responsible for bringing Dawn across the sky each day. According to Hesiod in his Theogony, Pegasus also brought Zeus his thunder and lightning whenever needed.
Pegasus appeared on Greek pottery, the earliest being Corinthian wares from the 7th century BCE. Pegasus was also a popular design on coins, in particular from Corinth from the 6th century BCE. A famous representation in sculpture is from the pediment of the Temple of Artemis on Corcyra (c. 580 BCE). The Bellerophon and Pegasus myth was also a popular subject in Roman art - especially engraved semi-precious stone cameos and floor mosaics - where the horse became symbolic of immortality.

A ring discovered 50 years ago is now believed to possibly be the ring of Pontius Pilate himself, and it was the same copper-bronze form ring as is this one. See its image in the gallery, with a detailed drawing of the traditional stylized engraving.

Being around 2000 years old, it has a heavily encrusted, natural, well aged patina

As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity  read more

Code: 24889

395.00 GBP

A Good Original US Civil War .44 Cal. Colt, 1860 Model Army Percussion Revolver. Manufactured in 1862

A Good Original US Civil War .44 Cal. Colt, 1860 Model Army Percussion Revolver. Manufactured in 1862

44 Colt Model 1860 Army Percussion Revolver, serial numbered to 1862 manufacture, 8 ins round barrel indistinctly stamped with Colt New York address, German-silver blade front sight, creeping loading lever, 6 shot rebated cylinder plain frame, brass trigger guard and iron back strap with shoulder stock indentation, hardwood grips, all matching serial numbers.
This original 1860 model Colt Army 44 cal. revolver would be a most fine addition to, or start of, any collection of fine arms. A delightful revolver of American history, with a very strong spring action and average age wear.The largest percussion calibre of pistol made by Colt in the Civil War and Wild West era, and one of the most popular revolvers of the war, used by both combatant sides of the Union and the Confederacy. As the successor to the big Colt Dragoon, this sleek and handsome hogleg packed plenty of power but was easier to handle. Colt’s 1860 was used by the U.S. Cavalry, the Texas Rangers and General Ben McCulloch’s Texas Confederates, Wells Fargo detective James Hume, Mormon “Avenging Angel” Porter Rockwell, El Paso City Marshal Dallas Stoudenmire, the James brothers Jesse James and Frank James, Wes Hardin, Sam Bass and scores of good and bad men alike. Its serial numbers are mismatched but this is the good tell tale sign of a re-worked gun from the Springfield Armoury that serviced Colt Armys during the Civil War without any concern for rematching the numbers. It also bears a large S re-worked stamp on the trigger guard. A true icon of 19th century America and one of the most famous and best Colt revolvers of it's type ever made. It had the greatest stopping power, and was a very popular and highly effective pistol from the Civil War, and into the Wild West era. There were many, many world famous officers and cowboys who used this very form of revolver, and Jesse James was photographed wearing several of them which he captured in combat fighting for the Confederacy in 1864 with Quantrill's Raiders. It was favoured as a side arm by cavalry, infantry, and artillery troops.

Around 200,000 were manufactured from 1860 through 1873. Colt's biggest customer was the US Government with over 127,000 units being purchased and issued to the troops. The weapon was a single-action, six-shot weapon accurate up to 75 to 100 yards, where the fixed sights were typically set when manufactured. The rear sight was a notch in the hammer, clearly visible only when the revolver was cocked.

The Colt .44-calibre “Army" Model was one of the most widely used revolvers of the Civil War. It was the revolver of choice for officers, artillerymen, and cavalrymen. The Colt .44 had a six-shot, rotating cylinder. It fired a 0.454-inch diameter round lead ball, or a conical projectile, that was propelled by a 30 grain charge of black powder ignited by a brass percussion cap that was struck by the hammer. When fired, balls had a muzzle velocity of about 750 feet per second.

Action nice and crisp, good bore  read more

Code: 24798

3295.00 GBP

An Ancient Archaic Chinese Dagger, From the Warring States Period to Han Dynasty circa 520 to 225 BC.

An Ancient Archaic Chinese Dagger, From the Warring States Period to Han Dynasty circa 520 to 225 BC.

All bronze, graduating double edged blade, with central rib and slightly swollen tip. Cylindrical grip and flared disc pommel, showing the aperture to the grip. The blade bears two curlique stamps, one an inverted version of the other, that may be caligraphy kanji or symbolic, stylised decor

This is one of a stunning collection of original archaic bronze age weaponry we have just acquired and has now arrived. Many are near identical to other similar examples held in the Metropolitan in New York, the British royal collection, and such as the Hunan Provincial Museum, Hunan, China. Many pieces we acquired were sold for the part benefit of the Westminster Abbey fund, and the Metropolitan Museum fund

The Warring States Period lasted 254 years it started from 475 BC and ended in 221 BC. It was the last period of the Zhou Dynasty (1046–221 BC). The Zhou Dynasty era consisted of three periods: Western Zhou (1046–771 BC), the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BC), and the Warring States Period.

The Warring States Period began because the nobles stopped supporting the Zhou Dynasty, and Zhou's vassal states declared themselves independent from Zhou and fought for territory, becoming kingdoms or warring states.

The independence of vassal states was caused by the Zhou Dynasty’s system of enfeoffment: in order to strengthen the Zhou king’s power, nobles who contributed to the dynasty were awarded land.
Then vassal states formed. Vassal states could manage their own lands and raise their own armies. Once a vassal state became strong enough, its ambition went beyond being a small state.
The Warring States Period was dominated by 7 warring states.
Powerful vassal states constantly annexed smaller vassal states, and by the middle of the Warring States period, there were seven vassal states: Qin, Chu, Zhao, Wei, Han, Yan, and Qi.

Qin was in the far west, occupying today's Shaanxi Guanzhong, Hanzhong, southeast Gansu, central and eastern Sichuan.
Chu enjoyed the largest area. It dominated the south, with its core territory around the Yangtze River, controlling today’s Hubei, and part of Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang.
Zhao was in the north, roughly most of today's Shanxi and Hebei and part of Inner Mongolia.
Wei was located in the middle, roughly part of today's Henan.
Han was situated in the middle too, occupying part of Henan and Shanxi.
Yan, in the northeast, controlled today’s Beijing, Liaoning, and Jilin.
Qi controlled the east, centred on the Shandong Peninsula.

315 mm long overall.

As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity  read more

Code: 24885

750.00 GBP

Archaic Chinese Warrior's Bronze Sword, Around 2500 Years Old,  From the Zhou Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty, Including the Period of the Great Military Doctrine 'The Art of War' by General Sun-Tzu

Archaic Chinese Warrior's Bronze Sword, Around 2500 Years Old, From the Zhou Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty, Including the Period of the Great Military Doctrine 'The Art of War' by General Sun-Tzu

Chinese Bronze 'Two Ring' Jian sword, however both the grip rings are now lacking, as is the pommel. Used in the era of the Seven Kingdoms period, likely in the Kingdom of Wu, up to the latter part of the Eastern Zhou dynasty (475 – 221 BC).

From our wonderful collection of ancient Chinese weaponry we recently acquired, another stunning ancient sword around 2500 years old or more. From the Zhou dynasty, and the area of the King's of Wu, in Chu. as this sword bears old damage it is priced accordingly, yet it is still an ancient piece of great beauty and interest.

Swords of this type are called “two-ring” swords because of the prominent rings formerly located on the hilt. This is the very type of sword used by the warriors serving under the world renowned General Sun Tzu, in the Kingdom of Wu, who is thought by many to be the finest general, philosopher and military tactician who ever lived. His 2500 year old book on the methods of warfare, tactics and psychology are still taught and highly revered in practically every officer training college throughout the world.
We show a painting in the gallery of a chariot charge by a Zhou dynasty warrior armed with this very form of sword.
The Chinese term for this form of weapon is “Jian” which refers to a double-edged sword. This style of Jian is generally attributed to either the Wu or the Yue state. The sword has straight graduated edges reducing to a pointed tip, which may indicate an earlier period Jian.

The blade is heavy with a midrib and tapered edges
A very impressive original ancient Chinese sword with a long, straight blade with a raised, linear ridge down its centre. It has a very shallow, short guard. The thin handle would have had leather or some other organic material such as leather or hemp cord, wrapped around it to form a grip. At the top once had a round, likely dished pommel

The Seven Kingdom or Warring States period in Chinese history was one of instability and conflict between many smaller Kingdom-states. The period officially ended when China was unified under the first Emperor of China, Qin pronounced Chin Shi Huang Di in 221 BC. It is from him that China gained its name.

The Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE) was among the most culturally significant of the early Chinese dynasties and the longest lasting of any in China's history, divided into two periods: Western Zhou (1046-771 BCE) and Eastern Zhou (771-256 BCE). It followed the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE), and preceded the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE, pronounced “chin”) which gave China its name.

In the early years of the Spring and Autumn Period, (770-476 BC) chivalry in battle was still observed and all seven states used the same tactics resulting in a series of stalemates since, whenever one engaged with another in battle, neither could gain an advantage. In time, this repetition of seemingly endless, and completely futile, warfare became simply the way of life for the people of China during the era now referred to as the Warring States Period. The famous work The Art of War by Sun-Tzu (l. c. 500 BCE) was written during this time, recording precepts and tactics one could use to gain advantage over an opponent, win the war, and establish peace.

Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and East Asian philosophy and military thinking. His works focus much more on alternatives to battle, such as stratagem, delay, the use of spies and alternatives to war itself, the making and keeping of alliances, the uses of deceit, and a willingness to submit, at least temporarily, to more powerful foes. Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and East Asian culture as a legendary historical and military figure. His birth name was Sun Wu and he was known outside of his family by his courtesy name Changqing The name Sun Tzu by which he is more popularly known is an honorific which means "Master Sun".

Sun Tzu's historicity is uncertain. The Han dynasty historian Sima Qian and other traditional Chinese historians placed him as a minister to King Helü of Wu and dated his lifetime to 544–496 BC. Modern scholars accepting his historicity place the extant text of The Art of War in the later Warring States period based on its style of composition and its descriptions of warfare. Traditional accounts state that the general's descendant Sun Bin wrote a treatise on military tactics, also titled The Art of War. Since Sun Wu and Sun Bin were referred to as Sun Tzu in classical Chinese texts, some historians believed them identical, prior to the rediscovery of Sun Bin's treatise in 1972.

Sun Tzu's work has been praised and employed in East Asian warfare since its composition. During the twentieth century, The Art of War grew in popularity and saw practical use in Western society as well. It continues to influence many competitive endeavours in the world, including culture, politics, business and sports.

The ancient Chinese people worshipped the bronze and iron swords, where they reached a point of magic and myth, regarding the swords as “ancient holy items”. Because they were easy to carry, elegant to wear and quick to use, bronze swords were considered a status symbol and an honour for kings, emperors, scholars, chivalrous experts, merchants, as well as common people during ancient dynasties. For example, Confucius claimed himself to be a knight, not a scholar, and carried a sword when he went out. The most famous ancient bronze sword is called the “Sword of Gou Jian”.

This is one of a stunning collection of original archaic bronze age weaponry we have just acquired and has now arrived. Many are near identical to other similar examples held in the Metropolitan in New York, the British royal collection, and such as the Hunan Provincial Museum, Hunan, China.
As with all our items, every piece is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity  read more

Code: 24876

1495.00 GBP

A Most Scarce Original Late 14th Century Crossbow Bolt Quarrel. From the Reign of King Henry Vth and the Battle of Agincourt  in 1415

A Most Scarce Original Late 14th Century Crossbow Bolt Quarrel. From the Reign of King Henry Vth and the Battle of Agincourt in 1415

Part of our wondrous, new, historical, and original Ancient Roman, Ancient Greek, Viking, Crusaders, and Medeavil battlefield antiquities and artefacts, another fabulous museum grade collection that has just arrived with us .

heavy diamond form steel bolt head, and remarkably still with the end of its original quarrel shaft still in place within its socket

Much of it acquired by a family in the 1820's while on a Grand Tour of Anglo French battle sites within Northern & Western France from Azincourt, in the Pas-de-Calais, to Poitiers in Aquitaine.

Although the English and Welsh Longbowmen that fought at Agincourt are incredibly famous, the crossbow was used predominantly by the French army, yet some English, plus, some mounted knights used crossbows as well, as longbows were incredibly impractical if not impossible for use on horseback

Much of it acquired by a family in the 1820's while on a Grand Tour of Anglo French battle sites within Northern & Western France from Azincourt, in the Pas-de-Calais, to Poitiers in Aquitaine.

After several decades of relative peace, the English had renewed their war effort in 1415 amid the failure of negotiations with the French. In the ensuing campaign, many soldiers perished due to disease and the English numbers dwindled, but as they tried to withdraw to English-held Calais they found their path blocked by a considerably larger French army. Despite the disadvantage, the following battle ended in an overwhelming tactical victory for the English.

King Henry V of England led his troops into battle and participated in hand-to-hand fighting. The French king of the time, Charles VI, did not command the French army himself, as he suffered from severe psychotic illnesses with moderate mental incapacitation. Instead, the French were commanded by Constable Charles d'Albret and various prominent French noblemen of the Armagnac party.

This battle is notable for the use of the English longbow in very large numbers, with the English and Welsh archers forming up to 80 percent of Henry's army. The decimation of the French cavalry at their hands is regarded as an indicator of the decline of cavalry and the beginning of the dominance of ranged weapons on the battlefield.

Agincourt is one of England's most celebrated victories. The battle is the centrepiece of the play Henry V by Shakespeare. Juliet Barker in her book Agincourt: The King, the Campaign, the Battle ( published in 2005) argues the English and Welsh were outnumbered "at least four to one and possibly as much as six to one". She suggests figures of about 6,000 for the English and 36,000 for the French, based on the Gesta Henrici's figures of 5,000 archers and 900 men-at-arms for the English, and Jean de Wavrin's statement "that the French were six times more numerous than the English". The 2009 Encyclopædia Britannica uses the figures of about 6,000 for the English and 20,000 to 30,000 for the French. Part of an original medieval collection we have just acquired, of Roman, Greek, Assyrian, Celtic, Viking and early British relics of warfare from ancient battle sites, much of it recovered up to 220 years ago.

Richard Lassels, an expatriate Roman Catholic priest, first used the phrase “Grand Tour” in his 1670 book Voyage to Italy, published posthumously in Paris in 1670. In its introduction, Lassels listed four areas in which travel furnished "an accomplished, consummate traveler" with opportunities to experience first hand the intellectual, the social, the ethical, and the political life of the Continent.

The English gentry of the 17th century believed that what a person knew came from the physical stimuli to which he or she has been exposed. Thus, being on-site and seeing famous works of art and history was an all important part of the Grand Tour. So most Grand Tourists spent the majority of their time visiting museums and historic sites.

Once young men began embarking on these journeys, additional guidebooks and tour guides began to appear to meet the needs of the 20-something male and female travelers and their tutors traveling a standard European itinerary. They carried letters of reference and introduction with them as they departed from southern England, enabling them to access money and invitations along the way.

With nearly unlimited funds, aristocratic connections and months or years to roam, these wealthy young tourists commissioned paintings, perfected their language skills and mingled with the upper crust of the Continent.

The wealthy believed the primary value of the Grand Tour lay in the exposure both to classical antiquity and the Renaissance, and to the aristocratic and fashionably polite society of the European continent. In addition, it provided the only opportunity to view specific works of art, and possibly the only chance to hear certain music. A Grand Tour could last from several months to several years. The youthful Grand Tourists usually traveled in the company of a Cicerone, a knowledgeable guide or tutor.

The ‘Grand Tour’ era of classical acquisitions from history existed up to around the 1850’s, and extended around the whole of Europe, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and the Holy Land

As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity  read more

Code: 24882
