Antique Arms & Militaria

837 items found
A Museum Quality Original & Ancient, Crusades Period, King Edward Ist Medieval  Knights Sword, 13th century. Used During The Time of Edward Longshanks, William Wallace and Robert The Bruce, Used By Both English & Scottish Knights During That Historic Era

A Museum Quality Original & Ancient, Crusades Period, King Edward Ist Medieval Knights Sword, 13th century. Used During The Time of Edward Longshanks, William Wallace and Robert The Bruce, Used By Both English & Scottish Knights During That Historic Era

The type known in academic circles as the Oakshott Type XII. What a fabulous original ‘statement piece’ for any collection or decor. In the world of collecting there is so little remaining in the world from this highly significant era in European and British history. And to be able to own and display such an iconic original representation from this time is nothing short of a remarkable privilege.
A wonderful example piece, from the ancient knightly age. Effectively, from this time of almost eight hundred years ago, from a collectors point of view, nothing else significant survives at all, only the odd small coin or very rarely seen, and almost impossible to own, carved statuary.A simply stunning historical original double-edged original knight's crusades period iron longsword of Oakeshott's Type XII (Oakeshott, 1991, p.105). Incredibly, still complete with its iron scabbard mount. Oakeshott is the standard that describes and by which defines Medieval swords, their types, and periods of use. The swords' broad, flat, evenly tapering blade is typical of specimens of its category, with the blade tending to widen below the hilt; incredibly the iron mouth of its original scabbard is also still present decorated with an openwork flower, but now in 2 pieces; the fuller is well defined, extending from below the guard for a little more than half of the blade's length;
This is the dominant style of knightly sword in use during the time of King Edward 1st of England Edward Longshanks such as in the first War with Scotland against Robert the Bruce and Sir William Wallace. The frequent myth is that the Scots mostly used the great sword Claymore, as seen in Braveheart, but the reality is very few of those were used, and even the so called William Wallace Claymore in the Wallace museum display in Stirlingshire, Scotland is iust an amalgam of various mixed sword parts, a Ship of Theseus of sorts.

The 'Great Seal of Robert The Bruce' shows him holding the very same type of sword.
This type was frequently made in Venice, by their great armourers, and many king's around all Europe had this form of sword. King Edward's sword, for example, was very similar to this sword, in its shape and form, but the king's sword would have been thinly coated with gold on the hilt. The Battle of Falkirk, (22 July 1298) was the initial Scottish victory over the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297, but was soon avenged by Edward at the Battle of Falkirk. English rule was thus re-established over Scotland, forcing William Wallace to wage a lengthy guerrilla campaign until he was hunted down, betrayed, and eventually executed for treason in 1305. After the disaster of Stirling Bridge, King Edward I of England determined to crush the Scots once and for all. He headed north to invade the country in 1298, advancing with an army of around 2,500 mounted knights many using swords just as this one and 12,500 infantry, including large numbers of Welsh and English archers armed with longbows. In response, Wallace tried to avoid a pitched battle, because his own forces were smaller than the English, totalling around 1,000 mounted knights and 5,000 infantry. Wallace preferred to conduct guerrilla warfare against the invading army, but was eventually forced into battle at Falkirk.
On the morning of battle, Wallace formed his pikemen up into four schiltrons, hedgehog like circular formations of pikemen standing shoulder to shoulder with their pikes facing outward through an outer row of men in armour. The gaps between the schiltrons were filled with archers. The four schiltrons withstood the initial English cavalry and infantry attacks but then became vulnerable to steady fire from Edward?s longbowmen, the first time significant use had been made of this deadly weapon in battle. As the arrows poured down, supplemented by crossbow and slingshot, the schiltrons were soon broken up by the charging English cavalry. The Scots then fled into the neighbouring woods. Wallace escaped, although he lost many supporters. English losses, too, were high, testimony to the effectiveness of the schiltrons in battle.

Losses: English, 2,000 of 15,000; Scottish, 2,000 of 6,000. This sword's blade's cross-section, being of lenticular design, was originally from thirty to thirty-two inches long; the grip is a little longer than previous Oakshott type XI; the style of guard is short and straight, with a flattened cross-section at the edges; the pommel is a thick spherical piece, slightly flattened at the centre. Nice condition for age.

To see references on this sword see Oakeshott, J, R.E., The Archaeology of the weapons, London, 1960 (Woodbridge, 1999); Oakeshott, E. 'Records of the Medieval Sword', Woodbridge, 1991; Nicolle, D., 'Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era', 1050-1350, vol I,, London, 1999; Scalini, M., 'A bon droyt, spade di uomini liberi, cavalieri e santi', Milano, 2007.

Oakeshott considered this category of sword as one of the most difficult to interpret, because of the affinity of the hilt with the types X and XVI (Oakeshott, 1991, p.65). Characteristics are the noticeable taper blade, with acute point, and the grip quite short, never of hand-and-a-half length. The fuller is usually running for at least half of the length of the blade. The sword was the most typical chivalry weapon diffused in all the Europe, largely attested by archaeological finds and artefacts from historical collections. Among the most famous specimen of such sword we should remember the one of Sancho IV (El Bravo) of Castilla, died in 1295 AD see photo in the gallery, which show a slightly curved hilt, and a cross-guard also expanded at the edges (Nicolle, 1999, cat.391). Our sword finds a good parallel in a Venetian sword preserved in Padova Museum (inv. IG 321119, s. Scalini, 2007, pp.126-127, cat.19), realised by an unknown Italian craftsman. Many of these swords were taken as booty from the Muslims taken from the vanquished crusader knights initially and preserved until recent times in the Arsenal of the Imperial Palace in Istanbul. Such weapons were mainly of Venetian origin, with slightly broader blades than our specimen. Scalini has suggested that such swords could also have been employed during the XIII-XIV century by the Venetian infantry in the operations of the Aegean Sea against Muslims and Eastern Romans. If this is true, the importance of the weapon consists in its functional use, not only reserved to the European and British knights, but also army of the Venetian Republic. The early flat disc pommels appear in the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of the 12th century (for similar pommels s. Oakeshott, 1991, p.69) and persist in use until the 15th century and even later, although with significant variations. In art and medieval iconography, the best samples of swords of XII types can be seen on the famous Bible of Maciejowski made in approximately 1250 (Nicolle, 1999, 49a-49 as). Many of the swords illustrated therein seem to indicate a full length fuller; this might seem to indicate a Type X. However, most of the illustrations feature far too much profile taper to be a true Type X. Given the period of the Bible's manufacture they are far more likely to indicate swords of Type XII design. There is also an Apocalypse in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge (Nicolle, 1999, 189a-b) that was made around twenty years earlier that features illustrations of the type. Many of the illustrations from the Royal Armouries Manuscript I.33 can be interpreted as being of type XII pattern. More specifically, the typology of our specimen is visible on the sculpture of a warrior in the Church of Saint Justyna in Padua, confirming again the Venetian origin of such swords.

"Most probably our specimen is from a battlefield or, most probably, a river find. Type XII (Oakeshott, 1960 (1999) p.206), is generally dated between about 1180 and 1320, It has a large blade, very similar in shape to the Ulfberht ones but generally with a more acute point, and a well-marked and slightly narrower fuller starting in the tang and running about halfway along the blade; this occasionally is of two or more grooves. The pommel is generally in the form of a thick disc, sometimes with the edges bevelled off, sometimes of the so-called "wheel" form. Its cross is generally straight, circular in section and widening at the ends, but it may be of a square section; or it may be curved or have decorated terminals. Inscriptions on examples of these swords dating after about 1220 are slightly different again; the letters are closer together, often so dose that it is nearly impossible to make them out; and instead of the clearly legible religious phrase there is a jumble of repetitive letters which seems meaningless. Typical of the High Middle Ages, these swords begin to show greater tapering of the blade and a shortened fuller, features which improve thrusting capabilities while maintaining a good cut. The Cawood sword is an exceptionally well preserved type XII specimen, exemplifying a full-length taper and narrow fuller, which terminates two thirds down the blade. A number of Medieval examples of this type survive. It certainly existed in the later 13th century, and perhaps considerably earlier, since the Swiss National Museum in Zurich possesses an example that has a Viking Age-type hilt but clearly a type XII blade." Above quote on this sword from Dr Raffaele D'Amato. Small hole damage to central fuller and extreme tip missing. As with all our items they are accompanied with a Certificate of Authenticity and thus Guaranteed for Life. Just under a kilo in weight, 74.5cm (29 1/4" inches long overall). As usual the wooden handle and scabbard leather perished centuries past. Almost every iron weapon that has survived today from this era is now in a fully russetted condition, as is this one, because only the swords of kings, that have been preserved in national or Royal collections are today still in a good state and condition. This sword will be accompanied by a complimentary wooden display stand. It could also be enhanced by affixing to a rectangular bespoke display panel.

Every single item from The Lanes Armoury is accompanied by our unique Certificate of Authenticity. Part of our continued dedication to maintain the standards forged by us over the past 100 years of trading  read more

Code: 22938

11275.00 GBP

Ancient Roman Silver and Gemstone Intaglio Carved Seal of a Mythical Gryllus, Late 2nd to Early 3rd Century, From The Era of Emperors Marcus Aurelius, Commodus To Septimus Severus

Ancient Roman Silver and Gemstone Intaglio Carved Seal of a Mythical Gryllus, Late 2nd to Early 3rd Century, From The Era of Emperors Marcus Aurelius, Commodus To Septimus Severus

A Roman noble or patrician's silver seal ring, with a carved intaglio, in likely a natural carnelian, of a Gryllus. Classified by the seminal classification of ancient ring forms, by Dr. Martin Henig, as Ancient Roman, Henig type VIII

The gryllus is a hybrid being is composed of Silenus head, an equine protome, a ram head chewing an ear, rooster legs and tail.. 1st-2nd century A.D.Fantastical combinations of human heads and animal parts are known as grylloi.

According to Plutarch they had apotropaic properties to ward off the evil eye: 'it is thought that the objects said to act as safeguards against the evil eye derive their efficacy from their strangeness which attracts the evil eye and thus lessens its force against its victims.'
Grylloi, derived from the Italic word grillo ("freak") and the Latin gryllus ("caricature"), were popular subjects for the ancient Romans. Artists reportedly enjoyed creating these fantastic creatures with all combinations of parts, although certain combinations seemed to be more popular than others. While undoubtedly extremely amusing to the Romans, grylloi served a more serious purpose as well; they were thought to be talismans that acted as protection against the evil eye.

For a related example, see accession number 41.160.655 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of Greek and Roman Art.

Ref: Richter, Gisela M.A., Catalogue of Engraved Gems: Greek, Etruscan, Roman, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1956), p. 114.

During the era of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, 161 to 180 ad, the last part of his reign was dramatically represented in the blockbuster film 'Gladiator', starring Richard Harris as the Emperor. He acceded to the throne of Emperor alongside his adoptive brother, who reigned under the name Lucius Verus. Under his rule the Roman Empire witnessed heavy military conflict. In the East, the Romans fought successfully with a revitalised Parthian Empire and the rebel Kingdom of Armenia. Marcus defeated the Marcomanni, Quadi, and Sarmatian Iazyges in the Marcomannic Wars; however, these and other Germanic peoples began to represent a troubling reality for the Empire.

Commodus. the successor and son of Marcus Aurelias, was the Roman emperor who ruled from 177 to 192. He served jointly with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 until the latter's death in 180, and thereafter he reigned alone until his assassination. His reign is commonly thought of as marking the end of a golden period of peace in the history of the Roman Empire, known as the Pax Romana.
Commodus became the youngest emperor and consul up to that point, at the age of 16. Throughout his reign, Commodus entrusted the management of affairs to his palace chamberlain and praetorian prefects, named Saoterus, Perennis and Cleander.

Commodus's assassination in 192, by a wrestler in the bath, marked the end of the Nerva–Antonine dynasty. He was succeeded by Pertinax, the first emperor in the tumultuous Year of the Five Emperors.

Rings of the higher ranks were often embellished with intaglios, cameos and precious gemstones. Mythology and Roman history were used as a repertoire of decorative themes. Roman rings featuring carved gemstones, such as carnelian, garnet or chalcedony, were often engraved with the depiction of deities, allegories and zoomorphic creatures

Ref; Plutarch,Quaestiones Convivialis, V, 6, 681 F ff. For other grylloi, see G.M.A. Richter, Catalogue of Engraved Gems: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman, Rome, 1956, p. 539 ff; no.

Carnelian Agate: Stone of Courage and Leadership Carnelian Agate is a form of Chalcedony, It occurs in beautiful, rich shades of orange, interspersed with white.As with all our items it comes complete with our certificate of authenticity.
2.35cm across, 11.7 gms  read more

Code: 24774

2750.00 GBP

A Spectacular, Original, Ancient Viking Berserker's Bronze Neck Torc, Around 1200 Years Old,

A Spectacular, Original, Ancient Viking Berserker's Bronze Neck Torc, Around 1200 Years Old,

Very large bronze Torc in traditional Viking twisted wirework, heavy grade copper bronze. Berserkers were among the most feared of the Norse Viking warriors of their age, ingesting hallucinogens to induce a trance-like fury that carried them through battle. It’s around an amazing 24 cm across, weighing 460 grams

The Lewis Chessmen, discovered in Scotland but believed to be Norwegian, date to the 12th century and include a number of pieces showing wild-eyed berserkers biting their shields.

In the fierce warrior culture of the Vikings, there was one type of elite, almost possessed, norse warrior that stood out for their battle fury and violence: the Viking Berserker.
They were careless in their fury, leading many historians to think that they used mind-altering substances to hype themselves up for battle. Berserkers may have felt as though nothing could hurt them. And the English phrase “berserk,” usually describing a frenzied state of anger, comes from these Norse warriors.

Viking berserkers existed as mercenaries for hundreds of years during the Scandinavian Middle Ages, traveling in bands to fight wherever they could get paid. But they also worshiped Odin and were associated with mythological shapeshifters.
And eventually, Norse berserkers became so fearsome that they were entirely outlawed by the 11th century
The Torslunda Plates, which were discovered in Sweden and date to the 6th century, likely depict how berserkers would have dressed in battle.

Most of what comprised the life of a Viking berserker is a mystery because their practices weren’t recorded in detail until the using mind-altered states in battle had been outlawed by the Christian church.
At this time, Christian writers on a mission to condemn any sort of pagan traditions often gave biased, altered accounts.
We do know that berserkers were inhabitants of Scandinavia. It’s written that they guarded Norway’s king Harald I Fairhair as he reigned from 872 to 930 A.D.

They also fought for other kings and royal causes. Archaeological findings from the time when a Viking berserker would have reigned supreme show that they were among elite warriors who were wild and reckless when fighting battles.

A detail of one of the 6th-century Torslunda Plates found in Sweden. It is believed to depict Odin wearing a horned helmet and a berserker wearing the mask of either a wolf or bear.

According to Anatoly Liberman in Berserks in History and Legend, the berserkers roared and otherwise made a lot of noise when in battle. One artistic depiction of the berserkers found in Tissø, West Zealand, showed them wearing a horned helmet.

The word “berserker” itself is derived from the Old Norse serkr, meaning “shirt,” and ber, the word for “bear,” suggesting that a Viking berserker would have worn the hide of a bear, or possibly wolves and wild boars, to battle.

But, rather than wearing the skins animals, the stories told of the Norse warriors who would be so enraged for war that they would literally become wolves and bears to win the battles before them.

In the National Museum of Denmark is the Golden Horn
Imagery of berserkers often depicted them semi-nude, like on this 5th-century golden horn discovered in Møgeltønder, Denmark with naked berserkers wearing neck torcs

Berserkers were originally thought to be named after a hero in Norse mythology who fought without any protective gear or “bare skinned.”

“The nakedness of the berserkers was in itself a good psychological weapon, because such men were naturally feared, when they showed such disregard for their own personal safety,” according to the National Museum of Denmark.
“The naked body may have symbolized invulnerability and was perhaps displayed to honour a war god. The berserkers were thus dedicating their lives and bodies to the battle.”

Although this imagery is fascinating, experts now think that the term comes from wearing bear skins instead of “bare skin”. So, it’s likely that they got their name from wearing animal skin in battle.

Artistic depictions of a Viking berserker showed Norse warriors wearing the skins of animals in battle. They may have felt like wearing the skins of perceived wild animals like wolves and bears helped increase their strength.

They might have also thought that it helped them channel the aggression and brutality that hunting animals have when going after their prey.

In 872 AD, Thórbiörn Hornklofi described how Norse warriors that were bear-like and wolf-like fought for King Harald Fairhair of Norway. Nearly a thousand years later, in 1870, four cast-bronze dies depicting Berserkers were discovered by Anders Petter Nilsson and Erik Gustaf Pettersson in Öland, Sweden.  read more

Code: 24807

1195.00 GBP

A Stunning Ancient Roman Ist Century AD, Galloping Oryx Intaglio Engraved Bronze 'Status' Seal Ring.

A Stunning Ancient Roman Ist Century AD, Galloping Oryx Intaglio Engraved Bronze 'Status' Seal Ring.

Henig type Xb bronze Roman ring around 1900 years old. In copper bronze with great, natural age patination. Beautifully carved intaglio seal detail of an oryx in full flight.

From a small collection of British recovered original Roman rings, all in excavated condition, found in the 19th century from the same location. Examples of this type can be found in Henig, M. (1974) A corpus of engraved gemstones from British Sites, British Archaeological Reports 8 (II): 90.

The oryx has a most interesting history through ancient times, firstly representing the image of the Egyptian God Set, Ancient Egyptian god and patron of the 11th province, of Upper Egypt. A trickster, he was a sky god, lord of the desert, and master of storms, disorder, and warfare. He was the brother of Osiris, whom he killed, and he was antagonistic to Horus, the child of Osiris’s sister, Isis. Seth’s cult largely died out in the 1st millennium BC, and he was gradually ousted from the Egyptian pantheon. He was later regarded as entirely evil and identified as a god of the Persians and other invaders of Egypt.and later as the likely source in the earliest mistaken translations of the Bible as the unicorn of mythology.

Depictions of this magical and beautiful animal have been found on ancient seals, Egyptian Greek and Roman, and early Greek writers believed the unicorn originated from India. Re’em is the Hebrew name for oryx, but the Jewish ancient scholars were confused by the descriptions in the Old Testament. The original Jewish texts mention nothing about the animals horns, but the King's scribe chose, despite this, to call the animal monoceros, which can be translated into "a horn" singular. The translation was continued when the Jewish texts became the Old Testament. The Bible mentions the unicorn seven times

The engraved intaglio seal ring was important for displaying the Roman's status. For example Tiberius, who was after all left-handed according to Suetonius, thus displays a ring in his bronze portrait as the Pontifex Maximus: The complete Roman Empire had around a 60 million population and a census more perfect than many parts of the world (to collect taxes, of course) but identification was still quite difficult and aggravated even more because there were a maximum of 17 men names and the women received the name of the family in feminine and a number (Prima for First, Secunda for Second…). A lot of people had the same exact name.
So the Roman proved the citizenship by inscribing themselves (or the slaves when they freed them) in the census, usually accompanied with two witnesses. Roman inscribed in the census were citizens and used an iron or bronze ring to prove it. With Augustus, those that could prove a wealth of more than 400,000 sesterces were part of a privileged class called Equites (knights) that came from the original nobles that could afford a horse. The Equites were middle-high class and wore a bronze or gold ring to prove it, with the famous Angusticlavia (a tunic with an expensive red-purple twin line). Senators (those with a wealth of more than 1,000,000 sesterces) also used the gold ring and the Laticlave, a broad band of purple in the tunic.

So the rings were very important to tell from a glimpse of eye if a traveller was a citizen, an equites or a senator, or legionary. People sealed and signed letters with the rings and its falsification could bring death.
The fugitive slaves didn’t have rings but iron collars with texts like “If found, return me to X” which also helped to recognise them. The domesticus slaves (the ones that lived in houses) didn’t wore the collar but sometimes were marked. A ring discovered 50 years ago is now believed to possibly be the ring of Pontius Pilate himself, and it was the same copper-bronze form ring as is this one.

Limestone architectural fragment; a door jamb, part of a doorway. From the temple of Set (which was built by Thutmosis III) at Ombos, Egypt. 18th Dynasty. The Petrie Museum

Every single item from The Lanes Armoury is accompanied by our unique Certificate of Authenticity. Part of our continued dedication to maintain the standards forged by us over the past 100 years of our family’s trading  read more

Code: 25137

395.00 GBP

A Most Fabulous, Large, Ancient Bronze Coiled Serpent Armilla or Armlet Arm Ring, From The 2nd Millenium B.C., From the Eras of the Pharoahs Ahmenhotep To Tutankhamun

A Most Fabulous, Large, Ancient Bronze Coiled Serpent Armilla or Armlet Arm Ring, From The 2nd Millenium B.C., From the Eras of the Pharoahs Ahmenhotep To Tutankhamun

One of two we acquired from an ancient antiquity collection, not quite a pair but very similar from the same period and country of origin, and we are offering them separately, but they were in fact often worn with one on each arm and may indeed came from the same tomb etc. 200 years or so ago.

Over 3,300 to 3500 Years Old, 18th dynasty ancient Egyptian period, that includes Pharoah Ahmenhotep, Queen Nefertari, the most venerated Queen in Egyptian history, Pharoah Thutmose III, who became known as the greatest military pharaoh ever, and the most famous Pharoah in history, Tutankhamun.

A bronze serpent armilla arm ring that could be worn at the top of the arm or on the forearm, as it was adjustable in its day, expanding to the size required.

Worn by ancient Egyptian men or women of status, and we show pictures of original tomb art depicting figures of Egyptian dieties such as Osiris, almost all wearing armillae, but in their case likely made of gold, but the bronze type such as this would be polished bright and appear as gold as well.
Arm decoration and ornamentation was a very important sign of status and position in Ancient Egyptian society, and as it did in all the empires that followed over the next two thousand years. An intricate gold armlet from the artifacts of Nubian Queen Amanishakheto is displayed in the State Museum of Egyptian Art, in Munich, Germany. The armlet features a gold winged goddess. Another beautiful gold armlet is exhibited in Cairo Museum bearing the name of the pharaoh, Ahmose I, founder of the 18th Dynasty. The ancient Greeks and Romans also wore armlets, which were usually made from bronze or gold, and some of which were in the shape of serpents, winding plants, or embellished with images of gods and goddesses. Large, heavy armlets had hoops on the backs that attached to garments to help support their weight.

The Ancient Egyptian Dynasty XVIII was founded by Pharoah Ahmose I, the brother or son of Kamose, the last ruler of the 17th Dynasty. Ahmose finished the campaign to expel the Hyksos rulers. His reign is seen as the end of the Second Intermediate Period and the start of the New Kingdom. Ahmose's consort, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari was "arguably the most venerated woman in Egyptian history, and the grandmother of the 18th Dynasty." She was deified after she died. Ahmose was succeeded by his son, Amenhotep I, whose reign was relatively uneventful.

Amenhotep I probably left no male heir and the next pharaoh, Thutmose I, seems to have been related to the royal family through marriage. During his reign, the borders of Egypt's empire reached their greatest expanse, extending in the north to Carchemish on the Euphrates and in the south up to Kurgus beyond the fourth cataract of the Nile. Thutmose I was succeeded by Thutmose II and his queen, Hatshepsut, who was the daughter of Thutmose I. After her husband's death and a period of regency for her minor stepson (who would later become pharaoh as Thutmose III) Hatshepsut became pharaoh in her own right and ruled for over twenty years.

Thutmose III, who became known as the greatest military pharaoh ever, also had a lengthy reign after becoming pharaoh. He had a second co-regency in his old age with his son Amenhotep II. Amenhotep II was succeeded by Thutmose IV, who in his turn was followed by his son Amenhotep III, whose reign is seen as a high point in this dynasty.

Amenhotep III's reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity, artistic splendour, and international power, as attested by over 250 statues (more than any other pharaoh) and 200 large stone scarabs discovered from Syria to Nubia, Amenhotep III undertook large scale building programmes, the extent of which can only be compared with those of the much longer reign of Ramesses II during Dynasty XIX. Amenhotep III's consort was the Great Royal Wife Tiye, for whom he built an artificial lake, as described on eleven scarabs.

Akhenaten, the Amarna Period, and Tutankhamun

Akhenaten and his family adoring the Aten. Second from the left is Meritaten, daughter of Akhenaten.
Amenhotep III may have shared the throne for up to twelve years with his son Amenhotep IV. There is much debate about this proposed co-regency, with different experts considering that there was a lengthy co-regency, a short one, or none at all.

In the fifth year of his reign, Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten and moved his capital to Amarna, which he named Akhetaten. During the reign of Akhenaten, the Aten became, first, the most prominent deity, and eventually came to be considered the only god. Whether this amounted to true monotheism continues to be the subject of debate within the academic community. Some state that Akhenaten created a monotheism, while others point out that he merely suppressed a dominant solar cult by the assertion of another, while he never completely abandoned several other traditional deities.

Later Egyptians considered this "Amarna Period" an unfortunate aberration. After his death, Akhenaten was succeeded by two short-lived pharaohs, Smenkhkare and Neferneferuaten, of which little is known. In 1334 Akhenaten's son, Tutankhaten, ascended to the throne: shortly after, he restored Egyptian polytheist cult and subsequently changed his name in Tutankhamun, in honour to the Egyptian god Amun. His infant daughters, represent the final genetically related generation of the Eighteenth Dynasty
Ancient Egyptian art shows both men and women wearing pairs of armlets.

The 10th Duke of Hamilton had a strong interest in Ancient Egyptian mummies, and was so impressed with the work of mummy expert Thomas Pettigrew that he arranged for Pettigrew to mummify him after his death. He died on 18 August 1852 at age 84 at 12 Portman Square, London, England and was buried on 4 September 1852 at Hamilton Palace, Hamilton, Scotland. In accordance with his wishes, Hamilton's body was mummified after his death and placed in a sarcophagus of the Ptolemaic period that he had originally acquired in Paris in 1836 ostensibly for the British Museum. We have been acquiring similar such items from Duke's descendants from the family's 'Grand Tour' collection for the past 30 years or more.  read more

Code: 24823

1195.00 GBP

A Most Fabulous, Large, Ancient Bronze Coiled Serpent Armilla or Armlet Arm Ring, From The 2nd Millenium B.C., From the Eras of the Pharoahs Ahmenhotep To Tutankhamun

A Most Fabulous, Large, Ancient Bronze Coiled Serpent Armilla or Armlet Arm Ring, From The 2nd Millenium B.C., From the Eras of the Pharoahs Ahmenhotep To Tutankhamun

One of two we acquired from an ancient antiquity collection, not quite a pair but very similar from the same period and country of origin, and we are offering them separately, but they were in fact often worn with one on each arm and may indeed came from the same tomb etc. 200 years or so ago. This example has a small pattern of indents at both ends, to appear like serpent's heads.

Over 3,300 to 3500 Years Old, 18th dynasty ancient Egyptian period, that includes Pharoah Ahmenhotep, Queen Nefertari, the most venerated Queen in Egyptian history, Pharoah Thutmose III, who became known as the greatest military pharaoh ever, and the most famous Pharoah in history, Tutankhamun.

A bronze serpent armilla arm ring that could be worn at the top of the arm or on the forearm, as it was adjustable in its day, expanding to the size required.

Worn by ancient Egyptian men or women of status, and we show pictures of original tomb art depicting figures of Egyptian dieties such as Osiris, almost all wearing armillae, but in their case likely made of gold, but the bronze type such as this would be polished bright and appear as gold as well.
Arm decoration and ornamentation was a very important sign of status and position in Ancient Egyptian society, and as it did in all the empires that followed over the next two thousand years. An intricate gold armlet from the artifacts of Nubian Queen Amanishakheto is displayed in the State Museum of Egyptian Art, in Munich, Germany. The armlet features a gold winged goddess. Another beautiful gold armlet is exhibited in Cairo Museum bearing the name of the pharaoh, Ahmose I, founder of the 18th Dynasty. The ancient Greeks and Romans also wore armlets, which were usually made from bronze or gold, and some of which were in the shape of serpents, winding plants, or embellished with images of gods and goddesses. Large, heavy armlets had hoops on the backs that attached to garments to help support their weight.

The Ancient Egyptian Dynasty XVIII was founded by Pharoah Ahmose I, the brother or son of Kamose, the last ruler of the 17th Dynasty. Ahmose finished the campaign to expel the Hyksos rulers. His reign is seen as the end of the Second Intermediate Period and the start of the New Kingdom. Ahmose's consort, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari was "arguably the most venerated woman in Egyptian history, and the grandmother of the 18th Dynasty." She was deified after she died. Ahmose was succeeded by his son, Amenhotep I, whose reign was relatively uneventful.

Amenhotep I probably left no male heir and the next pharaoh, Thutmose I, seems to have been related to the royal family through marriage. During his reign, the borders of Egypt's empire reached their greatest expanse, extending in the north to Carchemish on the Euphrates and in the south up to Kurgus beyond the fourth cataract of the Nile. Thutmose I was succeeded by Thutmose II and his queen, Hatshepsut, who was the daughter of Thutmose I. After her husband's death and a period of regency for her minor stepson (who would later become pharaoh as Thutmose III) Hatshepsut became pharaoh in her own right and ruled for over twenty years.

Thutmose III, who became known as the greatest military pharaoh ever, also had a lengthy reign after becoming pharaoh. He had a second co-regency in his old age with his son Amenhotep II. Amenhotep II was succeeded by Thutmose IV, who in his turn was followed by his son Amenhotep III, whose reign is seen as a high point in this dynasty.

Amenhotep III's reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity, artistic splendour, and international power, as attested by over 250 statues (more than any other pharaoh) and 200 large stone scarabs discovered from Syria to Nubia, Amenhotep III undertook large scale building programmes, the extent of which can only be compared with those of the much longer reign of Ramesses II during Dynasty XIX. Amenhotep III's consort was the Great Royal Wife Tiye, for whom he built an artificial lake, as described on eleven scarabs.

Akhenaten, the Amarna Period, and Tutankhamun

Akhenaten and his family adoring the Aten. Second from the left is Meritaten, daughter of Akhenaten.
Amenhotep III may have shared the throne for up to twelve years with his son Amenhotep IV. There is much debate about this proposed co-regency, with different experts considering that there was a lengthy co-regency, a short one, or none at all.

In the fifth year of his reign, Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten and moved his capital to Amarna, which he named Akhetaten. During the reign of Akhenaten, the Aten became, first, the most prominent deity, and eventually came to be considered the only god. Whether this amounted to true monotheism continues to be the subject of debate within the academic community. Some state that Akhenaten created a monotheism, while others point out that he merely suppressed a dominant solar cult by the assertion of another, while he never completely abandoned several other traditional deities.

Later Egyptians considered this "Amarna Period" an unfortunate aberration. After his death, Akhenaten was succeeded by two short-lived pharaohs, Smenkhkare and Neferneferuaten, of which little is known. In 1334 Akhenaten's son, Tutankhaten, ascended to the throne: shortly after, he restored Egyptian polytheist cult and subsequently changed his name in Tutankhamun, in honour to the Egyptian god Amun. His infant daughters, represent the final genetically related generation of the Eighteenth Dynasty

Ancient Egyptian art shows both men and women wearing pairs of armlets.

The 10th Duke of Hamilton had a strong interest in Ancient Egyptian mummies, and was so impressed with the work of mummy expert Thomas Pettigrew that he arranged for Pettigrew to mummify him after his death. He died on 18 August 1852 at age 84 at 12 Portman Square, London, England and was buried on 4 September 1852 at Hamilton Palace, Hamilton, Scotland. In accordance with his wishes, Hamilton's body was mummified after his death and placed in a sarcophagus of the Ptolemaic period that he had originally acquired in Paris in 1836 ostensibly for the British Museum. We have been acquiring similar such items from Duke's descendants from the family's 'Grand Tour' collection for the past 30 years or more.

82mm across at its widest point.  read more

Code: 24880

1185.00 GBP

An Original US Civil War Union Contract and Wild West Era .44 Calibre Remington New Model Army Revolver

An Original US Civil War Union Contract and Wild West Era .44 Calibre Remington New Model Army Revolver

The Remington New Model Army was among the most widely used handguns of the Civil War.
Civil War issue, and Wild West use. Very interestingly it has a field service armourer repair, no doubt due to combat damage on the top strap and hammer area. Bears a likely regimental issue service number, 399 on the barrel frame. sub-inspector letter stamped on the trigger guard , a D, and on the left hand frame by the hammer, an H.
With the scarce post Civil war Remington conversion frame bullet loading recess, so the cylinder could be swapped out for a cartridge cylinder. Serial number 122002. Very strong spring and tight action. With obvious signs of combat use, and what an original American historical piece it is.

In the field, even though the Colt revolver had the name and the mystique, many cavalry troopers preferred the much sturdier solid frame design of the Remington revolver. Approximately 106,000 Remington Model 1863 New Model Army percussion revolvers were purchased by US government during the American Civil War, with a total of approximately 114,000 of all types of Remington percussion revolvers purchased during the course of the war. Approximately 80,000 of these were purchased during the last two years of the war, between 1863 and 1865. According to the research published in Remington Army & Navy Revolvers 1861-1868 by Donald L. Ware, Remington revolvers through serial #149,000 were accepted prior to the end of the Civil War. Guns below serial #123,000 were accepted prior to the end of 1864.the Remington New Model Army was the primary revolver issued to Union cavalry after the fire at the Colt's factory in 1863, and these revolvers remained in service with the regular cavalry regiments on the frontier until they were replaced with the Model 1873 Colt Cavalry Revolvers in 1875. Three years after the end of the Civil War, Remington started to offer conversions for metal cartridges to be used instead of the cap & ball style paper cases. Remington paid a small fee to the renowned Smith & Wesson company who owned the 1855 Rollin White patent #12,648 on the method and principles for re-boring out cylinders and thus Remington was the first company to offer big .44 calibre metal cartridges a couple of years before the main competitors of Colt and S & W . The Remington 1858 New Model Army in .44 caliber was quite a powerful gun in its day and the bullet or ball could be fired out at over 1,000 feet per second (f.p.s) which was quite fast in the 1860's as most bullet velocities were around 750 f.p.s

William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody used an ivory-handled New Model Army .44, serial number 73,293, from 1863 until 1906, when he gave it to his ranch foreman with a handwritten note which said that, "It never failed me." The Remington revolver permitted easy cylinder removal, allowing a quick reload with a spare pre-loaded cylinder; this being an advantage over other revolver designs of the time. Overall russet surface.  read more

Code: 24577

1995.00 GBP

A Fabulous Original Knights Templar Cross Antiquity, 12th Century, Hammered Gold Covered Bronze, Between 800 to 900 Years Old,

A Fabulous Original Knights Templar Cross Antiquity, 12th Century, Hammered Gold Covered Bronze, Between 800 to 900 Years Old,

This is an original gold and bronze Knights Templar cross patee within a circle. The original surface of thin hammered gold is very worn to expose the bronze and the engraving, but gold can still be seen in areas. It was obviously once an important piece of Templar symbolism, and may well have been a central mount for the lid of a Templar treasure casket, or a Knights Templar Holy Reliquary casket [see a similar casket, photo 8, in the gallery, of a 13th century reliquary casket now in Germany. Note the applied golden disc plaques, the same size as this one].

This is still very impressive and an absolute iconic example of the Knights Templar cross symbol, the same symbol as worn, for example, upon their tabards, shields and ship's sails, and chisseled on tombs or templar buildings. Photos in the gallery of two carved Templar Crosses, one Templar Cross, perhaps, is an indication of the church's connection with the Knights Templar in the 12th century. Photo of St Mary's Church, Temple Guiting, Gloucestershire. another an stone carving, at Borthwick Church, Midlothian, Scotland. Burial place of a Knight, and Lord Borthwick and his lady.
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon also known as the Knights Templar, or simply the Templars, was a Catholic military order founded in 1118, and were headquartered on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem through 1128 when they went to meet with Pope Honorius II. They were recognised in 1139 by the papal bull Omne datum optimum of Pope Innocent II. The order was active until 1312, when it was perpetually suppressed by Pope Clement V by the bull Vox in excelso.

The Templars became a favoured charity throughout Christendom, and grew rapidly in membership and power. Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were amongst the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades. They were prominent in Christian finance, non-combatant members of the order, who made up as much as 90% of their members,managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom.They developed innovative financial techniques that were an early form of banking, building its own network of nearly 1,000 commanderies and fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land,

The Templars were closely tied to the Crusades; With its clear mission and ample resources, the order grew rapidly. Templars were often the advance shock troops in key battles of the Crusades, as the heavily armoured knights on their warhorses would set out to charge at the enemy, ahead of the main army bodies, in an attempt to break opposition lines. One of their most famous victories was in 1177 during the Battle of Montgisard, where some 500 Templar knights helped several thousand infantry to defeat Saladin's army of more than 26,000 soldiers, When the Holy Land was lost, support for the order faded. Rumours about the Templars' secret initiation ceremony created distrust, and King Philip IV of France, while being deeply in debt to the order, took advantage of this distrust to destroy them to erase his debt. On Friday the 13th of October 1307, he had many of the order's members in France arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and burned them at the stake.

Pope Clement V disbanded the order in 1312 under pressure from King Philip. The abrupt reduction in power of a significant group in European society gave rise to speculation, legend, myth, and legacy through the ages.

Richard Lassels, an expatriate Roman Catholic priest, first used the phrase “Grand Tour” in his 1670 book Voyage to Italy, published posthumously in Paris in 1670. In its introduction, Lassels listed four areas in which travel furnished "an accomplished, consummate traveler" with opportunities to experience first hand the intellectual, the social, the ethical, and the political life of the Continent.

The English gentry of the 17th century believed that what a person knew came from the physical stimuli to which he or she has been exposed. Thus, being on-site and seeing famous works of art and history was an all important part of the Grand Tour. So most Grand Tourists spent the majority of their time visiting museums and historic sites.

Once young men began embarking on these journeys, additional guidebooks and tour guides began to appear to meet the needs of the 20-something male and female travelers and their tutors traveling a standard European itinerary. They carried letters of reference and introduction with them as they departed from southern England, enabling them to access money and invitations along the way.

With nearly unlimited funds, aristocratic connections and months or years to roam, these wealthy young tourists commissioned paintings, perfected their language skills and mingled with the upper crust of the Continent.

The wealthy believed the primary value of the Grand Tour lay in the exposure both to classical antiquity and the Renaissance, and to the aristocratic and fashionably polite society of the European continent. In addition, it provided the only opportunity to view specific works of art, and possibly the only chance to hear certain music. A Grand Tour could last from several months to several years. The youthful Grand Tourists usually traveled in the company of a Cicerone, a knowledgeable guide or tutor.

The ‘Grand Tour’ era of classical acquisitions from history existed up to around the 1850’s, and extended around the whole of Europe, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and the Holy Land.  read more

Code: 23984

595.00 GBP

A Most Incredible and Finest Quality King George IIIrd Napoleonic Wars Scottish Presentation Sword, Presented In The Months Following the Battle of Trafalgar, by The New ‘Battle Company’ of the  Midlothian Regiment

A Most Incredible and Finest Quality King George IIIrd Napoleonic Wars Scottish Presentation Sword, Presented In The Months Following the Battle of Trafalgar, by The New ‘Battle Company’ of the Midlothian Regiment

This is a magnificent ‘royal grade’ museum piece, a sublime quality presentation sword, made with the finest copper-gilt mounts, silver panels, and a stunning blue and gilt blade with deluxe engraving and etched presentation panel. A sword of the highest rank, commissioned to be hand made by Rundell & Bridge, personal goldsmiths to King George IIIrd, and one of the worlds finest makers of objects of magnificence, including the British Crown Jewels, universally recognised as the finest suite of royal regalia in the world.

Formerly in the world famous Smithsonian Collection in Washington, America, sold by them over 25 years ago to raise an urgent need of funds.
In the days it was commissioned it would have been made by Rundell and Bridge for the equivalent and likely same cost of the £100 Lloyds Patriotic Fund Presentation Swords, that were presented to the heroes of the Royal Navy, such as that fought at Trafalger etc. Bearing in mind the value of £100 in 1806 was a simply remarkable sum, for example only 6% of the families in Britain had a total income of £100 in an entire year in 1806, an equivalent today of around £80,000.

Presentation inscription motto etched onto the blade reads;
‘Into whose hand
this sword is put,
It’s hop’t will not
fear Buonaparte,

So draw me out
I shine so clear
and if I strike
my foes may fear”

This fabulous sword, was made by Philip Rundell and George Bridge whose company later made The British Imperial State Crown, the most famous and important royal crown of state ever made, and last used by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her coronation in 1953. This wondrous sword was formerly from the Smithsonian Collection in Washington, and is remarkably similar to the most valuable and highest quality presentation British swords of the Napoleonic Wars, the Lloyds Patriotic Fund sabres, that today can fetch up to £220,000, considerably more than they were achieving 40 years ago when we sold a fine £100 pound Lloyds sword, and even 20 years ago when we sold our last Lloyds £100 pound sword. This sword's makers were King George IIIrds personal goldsmiths, and made the Irish Crown Jewels in 1830, and Queen Victoria's Imperial State Crown " expressly made for the solemnity of the Coronation" That was last used by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IInd for her coronation. This spectacular sword is inscribed that its bearer should fight Napoleon Bonaparte without fear, but his foes The French will fear its startling brightness and beauty. It has a sharply curved blade, decorated with stands of arms, a crowned GR cypher, the king's Royal arms, a figure of Britannia, and the motto see photo in the gallery and another further Scottish regimental presentation panel on the opposing side of the blade see photo. The dedication reads;

Presented by the New battle company of
The Eastern Regt. of Midlothian Volunteer
Infantry, to David White Esq, their Captain
as a Mark of their Regard and Esteem, 1806

It has a superbly detailed classically styled stirrup hilt decorated with acanthus scrolls, oak leaves and acorns, with the langets decorated with stands of arms, it has a copper gilt simulated wire and ribbon bound grip, contained in its ornately mounted silver and copper gilt leather scabbard, each mount finely engraved and decorated with acanthus leaf bouquets and featuring a central oval silver plaque decorated with stands of arms, the upper mount with maker's panel. This amazing sword was formerly in the collection of the Smithsonian in Washington, USA, bequeathed to them by a famed American collector of Napoleonic arms, which they sold for the benefit of the Smithsonian's funds over 25 years ago. Blade 75 cm approx. Maker marked by Philip Rundell and George Bridge of London. The firm was appointed as one of the goldsmiths and jewellers to the king in 1797 and Principal Royal Goldsmiths & Jewellers in 1804, and the firm held the Royal Warrant until 1843. They served four monarchs: George III, George IV, William IV and Victoria. After the Congress of Vienna (1814–1815), the firm prepared 22 snuff-boxes to a value of 1000 guineas each to be given as diplomatic gifts.

In 1830–1831, the firm created the Irish Crown Jewels from 394 precious stones taken from the English Crown Jewels of Queen Charlotte and the Order of the Bath star of her husband George III, and Queen Victoria's Imperial State Crown for her coronation. Despite the incredible success of the Battle of Trafalgar, and the routing of Napoleon’s French and Spanish fleet by Admiral Nelson, concern was still great amongst the people of Britain, in fact it was never greater, of the fear that Bonaparte would continue his efforts to confound and attempt to conquer Britain and its empire, and thus to create his own empire controlling all of Europe And Russia. Rundells quality of workmanship was so fine and renowned throughout the world that there are over 100 items by Rundells in the Royal collection alone.

This wonderful sword was obviously worn with pride by its recipient officer, thus the blade shows commensurate signs of light surface wear as to be expected.

We can, if required, commission a contemporary, bespoke glazed & framed display cabinet made by our local specialist artisan. Perfectly suitable for table or wall mounting. With several options of wood framing types, such as gilt, black or silver, also with coloured velvet backing options, and a suitably engraved brass plaque if required.

The scabbard has a blank silver panel on the inner throat mount that could have been presentation engraved but hasn't been  read more

Code: 23375

36950.00 GBP

A Superb 2000 Year Old Rare Roman Legionary's or Gladiator's Pugio Dagger, One Of The Best Examples We Have Seen in Over A Decade

A Superb 2000 Year Old Rare Roman Legionary's or Gladiator's Pugio Dagger, One Of The Best Examples We Have Seen in Over A Decade

A simply superb, original artifact of Ancient Rome. from the time of the Great Julius Caeser, and the subsequent Emperors, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. The very form and type of dagger that was used to assassinate the great Julius Caesar on the Ides of March, and that was actually depicted at the time on a Roman coin, the "Brutus “Eid Mar” Denarius", considered by some to be the rarest and most important coin ever made in Roman history [see photo 8 in our gallery] and the only coin minted to openly celebrate a murder.
Plus, the highly distinctive pugio dagger was an essential weapon of the roman legionaries. The hilts of original roman swords and daggers very rarely survive to today, as their material of construction [such as wood, ivory, horn or bone] does not last as long over 2000 years as the iron blades can. Only the very few that had cast bronze hilts remain intact. The pugio (plural: pugiones) was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm, and it seems most likely that the pugio dagger was intended as an auxiliary weapon, after the sword or lance. Officials of the empire took to wearing ornate daggers in the performance of their offices, and some would wear concealed daggers as a defence against contingencies. The dagger was a common weapon of assassination and suicide; for example, the conspirators who stabbed Julius Caesar used pugiones. Roman writer Vegetius, wrote

"A stroke with the edges, though made with ever so much force, seldom kills. On the contrary, a stab, though it penetrates but two inches, is generally fatal. If the body is covered while a thrust is given, and the adversary receives the point before he sees the sword." This was the method of fighting principally used by the Romans. There are a number of surviving Roman depictions of soldiers slashing with their weapons in addition to stabbing with them. This is shown best on the Adamklissi metopes.

Attempts to cast pugios in the role of utility knives are misguided, as the blade form is not suited to this purpose, it being far better suited for use as a close quarter weapon. Small utility knives are found in profusion at military sites and there is no reason to think that soldiers needed to use their pugios for anything other than fighting. Tacitus reports that Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo had a soldier executed for not wearing a sword while digging a trench and another for wearing only a pugio in the same activity. The pugio became an ornate sidearm of officers and dignitaries as well, a custom reminiscent of the knives after which the Saxons were named. These Germanic mercenaries served in the Roman army. The emperors came to wear a dagger to symbolize the power of life and death. The emperor Vitellius attempted to resign his position and offers his dagger to the consul, but it was refused and Vitellius was forced to stay by popular acclaim and the Praetorian guard. Tacitus also relates that a centurion, Sempronius Densus, of the Praetorian guard drew a dagger to save Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus momentarily. One picture in the gallery is from Barry Strauss book the Death of Caesar, it shows a complete original pugio with its intact cast bronze hilt, the blade shape of ours is identical and highly identifiable. This blade is superb, with an aged russetted surface condition as normal for surviving Roman iron blades today. Blade. 14 1/4 inch blade length total. An original silver minted version of the "Brutus “Eid Mar” Denarius today can sell for around $ 500,000 [it is estimated for there to be only around 56 surviving examples] and the gold minted version, recently sold for $4.2 million [and it is estimated for there to be only 2 surviving examples]. It thus makes this original pugio dagger, from the same period, to be somewhat of a bargain by comparison.  read more

Code: 23163

3950.00 GBP