
51 items found
The Lanes Armoury, Antiquarian & Specialist Book Dept. Many Thousands of Books in Stock, Most with a Military & Historical Flavour, Plus, Rare First Editions, Incunabula, Late Medieval Books or Illuminated Pages from Ancient  Prayer Books

The Lanes Armoury, Antiquarian & Specialist Book Dept. Many Thousands of Books in Stock, Most with a Military & Historical Flavour, Plus, Rare First Editions, Incunabula, Late Medieval Books or Illuminated Pages from Ancient Prayer Books

Just a tiny proportion can seen on our website to buy online, as we have many thousands of books to choose from, and as they are our largest individual selling item, they come and go so fast that individual listing is simply too impractical sadly. If you require a military, or historical book, either antique or modern, please email a request, stating; title, author, and publisher [if known].

Large quantity book purchases [over 30 volumes] can attract discounts wherever possible. We specialise almost entirely in hardbacks, but also military or wartime magazines and journals, both for reference or the study, plus 'coffee table' books.

We also specialise in rare, 1st editions, late medieval books, incunabula and individual illuminated manuscripts, from such as a book of hours etc.

In the past year we were delighted to find for a collector a most rare special edition volume we have been seeking for him for around 10 years. He had been looking for 20 years, had seen two, the last in Edinburgh around 9 years ago, the other at Bonhams Auctioneers in 2012 [that sold for a shade over £50,000 gbp] but neither were quite suitable to his needs.
It was a most rare complete copy of the "Cranwell" 1926 edition of The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. by T.E.Lawrence

The book, signed by Lawrence, was an absolute gem

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence's famous recount of his role in the Arab Revolt of 1916 - 18, was first printed in the enormously rare "Oxford" edition in 1922. Only eight copies were printed. Lawrence then reworked the text over the next few years, aided by critical commentary from E. M Forster.

In 1926, Lawrence again took The Seven Pillars of Wisdom to print, this time as part of the "Cranwell" edition, privately printed for subscribers. Of the 211 copies printed, 32 were intentionally left incomplete, 170 were complete, lacking three plates, as gifts to the men who had served with Lawrence in Arabia.

The so-called 'Subscribers' Edition—in a limited print run of about 200 copies, each with a unique, sumptuous, hand-crafted binding—was published in late 1926, with the subtitle A Triumph. It was printed in London by Roy Manning Pike and Herbert John Hodgson, with illustrations by Eric Kennington, Augustus John, Paul Nash, Blair Hughes-Stanton and his wife Gertrude Hermes. Copies occasionally become available in the antiquarian trade outside of the UK and can easily command prices of up to US$100,000. Unfortunately, each copy cost Lawrence three times the thirty guineas the subscribers had paid

An advertisement for the 1935 edition quotes Churchill as saying "It ranks with the greatest books ever written in the English language. As a narrative of war and adventure it is unsurpassable."  read more

Code: 15503


After Waterloo By Frye Beautiful Leather and Gold Tooled Volume Published 1908

After Waterloo By Frye Beautiful Leather and Gold Tooled Volume Published 1908

beautiful leather binding with gold tooling. bearing the ex libris label with family crest of its owner Cecil E Byas, reknown collector who died in 1938, and part of his collection was bequethed to the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.
Printed on handmade paper. The account by British Army major W E Frye of his travels around Europe in the aftermath of the Battle of Waterloo. As well as giving his opinions on the various European towns and cities he passes through, he vividly describes European culture in the early 19th Century, with detailed accounts of the Theatre, Opera and the Arts in France, Italy & Switzerland in particular. His experiences of post-Waterloo Europe left him with an generally positive view of Napoleon and the book gives an interesting insight into the contemporary opinions of the French leader and his effect on Continental Europe.  read more

Code: 23765

120.00 GBP

Owned by the Earl of Portsmouth, Two Large and Beautiful Volumes,The History of the Life of King Henry IInd.

Owned by the Earl of Portsmouth, Two Large and Beautiful Volumes,The History of the Life of King Henry IInd.

And of the age in which he lived, in five books,: to which is prefixed, a history of the revolutions of England from the death of Edward the Confessor to the birth of Henry the Second / by George Lord Lyttelton Printed for W. Sandby and J. Dodsley, 1767 [second printing] 2 impressive and original leather bound volumes, from the personal library of the Earl of Portsmouth. Three books of the set are contained in these two, beautiful, large volumes. George Lyttelton, studied at Eton (1725) and Oxford (1726) before touring the Continent (1728-31) before becoming intimate with Pope's circle at Twickenham. He was secretary to the Prince of Wales (1732-44), member of Parliament from Okehampton (1735-56); succeeded as 5th baron Lyttleton 1751, and was lord of the treasury (1744-54) and Chancellor of the Exchequer (1755-56). As an opposition politician, Lyttleton was allied to the Prince of Wales; as a poet he was associated with his near-neighbor at Hagley Park, William Shenstone.

His life was detailed by Samuel Johnson's Lives of the Poets series, published in 3 volumes between 1779 and 1781. In it Dr Johnson states 'His last literary production was his "History of Henry the Second," elaborated by the searches and deliberations of twenty years, and published with such anxiety as only vanity can dictate. The story of this publication is remarkable. The whole work was printed twice over, a great part of it three times, and many sheets four or five times. The booksellers paid for the first impression; but the changes and repeated operations of the press were at the expense of the author, whose ambitious accuracy is known to have cost him at least a thousand pounds. He began to print in 1755. Three volumes appeared in 1764, a second edition of them in 1767, a third edition in 1768, and the conclusion in 1771.

Andrew Reid, a man not without considerable abilities and not unacquainted with letters or with life, undertook to persuade Lyttelton, as he had persuaded himself, that he was master of the secret of punctuation; and, as fear begets credulity, he was employed, I know not at what price, to point the pages of "Henry the Second." The book was at last pointed and printed, and sent into the world. Lyttelton took money for his copy, of which, when he had paid the pointer, he probably gave the rest away; for he was very liberal to the indigent. When time brought the History to a third edition, Reid was either dead or discarded; and the superintendence of typography and punctuation was committed to a man originally a comb-maker, but then known by the style of Doctor. Something uncommon was probably expected, and something uncommon was at last done; for to the Doctor's edition is appended, what the world had hardly seen before, a list of errors in nineteen pages. Each volume is 11.5 inches x 9.25 inches x 2 inches  read more

Code: 22555

475.00 GBP

The Lanes Armoury & Bookshop. Military Based Books, Historical, Biographical, Reference, & Fictional. From Ancient to Modern 1st Editions & Autographed.  We Are Now The Last, Original, Antique Bookshop in Brighton.

The Lanes Armoury & Bookshop. Military Based Books, Historical, Biographical, Reference, & Fictional. From Ancient to Modern 1st Editions & Autographed. We Are Now The Last, Original, Antique Bookshop in Brighton.

Since the very sad closure, after too many decades to recall, of our friend and colleague’s antique and secondhand bookshop Colin Page, just around the corner in Duke St. we are one of last of our kind, selling antique and modern books locally.
Although, fortunately, there are still just a few new, vintage and as new bookshops [and one comic shop] still remaining. We specialise in Ist Editions by such as Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill, Charles Darwin, John Le Carre, Ian Fleming, and Rudyard Kipling.
With or without dust jackets, autographed copies especially desired. We have £25,000 awaiting for another Signed Ist Edition Charles Dickens Christmas Carol. We regularly stock thousands of books, but as they are our largest individual selling item, many under just £10 to £50, they come and go so fast that individual listing is too impractical. But we do list on this website a good selection of our 1st Editions and specialist books.

If you require a military, or historical book, either antique or modern, please email a request, stating; title, author, and publisher [if known].

Large quantity book purchases [over 30 volumes] can attract discounts wherever possible. We specialise in hardbacks, both for reference or the study of history, and 'coffee table' books. We also specialise in rare medieval books, leaves from the versions of illustrated Book of Hours, signed Ist Editions, autographed books and manuscripts, and Incunabula [ volumes printed before 1501]

During lockdown we offered a unique drop off and sell and drop in and collect no contact service at our farm. It was incredibly popular many driving from as far north as Birmingham. It was easily our most popular trade during those months, showing just how eager those isolated could reward themselves with an ample supply of well needed reading material. Some buying or selling up to 50 books at a time.  read more

Code: 22457


A Most Rare, Circa 1822, Brown Calf & Morocco Leather Bound Volume of 'The Stranger in Brighton'  &  Baxter's Directory. Compiled and Published by  by J.Baxter of North Street Brighton

A Most Rare, Circa 1822, Brown Calf & Morocco Leather Bound Volume of 'The Stranger in Brighton' & Baxter's Directory. Compiled and Published by by J.Baxter of North Street Brighton

These fabulous English Georgian period pocket directories are a wonderful snapshot of the inhabitants of the town, and it brings to life the characters and history of this extraordinary resort, made famous just a few years earlier by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Baxter’s Stranger in Brighton and directory : comprising a brief, yet comprehensive historical and topographical account of the town, and immediate neighbourhood ...Published circa 1822 by Baxter & Co. North St, Brighton [Only a few hundred yards from our shop in the Lanes]. Finely bound in light brown calf with calf spine and red Morocco leather and gilt title. The directory contains I. An alphabetical arrangement of inhabitant householders. II. An alphabetical arrangement of the professions. III. A list of coaches, waggons, carts, etc. Plus interesting tales of Brighton and its history and sights and places of interest. A wonderful and informative volume. According to J.H.Farrant Directories are an important source of information for studying the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth. For the family historian they help to identify the residence of individual people within narrow time limits; for the social historian they can indicate the internal structures of communities; for the economic historian the relative and changing importance of occupations and industries may be revealed, whilst the historical geographer can plot the spatial distribution of those activities. In few instances are directories undoubtedly better in quality of information than other sources: census enumerator’s tallies are more comprehensive and probably more accurate for identifying individuals; rate books can be much preferable for discovering the distribution of occupations and businesses; and so on. But directories have the indisputable advantage of being printed and published books.
Brighton is a seaside resort on the south coast of England which is now part of the city of Brighton and Hove, in the county of East Sussex, in England.
We are likely Brighton’s oldest gallery owners & family traders. And or over 100 years we have been based in the world famous area Of 'The Lanes' of Brighton, which is located in he very centre of Old Brighthelmstone [Later re-named Brighton]

Brighthelmstone, was recorded in the Domesday Book, the Norman detailed record of almost 1000 years past, of every city, town village and hamlet in England.
A town considered so important by our South Easterly neighbours, the French, that they sailed over the channel and burnt us to the ground.… at least twice.

Archaeological evidence of settlement in the area dates back to the Bronze Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods. The ancient settlement of "Brighthelmstone" was documented in the Domesday Book (1086). The town's importance grew in the Middle Ages as the Old Town developed, but it languished in the early modern period, affected by foreign attacks, storms, a suffering economy and a declining population. Brighton began to attract more visitors following improved road transport to London and becoming a boarding point for boats travelling to France. The town also developed in popularity as a health resort for sea bathing as a purported cure for illnesses.

In the Georgian era, Brighton developed as a fashionable seaside resort, encouraged by the patronage of the Prince Regent, later King George IV, who spent much time in the town and constructed the Royal Pavilion in the Regency era.
4.75 inches x 7.25 inches. It mentions in the title page a map and three engravings, but in this deluxe calf leather binding [they were initially sold in simple grey board] there are no engravings or any indication they have been removed.  read more

Code: 21263

450.00 GBP

LA CAMPAGNE D'ITALIE DE 1859. CHRONIQUES DE LA GUERRE. Par le Baron de BAZANCOURT, appele par ordre de L'Empereur a la armee d'Italie. avec le plan du champ de bataille Magenta Vol 1

LA CAMPAGNE D'ITALIE DE 1859. CHRONIQUES DE LA GUERRE. Par le Baron de BAZANCOURT, appele par ordre de L'Empereur a la armee d'Italie. avec le plan du champ de bataille Magenta Vol 1

From the Library of the Royal Artillery Shoeburyness

French book with fine leather binding with gilt tooling. With page foxing throughout, and a fold out map of the battle [photo of map to be added].

The Battle of Magenta was fought on 4 June 1859 during the Second Italian War of Independence, resulting in a French-Sardinian victory under Napoleon III against the Austrians under Marshal Ferencz Gyulai.

It took place near the town of Magenta in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia, a crown land of the Austrian Empire, on 4 June 1859. Napoleon III's army crossed the Ticino River and outflanked the Austrian right forcing the Austrian army under Gyulai to retreat. The confined nature of the country, a vast spread of orchards cut up by streams and irrigation canals, precluded elaborate manoeuvre. The Austrians turned every house into a miniature fortress. The brunt of the fighting was borne by 5,000 grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard, still mostly in their First Empire style of uniforms. The battle of Magenta was not a particularly large battle, but it was a decisive victory for the Franco-Sardinian alliance. Patrice de MacMahon was created Duc de Magenta for his role in this battle, and would later go on to serve as President of the French Third Republic.
LA CAMPAGNE D'ITALIE DE 1859. CHRONIQUES DE LA GUERRE. Par le Baron de BAZANCOURT, appele par ordre de L'Empereur a la armee d'Italie. avec le plan du champ de bataille Magenta

Review published by the New York times on April 17, 1860
This work has just been completed It is a complete, clear, and admirable history of the Italian campaign of last year, -- written with special regard to military accuracy, and yet with great spirit and literary ability. It is by far the best history of this remarkable chapter of current events which has yet been written. The author in his preface disavows all pretensions to write a history, -- and professes to give merely a report of events, leaving the estimate of their importance, and their bearings upon the fortunes of the several countries most directly interested, to be made by others. He aims solely to rehearse incidents, -- to "present those great military exploits still fresh and alive with the noble emotion of the engagement, -- to trace the living drama on the fields of battle, -- to accompany, day by day, hour by hour, step by step, those intrepid battalions thrown so suddenly upon the field of battle in the name of the holiest of causes." He has performed his task with fidelity and ability, and claims as its special merit that he has not made a single statement without having for it the most unquestionable authority. Indeed, he has introduced throughout citations from official documents, and has collected in the appendix all the dispatches relating to the war.
New York Times April 17, 1860
The Battle; An overwhelming majority of the French-Piedmontese coalition soldiers were French (1,100 were Piedmontese and 58,000 were French).

The Battle of Magenta was fought on 4 June 1859 during the Second Italian War of Independence, resulting in a French-Sardinian victory under Napoleon III against the Austrians under Marshal Ferencz Gyulai.

It took place near the town of Magenta in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia, a crown land of the Austrian Empire, on 4 June 1859. Napoleon III's army crossed the Ticino River and outflanked the Austrian right forcing the Austrian army under Gyulai to retreat. The confined nature of the country, a vast spread of orchards cut up by streams and irrigation canals, precluded elaborate manoeuvre. The Austrians turned every house into a miniature fortress. The brunt of the fighting was borne by 5,000 grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard, still mostly in their First Empire style of uniforms. The battle of Magenta was not a particularly large battle, but it was a decisive victory for the Franco-Sardinian alliance. Patrice de MacMahon was created Duc de Magenta for his role in this battle, and would later go on to serve as President of the French Third Republic.
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Code: 24591

165.00 GBP

English Seamen By Froude. English Seamen in the 16th Century, Lectures Delivered at Oxford Easter Terms 1893-4

English Seamen By Froude. English Seamen in the 16th Century, Lectures Delivered at Oxford Easter Terms 1893-4

A superb green leather bound volume, with Morocco leather title and gilt tooling to the spine and covers, bearing a large gilt tooled crest on the front cover. New impression with illustrations 1907. Longmans, Green, and Co., London

From Sir John Hawkins to Sir Francis Drake's defeat of the Armada. The great British maritime heroes of legend, principally during the reign of Good Queen Bess who was well famed for her fondness for English seamen.

James Anthony Froude FRSE, 23 April 1818 – 20 October 1894) was an English historian, novelist, biographer, and editor of Fraser's Magazine. From his upbringing amidst the Anglo-Catholic Oxford Movement, Froude intended to become a clergyman, but doubts about the doctrines of the Anglican church, published in his scandalous 1849 novel The Nemesis of Faith, drove him to abandon his religious career. Froude turned to writing history, becoming one of the best-known historians of his time for his History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Inspired by Thomas Carlyle, Froude's historical writings were often fiercely polemical, earning him a number of outspoken opponents. Froude continued to be controversial up until his death for his Life of Carlyle, which he published along with personal writings of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. These publications illuminated Carlyle's often selfish personality, and led to persistent gossip and discussion of the couple's marital problems.

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Code: 24583

125.00 GBP

Perfect for The Original Artefact Collector of the Napoleonic Wars. A Superb Napoleonic Wars Issue 1807 Army List, in Contemporary Red Morocco, Showing All the Army & Royal Marines Current Serving Officers. Collated a Year After the Battle of Trafalgar

Perfect for The Original Artefact Collector of the Napoleonic Wars. A Superb Napoleonic Wars Issue 1807 Army List, in Contemporary Red Morocco, Showing All the Army & Royal Marines Current Serving Officers. Collated a Year After the Battle of Trafalgar

Printed and published in 1807. Beautifully bound in red Morocco leather with gilt tooling embellishment throughout, naturally aged and most beautiful. Also it is an essential piece of original history, perfect for officer research of all currently still serving Napoleonic Wars British Army and Royal Marines officer's during 1806 and the start of 1807. The 1807 Army List in contemporary red morocco showing the Army and Royal Marines just a year or so after the Battle of Trafalgar. In stunning original condition, it is also showing with a small pencil notation it was purchased by the previous owner around 30 years ago for £ 295. This can be removed if required.

A List of all the Officers of the Army and Marines on Full and Half-pay: with an Index: and a Succession of Colonels. printed by the War Office, February, 1807. 8vo.
848 pp. Superb contemporary full straight grain crimson morocco gilt with dark green title label, in gilt, ARMY LIST 1807, original boldly marbled end-papers, all edges gilt, an excellent and handsome copy in a very fine binding, with very minor wear at extremities, the gilding still bright, hinges sound and the the text block tight and little used, This edition shows the composition of the army during the Napoleonic Wars. The Marines List is very useful to those interested in the naval history of the period as it is printed just a year after Trafalgar. This type of fine crimson binding with gilt decoration was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries with senior military men, popularised by the libraries of George III and the Royal Dukes.
This volume shows the officers of the King’s Army and the Royal Marines as listed just months after Nelson’s great victory at Trafalgar. Comparing this list with the one for 1800 we note an increase in size of over 100 pages, reflecting the increasing size of the army during the Peninsula campaign against Napoleon’s forces. There are now 104 numbered infantry regiments compared with 92 in 1800.  read more

Code: 24582


A Beautiful Full leather Bound,  'Cawnpore' by George Otto Trevelyan Published by Macmillan and Co., 1899

A Beautiful Full leather Bound, 'Cawnpore' by George Otto Trevelyan Published by Macmillan and Co., 1899

1899 reprint, fourth edition, Macmillan and Co. (London), 5 x 7 1/4 inches tall, green full leather bound, gilt crest to front cover, five raised bands and gilt-lettered red leather label to spine, blue marbled page edges with matching blue marbled endpapers, 280 pp. Slight soiling, rubbing and edgewear to covers. the binding is quite solid.1902 presentation bookplate to front pastedown from Cheltenham College, a private prep school in Gloucestershire, England. A very good to fine copy - clean, bright and unmarked. An account of the siege, mutiny, and massacre of British men, women and children at Cawnpore (now Kanpur) during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, taken from 63 depositions of witnesses, a narrative by local lawyer Nanukchund, Captain Thomson's Story, and local government records.

The siege of Cawnpore was a key episode in the Indian rebellion of 1857. The besieged East India Company forces and civilians in Cawnpore (now Kanpur) were unprepared for an extended siege and surrendered to rebel forces under Nana Sahib in return for a safe passage to Allahabad. However, their evacuation from Cawnpore turned into a massacre, and most of the men were killed. As an East India Company rescue force from Allahabad approached Cawnpore, 120 British women and children captured by the Sepoy forces were killed in what came to be known as the Bibighar Massacre, their remains being thrown down a nearby well in an attempt to hide the evidence. Following the recapture of Cawnpore and the discovery of the massacre, the angry Company forces engaged in widespread retaliation against captured rebel soldiers and local civilians. The murders greatly embittered the British rank-and-file against the Sepoy rebels and inspired the war cry "Remember Cawnpore!".  read more

Code: 24550


A Wonderful Collection of Cowper's Evocative Poetry. Stunningly Bound

A Wonderful Collection of Cowper's Evocative Poetry. Stunningly Bound

A wonderful size pocket edition. If there was ever a single poet who should be read by every higher education student Cowper is the one. Poems by William Cowper of the Inner Temple. In two books, within this single volume of 480 pages. Printed for Longman and Co. Paper Ex Libris label of L E WEIR. George Cowper was an English poet and hymnodist. One of the most popular poets of his time, Cowper changed the direction of 18th century nature poetry by writing of everyday life and scenes of the English countryside. In many ways, he was one of the forerunners of Romantic poetry. Samuel Taylor Coleridge called him "the best modern poet", whilst William Wordsworth particularly admired his poem Yardley-Oak. He was a nephew of the poet Judith Madan. The stages of William Cowper's life: forced into a career in the law that he did not want, forbidden from marrying the woman he loved, and insensed by certain religious and political views of his cousin, can be found within the lines of his verse. His words very much encapsulate the zeitgeist of the late 1700s. The religious tone of The Task, its domesticity, and its treatment of such topics as slavery and consideration for animals, are all anticipated themes associated with the evangelical revival which began in the late 1780s. The clash between Cowper's horror at his cousin's theories and his sense of family and personal obligations unleashed a great burst of creative energy. In the four months from December 1780 to March 1781 Cowper composed 2700 lines of verse, moral satires, in pentameter couplets. This portrait of a man divided particularly demonstrates the conflicting nature of the era. In decorative full calf bindings. Externally beautiful with most handsome tooling with only a little wear to the extremities. Generally very bright and clean with just occasional light spotting on the last two pages. 5.25 x 3 x1 inches approx.  read more

Code: 19925

135.00 GBP