Many, Many Thousands of Historical Books Available, From Early Incunabala, First Editions, Early Antique Publications, Plus Vintage, Modern, & Second Hand.  With Up to 50 New Additions Every Day. Many, Many Thousands of Historical Books Available, From Early Incunabala, First Editions, Early Antique Publications, Plus Vintage, Modern, & Second Hand.  With Up to 50 New Additions Every Day. Many, Many Thousands of Historical Books Available, From Early Incunabala, First Editions, Early Antique Publications, Plus Vintage, Modern, & Second Hand.  With Up to 50 New Additions Every Day.

Many, Many Thousands of Historical Books Available, From Early Incunabala, First Editions, Early Antique Publications, Plus Vintage, Modern, & Second Hand. With Up to 50 New Additions Every Day.

Price shown below for illustration purposes only, of our starting price of our second hand {specialist military or historical} hard-backs.

Almost 20 years ago The Lanes Armoury, Bookshop Dept. made a special appearance, with a most kind and complimentary reference, in “The Sunday Times Culture Magazine’, especially its specialist bookshop section, in March 2006, and we continue to trade in our specialist books as much now as we did then, despite the demise of many of Britain’s fine bookshops.

Mark’s interest in historical books was partly honed by his good school friend, with whom he shared a study at college in the 1960’s just into the early 70’s, Robert Foyle, of, probably, the world’s most famous bookshop family, Foyles of London. We cannot begin to emulate Foyles, {who could!} but we do have many thousands of books, early antique and vintage, and as books are our largest single selling line we have just too many pass through our hands to even begin to list them all in stock, but we do try to list all our 1st Editions if possible.

Please email us if you seek a particular item you don't see available. We are, as usual, actively seeking rare old books with a historical interest. A short time ago, for one example, we had an urgent request for a very rare and valuable 50k+ gbp numbered & signed subscribers edition of "The 7 Pillars of Wisdom", by T.E. Lawrence, and we eventually located a superb one, after a 10 year search. and it was sold by us within hours.

The price shown below is an illustration of the average price of one of our regular modern, hardback, second-hand, historical or militaria books, of course our antique leather bound books can vary in price enormously from £50 to £5,000, depending on age, but more importantly, on rarity

Code: 23677

15.00 GBP