Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment

Autograph Photo Martin Kuehne Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment

Martin Kuehne
Luftwaffe Hauptmann Commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-Regiment 2, awarded his Knights cross on 29 February 1944. Martin Kuehne (1 November 1918 - 25 March 2003) what a highly decorated Major in the Fallschirmjager during World War II . The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross is awarded to recognise extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership.

Major Kuhne's Awards and decorations;
## Parachute Shield Badge (28 April 1940)
## Iron Cross (1939) ## 2nd Class (18 May 1940)
## 1st Class (18 May 1940)

## Ground Assault Badge of the Luftwaffe (26 May 1943)
## Honor Goblet of the Luftwaffe (7 October 1941)
## Medaglia d'Argento al Valor Militare (9 February 1942)
## Eastern Front Medal (16 July 1942)
## Libya Medal (11 February 1943)
## German Cross in Gold (23 July 1943)
## Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 29 February 1944 as Captain and commander of the I./Fallschirmjager-regiment 2
The campaigns he took part in were; ## Crete
## Battle of the Netherlands
## Battle of Crete
## Operation Barbarossa
## Victory of Leningrad
## Second Battle of El Alamein
## Italian Campaign
## Gothic Line Offensive

The Fallschirmjager Knights Cross winners between 1939-1945 are totalling 133 recipients.

1 was awarded in Norway
were awarded in Normandy
10 in Belgium
13 in Holland, early and late war
1 at Corinth
27 in Kreta
4 in Afrika
40 in Italy
8 on the Eastern Front
2 in the Ardennes
6 within the borders of Germany at the end of the war
Out of the 133 recipients:
69 were also awarded the German Cross in Gold
6 were awarded posthumously
20 recipients were KIA
1 was executed after the war
3 were killed in accidents
3 died from wounds received in action after the event
1 was a pilot. This autograph photo was given personally by Major Kuehne, detailed on the reverse and signed twice, dated 1991. On October 23rd 1942 the second battle of El Alamein was launched, German and Italian forces started their retreat from the area on 3rd November.

The British 8th army began to push the Axis forces westward through Egypt and Libya into Tunisia. The Allied high command decided on a plan to trap the Axis forces by landing a force into French North Africa and pushing Eastwards, while Montgomery?s 8th army pushed westwards and then northwards into Tunisia.

German paratroops had been in North Africa since July 1942 when Major General Bernhard Ramcke?s Fallschirm Brigade arrived to take part in the battles at El Alamein. His brigade consisted of 4 battalions, the 1st battalion commanded by Major Kroh, 2nd Battalion commanded by Major Baron von der Heydte, 3rd Battalion commanded by Major Heubner and the 4th Fallschirm-Lehr Battalion comanded by Maj Burkhardt. It gave a good account of itself in action but was almost destroyed in the fighting around El-Alamein and the retreat afterwards and many of his men were lost in the general surrender of May 1943. The remnant of his unit were reformed into part of the new 2nd Parachute division in 1943. Excellent condition.

Code: 20793

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